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Chapter 24: chapter 24

"Could you please show me the way?" Jeanne asked the soldier, even though she already knew the way to the castle. It didn't take long for her to reach her destination. Upon entering the castle, Robert greeted her personally and said, "So, shall we go in?" Jeanne followed Robert into the castle.

Robert and Jeanne finally reached the table where they had met before with Rémy. As they took their seats, Robert seemed tense and restless, while Jeanne maintained a calm and confident expression.

Without beating around the bush, Robert got straight to the point: "Jeanne, I need to talk to you about something important. Do you trust Rémy?" Jeanne promptly replied, with a conviction that seemed to come from the depths of her soul: "Yes, with all my being. Rémy is a loyal friend and a man of trust."

Robert seemed surprised by Jeanne's response, but he didn't let it affect him and asked another question: "But are you sure you can control him? He can be a little... impulsive, sometimes." Jeanne visibly became irritated with the insinuation that Rémy could be a problem and slammed the table hard, making a loud noise: "Control him? Why would I control him? Rémy is a human being who won't do anything to anyone without reason, and doesn't need to be controlled by anyone! Stop being paranoid, Robert!"

As she spoke, Jeanne seemed increasingly agitated, her words coming out in a loud tone of voice and her expression becoming more and more aggressive. Robert, on the other hand, tried to remain calm but couldn't hide his concern about the situation. The tension between the two was palpable, and it seemed that at any moment the discussion could turn into something even more explosive.

Robert leaned towards Jeanne, keeping his voice calm and his gaze gentle, as he tried to explore what could be a delicate issue. "I understand that Remy is someone very close to you, perhaps even more than a friend. But I have to ask, do you think it's normal for someone his age to kill an entire army without feeling any remorse?"

He knew that Jeanne had a special relationship with Remy, and was worried about not offending her. But at the same time, he couldn't help but think about the moral implications of such a brutal act.

"I don't want to be invasive, Jeanne. But I'm sincerely curious about what you think about this. Does Remy have any justification for what he did, or is he simply unable to feel empathy for others? I would like to hear your opinion, if you don't mind."

Robert tried to convey empathy and respect for Jeanne's perspective, but also made it clear that the issue was important to him. He hoped that his friend could understand this and open up for an honest conversation.

Jeanne was clearly irritated as she responded to Robert: "We're in a war, Robert, and I believe you've also killed people. But I'm not here to judge your actions. You just want me to confirm that I can control Rémy." Her eyes burned with anger as she stared at Robert.

Robert remained silent for a moment, studying Jeanne's furious expression. Finally, he spoke: "I'm trying to protect France from Rémy's immense strength. He can destroy entire armies without any effort. Who knows if he won't try to turn against us?"

Jeanne snorted, her eyebrows furrowing even more: "I can guarantee he'll never do that without a good reason."

"So he needs a reason?" Robert questioned, looking directly into her eyes.

Jeanne's response came quick and furious: "I don't understand what your goal is here!" She stood up abruptly from her chair and walked away, her heavy footsteps echoing through the room.

Robert stood up too, determined to continue the conversation. "I just want to ensure the safety of this country, Jeanne. And the truth is that Rémy may be a greater threat than the English."

Jeanne turned to face him, her eyes shining with anger. "Rémy has feelings, Robert. He can be hurt, just like any of us. But he's not cruel the way you think. He would never do anything out of control."

The tension in the room was palpable, emotion overflowing from every word. Robert knew he was dealing with a delicate issue, but he also knew that the security of France was at stake.

He tried again: "I understand he's your friend, Jeanne. But sometimes we have to make difficult decisions for the greater good."

Jeanne looked at him, her hands trembling with anger. "Don't ask me to do that, Robert. Don't ask me to betray someone who is so important to me."

Silence hung between them for a moment before Robert finally spoke: "I don't want you to betray Rémy, Jeanne. I just want you to understand that the security of our country is important. We need to be prepared for any eventuality."

Jeanne sighed, the anger subsiding a bit. She knew Robert was right, but it was still hard to think about betraying her friend. "I understand," she said finally. "I will do what it takes to protect France. But I hope you know that I will never do anything to harm or betray Rémy."

As Jeanne walked towards the exit of the castle, Robert remained silent, lost in thought. Although anger was evident on Jeanne's face, she never once considered betraying Rémy, even if it meant going against her own ideals. Her loyalty was unwavering, and she would defend him tooth and nail, no matter the cost.

Jeanne left the castle and was immediately called by name. It was Rémy's voice. She recognized the concerned and inquisitive tone in his words. When she looked in the direction of the sound, her eyes met Rémy standing near the entrance of the castle.

She did her best to hide her anger, knowing that Rémy was sharp enough to pick up on any sign that something was wrong. "Yes, Rémy?" she answered, trying to stay calm.

Rémy analyzed his friend and realized that something was wrong. "Is everything okay?" he asked, with a hint of concern in his voice.

Jeanne made an effort to control her facial expression and said, "Yes, everything's fine." But she knew that Rémy was a shrewd person and would hardly be fooled.

He continued to question her. "Were you talking to Robert?" he asked, his voice denoting genuine curiosity.

Jeanne became alert and replied nervously, "Y-yes, he had something personal to talk to me about." She didn't want Rémy to know about the conversation she had with Robert, as she knew it could generate a conflict between the two men.

"Hmm, so he's here, right? I'll talk to him," said Rémy, and Jeanne quickly asked, "Why? Do you want something?"

Rémy noticed Jeanne's strange behavior and decided to investigate further. "I was going to ask him to show me someone who knows how to handle a spear. Why are you so weird? Did something happen?" he questioned, with a worried expression on his face.

Jeanne panicked, not wanting to reveal anything about the conversation with Robert. "N-no, it's fine," she said with a trembling voice.

But Rémy was not satisfied with the response. "But why are you so nervous? What's going on?" he insisted.

Jeanne felt cornered and replied, "I'm just worried about you, Rémy. I don't want you to get hurt while handling a spear," she lied, with a tone of voice that sounded fake even to herself.

Rémy furrowed his eyebrows, but seemed to accept his friend's answer. "I only know the basics, or rather, I don't even know that properly. That's why I have to learn better," he said before saying goodbye to Jeanne and heading towards where Robert was.

Jeanne breathed a sigh of relief, relieved to have prevented Rémy from discovering the truth. But at the same time, she felt a twinge of guilt for not being honest with her Rémy.

Rémy entered the majestic castle, followed by one of the servants who led him to the presence of Robert, the lord of the place. Upon seeing him, Robert stood up from his chair with a surprised look and instinctively analyzed the newcomer's facial features for clues. Had Jeanne said something? He wondered.

"Good morning," greeted Rémy politely.

"Good morning, Rémy. What brings you here?" Robert replied, greeting him back and curious to know the reason for the visit.

"I would like to ask for your help, if possible," said Rémy with a determination evident in his voice.

Robert realized that Rémy's request was not trivial and, before answering, he made a point of praising him for his courage and skills in battle. "I am willing to help, since I promised to help Jeanne and you are always with her. I am also glad that there were no casualties in the battle that occurred because of you," he said with a smile.

"That was nothing. Changing the subject, probably Jeanne and I, together with her soldiers, will stay here for at least a month or a few weeks. I would like to know if you can send someone who knows how to handle a spear to teach me," Rémy requested seriously.

Robert was surprised by Rémy's request, after all, he was an experienced warrior and seemed to know how to defend himself very well in battle. "But don't you know how to handle a spear?" he asked, intrigued.

Rémy confirmed, "No. I only use brute force and a little bit of skill."

Rémy's response left Robert even more surprised. "You're telling me you don't know how to handle a spear properly... is that right?" he asked, incredulous.

"Yes, I only know the basics, or I don't even know the basics," Rémy humbly replied.

Robert couldn't help but admire Rémy's frankness and sincerity. He was a warrior with a noble heart, always willing to learn and improve his skills. "I'll be happy to help you. I'll send someone who knows how to handle a spear to train you," Robert promised with a sincere smile.

"Thank you, when will I start? Sorry to ask like this, I just wanted to know," Rémy said with a noticeable tone of anxiety in his voice. Robert promptly replied, "Today, if you're interested." Rémy's anxiety gave way to an expression of relief and satisfaction.

"Great. I have a question, do you mind answering?" Rémy asked, with a calm tone, but that betrayed a certain curiosity. Robert was intrigued by the question and answered with helpfulness, "Of course, if you need help, I'm here."

So, Rémy expressed his concern: "You know, Jeanne left here angry, from what I saw. Could you please tell me what happened here?" He spoke calmly, but his finger tapped lightly on the table, indicating contained nervousness.

Robert realized that the question was important to Rémy and, therefore, answered honestly: "It was nothing serious, she wanted me to do something, but I said it would take time to happen." Still, he noticed that Rémy had suddenly changed his posture. What was once an anxious and relieved man now appeared more serious and focused. Robert didn't know what to think, but he remained alert to any other changes in Rémy's behavior.

"Ah, that was all then." Rémy asked, tilting his head and nervously tapping his finger on the table. Robert could barely concentrate with the sound of the taps reverberating in his mind when Rémy replied: "Yes... It was nothing serious, she just got angry because of that." Rémy tried to appear relaxed, but his blue eyes stared intensely at Robert, as if he wanted to see beyond appearances. Rémy's finger taps grew louder, echoing in Robert's head like an alarm.

"Maybe she's not doing well these days." Robert tried to explain, trying to divert Rémy's attention from his tension. He slid his hand under the table, looking for something to hold onto. But Rémy seemed determined to probe his mind. "Do you remember what I said when we last spoke here?" Rémy asked, looking around the room thoughtfully. "Sorry, I don't remember." Robert replied, struggling to stay calm in the face of that inquisitive gaze.

"I guess I'll have to remind you." Rémy murmured, with an enigmatic smile. "Why are you so alert? I'm your ally, aren't I?" Rémy's question sounded like a challenge, and Robert felt cornered. He wondered if Rémy was really his ally or if there was some other agenda behind his words. The silent room, filled with old paintings and furniture, seemed to close in around them, creating a palpable tension.


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