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Chapter 5: Sparring

|3rd POV|

Two fighters get inside the arena. Master Utsushi, the young hunter's trainer, looks at the arena. He did not want to disrespect Elder Fugen, but he still had his doubts. That is why he decided to make a sparring season for today's lesson.

He looks at the stranger, Terry, for a second and looks at his weapon. He frowns a little when he sees him take a Heavy Bowgun instead of other weapons. A hunter needs to have a main weapon, but they also need to know how to use other weapons as well. That is the basic knowledge of how to become a hunter.

Sparring is different from hunting. Using a long-range weapon is not good, especially when he fights against Tsukuyo, the brightest student he has.

He sees Tsukuyo walk with her favorite weapon, a switch axe.

Many people underestimate her when she chooses that weapon because of her small body, but she proves them wrong.

He doesn't want to play favorites but knows Tsukuyo will win this fight.

"Are you both ready?"

Utsushi looks at both of them and sees them nodding.

"Very well! Start!"

He uses a wirebug to fly up to the podium, where the others watch the fight. When he lands, he sees Terry run forward with his weapon. Utsushi is confused about what he is thinking, the same with Tsukuyo.

Seeing Terry running at her, she changes her weapon into its sword form and prepares to fight at close range. However, when Terry reaches a certain distance, he points his weapon to the ground and presses the trigger.

The recoil of the weapon lets him jump high into the air and point his Heavy Bowgun at the young woman underneath him.

Terry smirks and presses the trigger once again. He fires four bullets at Tsukuyo, who jumps away and prepares to run forward when Terry needs to reload. However, as she landed, she did not expect her opponent to be ready to fire more bullets.

Master Utsushi widens his eyes when he sees how fast Terry reloads his weapon. Another reason why he thinks that Tsukuyo will win this fight with ease is. Reloading a Heavy Bowgun takes time, and only some who have been using this weapon for decades can reload that fast.

"He is a prodigy in Heavy Bowgun."

"Bwahahahaha! It looks like you are also impressed by him, Utsushi!"

The ninja jumps a little when he hears that voice. He looks to the side and sighs a little when he sees Elder Fugen standing beside him. Sometimes he wonders if Elder Fugen is a stealth-based hunter. However, he shakes his head because he remembers how loud the elder is.

"How is it? He is not bad, huh?"

Utsushi looks at the arena and sees Terry keep firing his weapon and making sure Tsukuyo is far enough from him.

"Yes. His movement is like lightning. It is rigid but powerful. He can only move one way, but it is so fast that he can create a distance between himself and his enemy."

"Bwahahahaha! He managed to kill Mizutsune, who was five meters long and one and a half meters tall."

"Really? Can you tell me his history? I know Rondine found him floating in the sea and brought him here. However, other than that, I don't know anything."

"We found his ID card. He is a soon-to-be hunter from the capital. He, his classmates, and his teacher set sail to an isolated island to do their final exam. However, they get ambushed by Mizutsune, and it takes them all to kill that monster. In his desperation, Terry manages to get the killing blow."

Utsushi looks at the arena in silence for a few seconds and says.

"Do you believe his words?"


Elder Fugen says it without hesitation and makes Utsushi sigh in relief. He hesitates to teach Terry all he knows, but when Elder Fugen says he believes the young man, Utsushi will do his best to teach him all.

"Very well. I will trust him just like you trust him."

"Thank you. That is all I ask."

Utsushi nods and looks at the arena.

"Hmmm, it looks like Terry is starting to lose his momentum."

"En. Just like any Heavy Bowgun user, stamina is their biggest enemy. Carrying that heavy weapon will take a lot out of you. Combine it with the ammo and his armor; he cannot last long in a fight."

While Utsushi and Fugen think Terry has started losing stamina, it is far from the truth. The reason why he is slowing down is that he notices something. The longer he watches Tsukuyo fight; the more knowledge gets inside his head.

That is why he decides to prolong the fight and watch Tsukuyo use her all to fight him.


Terry snaps from his thoughts and raises his weapon to block the incoming attack. He grunts a little at the impact, and if not for his new upgrade from the company, he would fall to the ground and maybe break some of his bones.

He quickly kicks her away and jumps away far enough so he can reload his weapon. He fires five quick bullets when he lands and starts running forward while reloading.

When he is close enough, he presses the trigger and releases the bullet from his weapon.

Tsukuyo jumps to the left, but sadly for her, it is not a normal bullet. As she dodges to the left, she gets hit by the bullet and gets thrown from the impact.

"Spread Bullet?!"

When she lands, Terry quickly jumps at her and stands on top of her with his Heavy Bowgun pointed at her. She can feel how hot the barrel is from the constant firing.

"Never think that a Heavy Bowgun uses only one type of ammo, dear."

Terry smiles at her and sees her blush a little at his word.

"Winner! Terry!"

When he hears that word, Terry puts away his weapon and transforms it into its idle state. After putting away his weapon, he offers his hand to Tsukuyo, who takes it and uses it to stand up. Both of them then look at Master Utsushi, who jumps down from the spectator seat.

"Great fight, you two!"

"Thank you, master."

"Thank you!"

Tsukuyo and I bow at his praise.

"Tsukuyo, you are doing great! You have a great reflex and the power to use your Switch Axe perfectly. However, you need to spread your awareness a little bit more. Terry often uses his surroundings to make you stumble and give him an opening to attack you. The last thing is what Terry was saying is true. You cannot think that a Heavy Bowgun user only brings one type of ammo."

Tsukuto nods and takes a small notebook out. She writes what master Utsushi said. Leaving Tsukuyo alone, Utsushi looks at Terry and says,

"As for you, as a Heavy Bowgun user, you generally have the same weakness, stamina. I will push your stamina training further than the other students. Other than that, you did not have anything wrong other than being too reckless. However, I will forgive you in this situation because it is sparring instead of hunting. However, I expect you not to be that reckless in real-life scenarios. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master Utsushi!"

"Good. Then, you two can take a break. The other will start their spar."

Tsukuyo and Terry look at each other momentarily and walk away from the arena together.

Fangrove Fangrove

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