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Chapter 23: chapter 23

"Are you okay?" asked one of the soldiers, noticing that Jeanne seemed dizzy. Jeanne replied, "Yes, I'm fine." However, as she walked away from the soldiers, she began to feel extremely tired. She had held out until then, but now she was almost losing her strength and almost falling.

Jeanne, who was walking with difficulty, finally arrived home and was too exhausted to talk to Rémy. Without saying anything, she lay down and immediately fell asleep. Rémy, who was going to ask if she was okay, remained silent. He sat down next to her and began to play with her blonde hair. Jeanne was so tired that she didn't even take off her armor.

Rémy ran his fingers through Jeanne's hair, feeling each soft strand sliding under his skin. He couldn't help but admire her and praised her performance that day, "You were impressive today, you surprised me. I didn't expect what you showed me." Rémy continued to play with her hair for an hour or two, enjoying the intimate contact with his beloved.

Finally, he stood up from his seat and grabbed his spear. The rough movements he executed were fluid, but simple. They were the same ones he had tirelessly practiced for three years and therefore were familiar to him. However, if someone with experience saw him, they would be disappointed to see that he did not employ any technique beyond simple attacks.

Rémy continued training for hours, without even thinking about sleeping for a moment. He had to stay awake, after all, Jeanne was sleeping soundly and he didn't want to take the risk of not being present if something happened. Even though he would wake up immediately in case of noise or call, he preferred not to risk and remain alert. Sweat began to appear on his body, but he didn't worry and continued to train hard. However, he knew he needed to find someone to train him properly in the art of handling a spear. His only resource so far was his immense brute strength and his speed, but he knew he needed to develop other skills if he wanted to become a true fighter.

Rémy stopped training when he felt sweat dripping down his body. It was not just a little sweat, it was a lot. His breathing wasn't as labored, showing that this type of exercise was not enough to limit his body and he had surpassed this limit a long time ago. Placing his spear on the wall, he took off at least the top part of his clothes. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Rémy commented, "I need to take a shower." At the same time, he took the opportunity to smell himself and turned his face, feeling the smell of sweat: "Yeah, I really need a shower." To make matters worse, it wasn't just sweat that was on his skin and clothes, but also blood that was spread all over his body, making him exude a scent of sweat and blood. Rémy sat on the ground, leaning against the wall and closed his eyes for a moment, but images of the people he had killed appeared in his mind again.

Remy rested his hand on his face for a few seconds and thought. He tried to think of silly things, but it didn't work. He leaned his head against the wall, thinking about what he had to do to make it stop. He couldn't stop the war. He knew he was very strong and could probably decimate half the English troops, but that didn't mean he didn't get tired. He was still human, even though he was strong and fast. Besides, he had his spear. Remy looked at it and felt it shine in battle, as if it were coming from within him. Was it magic? Remy thought it was highly unlikely.

Remy slowly got up from the ground and walked towards Jeanne, who was sleeping peacefully. He sat down gently next to her, watching her for a moment. She looked so fragile and vulnerable while she slept, and it made Remy feel even more protective of her.

As he looked at Jeanne's serene face, Remy thought about how he felt when he was near her. It was as if a deep calm took over him, as if all the noise and confusion of the world disappeared when they were together. He couldn't exactly explain what it was, but he knew it was something special.

Remy sighed softly and placed his hand on top of Jeanne's, feeling her soft skin under his fingers. He knew he didn't have magic in his body, at least not that he knew of, but he felt that there was something magical around Jeanne. Maybe it was her presence, her energy, or simply her sincere smile. Whatever the reason, Remy was grateful to have her in his life.

He sat there for a while, admiring Jeanne as she slept, until he finally decided to get up and let her rest. But even as he walked away, Remy knew that the feeling of peace she brought him would remain with him, even if only as a gentle and comforting memory.

Remy couldn't stay away from Jeanne for too long. He walked to the stone house's door and leaned against it, still lost in his thoughts. The sun was already setting, and the soft light of the end of the day bathed the landscape around him in warm, golden tones.

Remy stood there for a while, looking at the horizon without thinking of anything in particular. He felt a sense of peace and tranquility spreading through his body, and it made him feel grateful to be there at that moment.

As he watched the sky change color, Remy began to notice the small details around him. He heard the gentle singing of birds, felt the cool night breeze touch his face...

For a moment, everything seemed so calm and serene that Remy allowed himself to just be there, immersed in the beauty of that moment. He knew he didn't need to do anything, or think of anything, just be present and appreciate the present moment.

And so, Remy stood there, leaning against the stone door, watching the stars without thinking of anything in particular, just feeling the peace and beauty of that magical moment.

Remy was leaning against the door, looking at the starry sky when he heard Jeanne's sleepy voice calling his name. He turned around and promptly answered, "I'm here." Jeanne had just woken up and sat in a meditation position. Upon opening her eyes, she noticed that Remy was still covered in blood. "Haven't you taken a bath yet?" she asked, covering her nose with her hand and gesturing to fan the air. "You stink."

Rémy laughed when Jeanne made a comment about him smelling bad. "Jeanne. You smell pretty bad too," he said jokingly. "Take that armor off and go take a shower." Jeanne frowned and retorted, "You're lying, I don't smell." Rémy shook his head, still smiling. "No, I'm not. But if you want, we can play a game to see who takes a shower first." He reached out to her, offering to help her up. "Come on, I'll prepare the bucket with water and a clean cloth for you." Jeanne rolled her eyes again, but ended up accepting Rémy's help to get up. "Okay, okay. I'll take a shower. But then you owe me a decent massage. I'm all sore," she said, heading towards the bathroom. Rémy laughed again and looked back up at the starry sky, grateful to have Jeanne by his side.

"Hmm, Rémy, don't you remember that you promised to get the bucket of water for me?" asked Jeanne, watching the boy's back as he leaned against the door and contemplated the starry sky. Upon hearing her voice, Rémy realized that he had forgotten about the promise and promptly went to get the bucket of water. Meanwhile, Jeanne remained inside the house, examining the second room, which, although small, seemed sufficient for taking a bath.

Jeanne began to undress carefully, removing each piece of her armor one by one. Each movement was deliberate and gentle, as if she were performing a delicate and sensitive dance. Her skilled fingers slid through the fastenings and buttons, revealing the delicate and soft skin that lay beneath the armor.

Rémy arrived with the bucket of water in hand, but his attention was immediately diverted to Jeanne. He watched her with admiration, his eyes traveling over every curve and detail of the warrior's naked body. The air seemed to escape from his lungs, such was the beauty before him.

Jeanne didn't seem to notice Rémy's presence, so focused was she on undressing. When she finally finished, she headed for the small room, unaware that she had been watched. Rémy handed her the bucket of water, but didn't move. He stood there, still, contemplating the image of Jeanne in his mind as if he wanted to keep that beauty forever.

But finally, Rémy moved. He backed away slowly, quietly, and went back to the door, leaving Jeanne alone in her intimacy. He knew that this was an image that would stay with him for a long time.

Of course, he doesn't feel anything sexual, as her body isn't very developed, but that doesn't mean he doesn't find it beautiful. Jeanne shouted in the background, "I saw it!" Rémy turned around and shouted, "Saw what?" Jeanne was standing naked in front of him, taking a shower with the water. Jeanne said, "Dummy, you still ask." Rémy turned back to the stars, but not before saying, "Leave some water for me too, I don't want to go fetch water again."

"The bucket still contains water," Jeanne informed him before leaving to get dressed. Rémy headed to the room and began to undress to take a shower, when suddenly, he exclaimed, "I saw it." Jeanne, confused, asked, "Saw what?" Rémy retorted, "Oh, don't play dumb, you know exactly what." Jeanne couldn't help but laugh as she realized that Rémy had used the words she had said earlier.

"Do you know?" Jeanne wondered to herself, but Rémy was certain he was just pretending, so he took a shower and put on his clothes, which needed to be washed. Jeanne was already lying on her own cloth while Rémy sat down and lay on his own. He was sleepy and soon closed his eyes, not taking long to fall asleep. Jeanne, who was lying down, watched Rémy as he slept, hoping that something would happen, but nothing did, which surprised her. Jeanne was happy to know that Rémy would no longer have bad dreams.

The next morning, Jeanne woke up refreshed, with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. The overnight rest was restorative and she felt ready to explore the city. Stretching her arms lazily, she got up from where she had slept, watching Rémy still asleep. Not wanting to disturb him, she quietly left the place.

As she left, she was greeted by the morning sun, which illuminated her face with a gentle and comforting warmth. The fresh and fragrant air of the city enveloped her, bringing a sense of contentment and happiness. Jeanne then decided to take a stroll around the city, which was already in full swing.

She stopped for a moment, observing the hustle and bustle of the city unfolding before her eyes. Children ran excitedly, vendors tried to attract customers to their shops while passersby hurriedly walked through the busy streets. Jeanne held her hands behind her back, with her long blonde hair gently swaying in the soft breeze.

The people who crossed her path couldn't take their eyes off the young woman, enchanted by her stunning beauty and the aura of calm and serenity that emanated from her.

But the peace she enjoyed in that moment was abruptly interrupted by a soldier who ran up to her, out of breath and agitated. Jeanne raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard her name being called, but maintained her calm and serene posture.

"Miss Jeanne, Mr. Robert wants to speak with you," said the soldier urgently in his voice.


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