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66.4% Naruto: Skill Copying System / Chapter 85: Karenbana's Resistance!

Chapter 85: Karenbana's Resistance!

A/N: Before reading this chapter, you need to understand that this is only fiction and you should not try any of these scenes in reality. Though, you can certainly roleplay this if you have a willing partner.

Any similarities with any real event is purely coincidental, and everything in this chapter was made up from scratch.

With all the shit I wanted to do with Karenbana, using a hotel room isn't the answer. However, I've yet to get a secret place, so I rented one to stash Karenbana for the moment.

Inside of the hotel room, I threw Karenbana onto the bed, and ran my fingers over her slender arms. Her petite frame was so fragile; I couldn't help but whisper "What a delicate body."

"It's too bad I'm going to break it." I commented as I activated my Byakugan. What ensued was the lock of all of Karenbana's chakra points. It was only natural for me to do this because it prevents the incapacitated ladies from fighting back after they wake up.

I also took away Karenbana's ninja bag and threw it at the corner of the room. Furthermore, my hands slid all over her body to check if there's any hidden weapons.

Once all of that was done, I couldn't wait any more. I had inhaled a bit of the concoction no.4 and my penis was raging hard. Right now, I'm like a dog who's ready to ravage a bitch who's in heat.

"Time to trigger my first skill copy, my little sleeping doll!" I creepily said as my hand transformed into a claw aiming for Karenbana's jaw and cheeks; My nails dug into her face. I grabbed them and dove down to suck on her lips.

Karenbana's lips parted like silk curtains, parting to reveal a soft pink mouth, inviting me in. The kiss is like honey, soft and sweet, like a midnight orchid, and I forcefully sucked her mouth nectar until there's nothing left.

I had taken her nectar, but I wanted to take more from her! So, I brought out her tongue and began to suck on it too.

Was it weird that I'm doing this? Yes, but I've done much weirder stuff…

When her tongue went into my mouth, I bit on the flesh and twirled my tongue around her. Her tongue had the blonde taste of honey, vanilla, and avarice. She was as sweet and intoxicating as bad liquor.

"Mmmh!" If one didn't know that I'm violating Karenbana at the moment, they would think that I'm feasting on a delectable plate of food…

But while I was doing this, my penis protested by twitching nonstop. It's been waiting for so long to enter a hole, and I wasn't letting it in.

"Guess it's time to make you feel good." I said to my hardened penis as I brought my penis up to Karenbana's cherry lips.

I grabbed her silky white hair with one hand and with the other held her head with my firmest grasp. With all of my power I forced my penis into her mouth; her mouth opened like a frightened flower and my penis entered into her wet and moist mouth.

I was violating this small and petite girl's mouth as she slept, thrusting back and forth to let her oral cavity pleasure my cock.

It felt good, but I wanted to do more, so I made one big thrust so that my cockhead could block any air that could enter her mouth. Right on my tip, I could feel her uvula teasing my ejaculation hole.


Suddenly, Karenbana's voice sounded and she bit down with her mouth! Although she was affected by the aphrodisiac, and her pussy was still pulsating like crazy, she still had some clarity in her mind.

She knew that she was being raped, and she wanted to resist, but her whole body wasn't responding right. She also couldn't muster up any chakra.

But despite the fact that her limbs couldn't move as she wished, there's something that she could still move… her mouth!

Hence, she bit down as hard as she could on the cock that was inside of her mouth. She wanted to completely bite off the dick of the person who violated her! If possible, she would devour the attacker's penis too so that he won't ever see it again!

"That fucking hurts, you bitch!" I reacted very quickly and held her mouth open when I felt Karenbana biting my penis. I had made the wrong judgment about her knockout period.

But even though I reacted fast enough, Karenbana was still able to have a pretty decent crunch on my penis.

She didn't manage to bite it off, but her teeth did sink into it, and blood began to come out and drip into her mouth.

Karenbana did want to keep biting, but her momentum was completely stopped by the strength of the person on top of her!

"I was hoping to be cordial, but I guess you just couldn't help but mess things up for us both huh?" I said to Karenbana as I slowly pried her mouth open to release my penis from her teeth.

My penis was still bleeding due to Karenbana sinking her teeth into the base of my penis. If I wasn't fast enough to stop her, she would've completely bit off the thing.

I looked at Karenbana as if I'm looking at a dead woman, and I held her face with all the strength from my left hand. My knees had already pinned down her arms. I know that she currently wouldn't be able to move her arms due to my Gentle Fist, but I still pinned her down regardless.

I wanted to quickly heal my penis, so I bit into my right arm and activated Heal Bite.

In an instant, the blood dripping from my penis had stopped, and the flesh also recovered without a hitch.

"Why–!!" Karenbana struggled to speak, but she only managed to utter one word because it's hard to talk due to her mouth being squeezed.

"Because I wanted your pussy!" I loosened my grip and used my other hand to rip off her pants and underwear. What was revealed was her cunt that had a nice little white carpet on top.

"No, please don't do this!" Karenbana begged… but her body said otherwise. Her pussy was already very wet, and it's just waiting for any penis to enter.

"You think I'll stop just because you asked me to!? HUH!?" I moved down her body and pressed my burning erection against the delicate entrance of Karenbana's tight little pussy, then without hesitation I thrust with all my might. My throbbing member inched its way in further and further, until her cunt was filled to the brim with my flesh of meat.

"AHHH!!" Karenbana screamed in pain because she had never done this before. Blood seeped from the vagina and dripped down onto the bed sheets.

"Blood for blood!" With a feral growl, I grabbed her shoulders and tore open her shirt with a vicious rip. My teeth glinted in the room's dim light as I opened my mouth wide and sunk them into her petite breasts like an animal, filling my senses with the salty sweetness of her nipple skin.

My teeth dug eagerly into her supple right nipple, making her gasp with pain or pleasure as I mercilessly gripped its twin between my fingers. I squeezed with increasing force until she writhed beneath me, savoring the sensation of agony and delight that blended together in a sublime harmony.

"No..! No! No!!!" Karenbana was insistent on not letting the enemy win. She struggled and struggled again, and finally… She was able to regain some control of her arms.

So, she controlled them to grab onto the hair of the person who's sucking on her cute little nipples! She then yanked it as hard as she could.

"You dumb bitch!" I said angrily as I punched Karenbana's stomach after she pulled my hair.

"Uargghh!!" Karenbana's eyes dilated when the punch was given to her. She didn't have any chakra to defend, so she became wheezy.

Karenbana was out of it, so I kept fucking her tiny pussy. When I withdrew a bit, the lips of her vulva opened wide to show the light pink flesh beneath. They came together again, leaving a streak of wetness behind. The walls of her vagina clung to me with each thrust, squeezing my penis until it almost hurt.

"P-please!!" Karenbana begged once more, but she still tried to claw her way out by trying to scratch my face.

"If you'd just stop resisting, then you'll be enjoying this already!" I squinted my eyes as my hands reached for Karenbana's neck.

Since she didn't want to stay still, then I would make her stay still.

Both of my hands wrapped around her small neck and began to squeeze. I could feel her pulse beating frantically in my grasp, like a caged bird desperate to escape.

The room became utterly silent except for her gasps and the wet thrusting between my penis and her pussy hole.

Time seemed to stand still as I held her in my grip. I felt the warmth of her skin against my fingertips, the rise and fall of her chest as she desperately tried to breathe. I looked into her eyes and what I saw was unmistakable – fear, confusion, and a hint of something else. Something that felt like understanding.

The moment felt both impossibly long and incredibly short – both a lifetime and the blink of an eye. Then, finally, I released her.


Karenbana greedily took in some air as she heaved heavily. All the while, her pussy was still being raped by the boy on top of her.

"Please… no more…" She said… hoping that she wouldn't be choked any more.

However, the boy's hand suddenly wrapped around her neck once again. What's worse than experiencing asphyxiation once… is to experience it again and again and again…


Karenbana's full XXX photos are now on Patreon!

There'll also be a poll to see if she'll be kept or not. The original plan was to kill her off after using her, but I get that some of you may want to see her again.

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