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100% Gamer Emperor of the Multiverse / Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Alt POV

Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Alt POV

Camp Halfblood was in utter chaos. 

A new hellion had arrived and in no time at all. She Who Must Not Be Named with the help of an utterly vicious, cunning, and cruel younger child of Athena named Brianna had begun a reign of terror within the camp.

Their leading peers and stronger members of the demi-god camps? The leading child of Ares in Clarisse La Rue of that generation was drowned by She Who Must Not Be Named within sewage water... She was covered in so much filth that even days later, the children of Apollo had to wear Hazmat suits to come close enough to treat her sick form.

The older campers knowing She Who Must Not Be Named was a child of the Big Three and more specifically the daughter of Poseidon had no choice but to respect her, not only for her status as a daughter of the sea god. But the simple fact that she was stronger than they were.

From day one Andromeda Jackson had worked herself to the bone in gaining strength. As she was well aware that the fact that she lived was entirely at the whims of gods that at best were apathetic to her existence. So she had quickly bonded with the child of Athena who Jake Barriss also escorted to the camp but a single of week ago.

And Brianna quickly showed Andromeda the ropes of living in Camp Halfblood even if they were separated via Andromeda spending some of her time doing Poseidon cabin duties at times.

"No! No not the vinegar and hot sauce!" A male voice cried out cutting through the communal mealtime and then all the camper's eyes went dull as they stared with dead eyes at their food an anguished screech cut through the surroundings before going abruptly silent as Chiron the Centaur and trainer of heroes sent a solemn prayer to the Olympian's above to save the poor demigods in this camp.

And then a couple moments later pathetic sobs rang out along with a dull grinding noise and Chiron groaned seeing Andromeda and Brianna dragging a son of Hermes by his feet with each lady dragging the older teen by a foot. And once the two ladies dragged the boy to the Hermes table. Andromeda leaned in close to the Head Counselor of the Hermes Cabin in Luke Castellan and said bluntly. 

"The next person to try to steal my underwear in some kind of dare by you Hermes fucks... Gets stabbed by a cursed dagger. I swear it on the River Styx." She swore with her thick Brooklyn accent coming out in force with how angry she was.

The handsome blond-haired counselor raised up his hands in surrender even as he cringed as thunderstruck from above as Andromeda's swear upon the divine river of the Underworld was written and held against her soul.

Even Chiron actually sunk his face into his hands hearing how fierce the child of Poseidon was... And in reality, what could he do to her should another Hermes member try another one of their famed panty raids to train their thieving skills against other demi-gods and of course the protections the very gods laid around their target's cabins.

But Chiron coughed out loudly and clapped his hands making the would-be heroes look up at him in hope! In desperation for their savior from the terrible hellion that was Andromeda Jackson that Dionysus thought was just fucking hilarious with how she didn't give a shit about any of the rules of the camp.

"Young heroes! It is at the end of the month. And as per tradition, we will be hosting the Capture the Flag Wargame tomorrow. As you all know this time it was supposed to be the Hermes Cabin leading their Cabin and allies versus the Ares Cabin and their own allies... But Lady Artemis and her Hunters have decided to join the Camp this weekend due to the extremely large surge in monster numbers in the area... For obvious reasons." Chiron finished and threw a glance at the blank-faced Andromeda.

And the wisest Centaur couldn't help but wonder if Thalia hadn't been made into the massive pine tree that acts as a lynchpin to the camp's borders. If the camp would have the same higher number of monsters trying to get into the camp with such a powerful demigod in the area acting as a beacon to their endless hunger.

So Chiron spoke out loudly with a wry smile coming to his face. "We will be facing Lady Artemis's huntresses tomorrow as they will pull back from their hunts... I just hope that this time you all can work together, to break the camp's terrible losing streak of five hundred and twenty-seven losses in a row!"

Andromeda looked around seeing the various Olympian tables filled with demi-gods cringe at Chiron's wish and she couldn't help but wonder about the Huntresses of Artemis so as Chiron was telling everyone the parameters for the game and what part of the forests it was going to take place in. She looked over to Brianna who was sitting behind her at the Athena table which was behind her own.

"Brianna... Why has the camp lost to Artemis's hunters for like a literal century without a single win?" She asked bluntly and Brianna snorted with several campers grimacing at her blunt question but either way, Brianna answered blandly.

"The hunters of Artemis are the Handmaidens of said goddess. She grants them enhanced physical bodies, magic, and some aspects over her domain of the hunt. And finally, she makes all her huntresses ageless so they no longer age while within her service giving them a form of immortality." Brianna explained bluntly and then a younger boy of Athena piped up enthusiastically to share his knowledge

"And all those blessings in return for remaining chaste from that moment onwards as becoming one of her hunters will turn a woman back into a 'maiden' as Lady Artemis regularly saves young women in trouble who come from a terrible situation."

Brianna sent the young boy a nod of appreciation as she took a drink and then continued as Andromeda made a face about the remaining a maiden part. "So the Hunters are often much more talented and skilled in direct combat due to Artemis's direct blessings to make them hunters of demigods and monsters alike. To say nothing of the possible decades if not literal centuries they will have over us in combat experience. And not to mention the literal magic they can pick up from around the world as they follow Lady Artemis on her hunts."

In the end, Andromeda tilted her head to the side and asked curiously. "So does Art... I mean does the Hunt Goddess hate men or something?" She asked but then reminded the very first lesson that Jake and others gave her in that names had power... And naming a goddess and why they were negatively thought about wasn't smart at all.

A cough rang out and the pretty boy Hermes counselor whom Andromeda didn't like for how fake he looked actually spoke up with some wisdom that Andy didn't consider as she was still learning all the Greek myths which were 'factual' or just completely wrong.

"Lady Artemis is a goddess of maidens... She doesn't particularly hate men, she even respects many and once actually came close to... You know with Orion." Luke said leadingly making a hush fall across the camp and then a loud voice broke through the mess hall.

"And what would a demi-god boy child who has never met my lady goddess, and only has the accounting of storytellers from ages lost know of the true tale of Orion?" A powerful voice spoke out and Luke Castellan went pale white as standing behind him was a woman in a silver parka glimmering as though the moonlight was endlessly cast upon it.

With Andromeda idly noticing even as her hands slowly dipped to her own sides to her cursed daggers that besides the bow in the beautiful woman's hand, she was also armed with several wicked hunting daggers and a short sword on her side.

Thankfully Chiron came to Luke's rescue who had no answer with Chiron rising from his table in his Centaur form with his own bow strapped to his back but there was no hiding the divinity within the powerful bow on the centaur's back. "Zoe Nightshade, it is most welcome to see you again. I assume your hunters have already settled in within your goddess cabin?" He asked kindly to the leader of Artemis's hunters and Andromeda took in this 'Nightshades' appearance.

And she couldn't help but think... How inhumanly beautiful she was with no scars or any forms of blemishes that didnt detract from her appearance and honestly she didn't believe for a second that this 'Nightshade' was a demi-god at all.

Not after how she had seen Jake's kitsune partners and lovers, And disregarding her crushes... Harem she knew for a fact that this 'Nightshade' wasn't a child of Aphrodite as the only thing they were good for was being monster bait as their flesh was more tasty than even her own as a child of the big three!

Either way with no answer to her thoughts she went back to her food while wondering what Jake was doing... Did he miss her yet? She only got enough Drachma's from doing chores to call her mother to let her know she was fine but she hoped Jake was thinking about her. 'Hmph, I bet he is wishing I was there... I got some control over my water powers now and even my minion Brianna is getting strong with her super smarts and learning magic!' 

But just as her eyes glazed over and she began fantasizing about fluffing those fluffy ears and tails a cough broke through thoughts and she blinked as that olive-skin-toned beauty had moved to all but stand over herself.

"Yes?" She asked simply raising an eyebrow.

And in response, Zoe Nightshade looked at the assembled demi-gods watching their interaction with their full interest before her lips twitched and she said bluntly. "Can I have a minute of your time elsewhere?"

Andromeda raised an eyebrow but knowing everyone was paying entirely too damned much attention she stood up and followed the Hunter of Artemis out of the communal eating hall once they got a good ways away from the hall and approached the silvery moon-themed cabin of Artemis, Zoe Nightshade turned around and looked at Andromeda with clear interest that put her on edge.

"Andromeda Jackson correct?" Zoe asked with Andy nodding a bit stiffly as she hid her disdain of being called by her full first name by some random woman that unnerved her. But regardless with the confirmation being made Zoe laid a hand on her chest and spoke seriously. "Then Andromeda Jackson, have you considered joining the Great Hunt, to be free of mortal aging and truly gain strength to control your life!?" 

Andromeda's face actually full-on twitched hearing her full name again and then Zoe's words hit her... She was being invited to join the Hunters of Artemis right now. And honestly... The only thing she could think about.

Was the fact that she was still half a foot shorter than her mother... And so truly small in comparison to Jake. 

In the depths of her imagination, she imagined herself in that silver hunting outfit, and then when meeting Jake as she went onto a great hunt, taking down the evil monsters that wanted to eat the flesh off their bones... And Jake just casually laying a hand on her hand after five years of being separated and saying something like. "Wow, Andy... You are still fun-sized."

That thought... The thought of being forever stuck as a short stack fun-sized bundle of short queen rage at her size and people always using the top of her head as a fucking arms rest... She refused!

Andromeda Jackson puffed up her chest and with zero hesitation answered honestly and with no room for discussion. "No! I am going to become taller... So I cannot be frozen in time at this time." 

Zoe's face twitched as she looked down at Andromeda Jackson who looked to be some sixteen to seventeen years old from her body development and she couldn't help but ask. "Andromeda Jackson, aren't you already fully grown? I can tell you are yet still a maiden on the cusp of true adulthood but still, you have at best an inch left in your growth?" She asked in honest confusion.

Hot rage ran through Andy at hearing the utter heresy coming from the witch standing in front of her and combined with the damned way she kept using her whole name she finally lost control of her temper and snapped back. "No fuck you! I refuse to be shorter than my own mother! And besides... I want to have a family at some point!"

There was a heat of anger in Zoe's eyes at being so callously told to get fucked but hearing Andromeda's desire for family she finally sighed and nodded in understanding. "Fine, I understand... My lady is the goddess who believes in chastity and Maidens first. But she also bears the domain of childbirth so with the earnest heart to deny the Goddess Artemis's invitation with the excuse of desiring to extend your bloodline."

"Neither I nor my goddess will take offense to your refusal... Andromeda Jackson, I will meet you on the battlefield during the capture of the flag and show you the power you will be missing." Zoe finished with her parka flapping almost like a cape as she whirled around and walked back into the Artemis cabin.

Andy couldn't help but help but feel her annoyance at being called her full name boil over and she shouted at the retreating back who was walking into the cabin. "Call me Andy dammit! Quit using my full name like you are trying to win a game of Yahtzee!"

And in response, Zoe looked back over her shoulder with a hint of something in her eyes as called back challengingly. "Then earn the right to a nickname child of Poseidon... Or does your lack of stature also match your martial will?" 

Andromeda Jackson's eyes went dull as a harsh thrumming built up in her stomach as she tapped into her domains of her father and with a loud clicking noise the door to the Artemis Cabin was closed as Zoe Nightshade closed the door behind her and Andromeda had one thought in her mind.

'I am fucking going to drown this bitch tomorrow!' She mentally howled as she walked with her small hands balled up in fists as she walked back over to the communal dining hall.

She was going to win this fucking game. Even if she had to beat all of the Ares and Athena kids into obeying and working together for a change. And woe be to anyone who denies her, her vengeance!


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