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Chapter 22: chapter 22

As he rode towards the location, Robert spotted Rémy emerging from among the corpses near Jeanne. He was astonished since there was no sign of any army present and everyone in sight was dead. The scene left Robert perplexed and intrigued, questioning what could have happened there.

"What the hell that boy said is true. I already believed in Jeanne, but now... it's hard to believe what I'm seeing," Robert described incredulous at the unexpected scene. Jeanne noticed Robert's presence and smiled as she said, "So, I proved I was right!"

Jeanne continued to make faces at Robert, and he began to get irritated with her childish behavior. Desperate, he looked to Rémy for help but only received a smile with no intention of intervention. Robert regretted not believing what Jeanne had said before and was now dealing with the consequences of his actions.

"Oh, damn! Seriously, this had to happen with children." Robert ran his hand through his hair, observing Rémy. Although he was still young, he did not seem affected by having killed several people. Robert noticed that the boy remained calm, as if what he had done was nothing extraordinary. Furthermore, he noticed that Rémy did not present any injuries, even after facing an entire army.

Robert was perplexed to see that Rémy had not suffered any injuries, which seemed impossible. He looked at Jeanne, considering whether she had used her blessing to protect Rémy, as she had previously created a golden barrier against enemy arrows.

While pondering, Robert was called by a familiar voice: "Hey, are you listening to me?" Jeanne asked curiously, already near him with Rémy by her side.

Robert turned to Jeanne upon hearing her voice and asked, "What is it?" She, in turn, asked if he would stay in the location. Observing the soldiers' anxiety, especially Jeanne's, Robert noticed the fear stamped on their faces as they looked at Rémy. He understood that it was not good to have a man capable of easily destroying them, as if they were nothing.

With that in mind, Robert turned to his soldiers and ordered, "Let's leave."

The soldiers, relieved to receive the order, began to move quickly, eager to leave the location. Robert walked alongside Jeanne and Rémy, who followed behind them.

While walking, Robert thought about how he would deal with Rémy. He knew he had to be cautious because the man's power was impressive and could be dangerous in the wrong hands. However, he also recognized the value of having someone with such ability on his team.

Robert decided that he would talk to Rémy later to better understand his abilities and how they could be used in favor of the group. For now, he needed to focus on leading his soldiers safely to the next destination.

When they arrived in the city again, Jeanne seemed exhausted and out of breath. Rémy, worried about his friend's health, suggested that she rest for a while. "Jeanne, you seem very tired. Why don't you rest for a bit? We can meet later to plan our next steps," he said gently.

Robert, who had noticed the change in Jeanne's behavior since the last time they saw each other, saw an opportunity to talk to her privately. "Jeanne, I noticed that you haven't been doing well lately. Can I help in any way?" he asked, showing concern.

Jeanne, a little surprised by Robert's approach, thanked him for his kindness and explained that she was just tired from the long journey and the tensions of the last few days. "I think I just need some rest. But thank you for caring, Robert," she said with a weak smile.

Robert, realizing that Jeanne did not want to delve into the subject, respected her privacy and said goodbye, wishing her a good night's rest. "No problem, Jeanne. I hope you feel better soon. Anything, I'm here to help," he replied before walking away to join the other team members.

Rémy leaned against a nearby wall and looked at Jeanne, concerned. "You look exhausted, Jeanne. Is everything okay?" He asked with a soft voice.

Jeanne looked at him, with dark circles under her eyes and with evident fatigue on her face. "Yes, I'm fine. I've just been training very hard lately. It's not easy to fight in a war, Rémy, as you know too," she replied with a forced smile.

Rémy knows she's hiding something, but doesn't want to press her. He knows her well enough to know she won't talk easily, or maybe she will, but he doesn't want to invade her privacy. "Well, if you need to talk about anything, I'm here to listen. You know that," he says gently.

Jeanne hesitates for a moment, but then sighs and looks at him. "You know, Rémy, I think I need to talk to the soldiers in my group. There are some things I can't share with you right now. I'm sorry," she says with a sad look.

Rémy nods, understanding that there are certain things she can't tell him. "Okay, Jeanne. I understand. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me," he says with a reassuring smile.

With that, Jeanne walks away to talk to the soldiers, leaving Rémy alone with his thoughts. He still leaning on the wall, looking at the people around him, wondering what could be bothering Jeanne. He knows she's strong, but he also knows that war can be very difficult for anyone. He wonders if she's feeling alone or if there's something more serious going on. He hopes she's okay, but he knows that only time will tell.

Rémy closes his eyes for a moment, trying to push the battle scenes out of his mind. But, despite his efforts, the images come back with full force. He remembers the smell of death, the blood that covered his hands, and the sound of the agonizing screams of the people he had just killed.

He sees again the terror in the soldiers' eyes, some begging for their lives, others simply staring at him in silence, resigned to their imminent death. He remembers how their bodies trembled as he struck them with his lance, tearing off limbs and causing fatal wounds. Each blow he struck seemed to echo in his mind, as if a part of him was dying along with his victims.

Rémy suddenly opens his eyes, breathing a little irregularly. He looks around, trying to focus on the present, but the battle images continue to haunt him. He knows that war is inevitable and that he needs to stay strong to fight for Jeanne and his goal. But sometimes, he wonders if all this suffering and destruction is worth it.

Rémy still leaning against the wall, trying to erase the battle images from his mind. He closes his eyes again, taking deep breaths and trying to focus on his breathing. He knows he needs to calm down if he wants to continue fighting.

Meanwhile, Jeanne reaches the group of soldiers, who look at her with gratitude and respect. "Jeanne! We're okay, thanks to you. You're an incredible leader," says one of the soldiers, smiling at her.

Jeanne smiles back, feeling a little better. She knows her soldiers trust her and that she is an important figure to them. "I'm glad to hear everyone is alright. Let's continue training hard and preparing for the next battle," she says with determination.

The soldiers nod, showing their readiness and determination. "Yes, ma'am! We will do our best for our country and for you, Jeanne," another soldier says enthusiastically.

Jeanne, firm and determined, looks at her soldiers and says, "Don't be afraid of Rémy. He is a loyal friend. He already saved many lives in the fort when he fought alone that time. Trust him and his skills."

The soldiers seem hesitant, but one of them speaks up, "But ma'am, we saw Rémy fight against the enemy. He killed an army alone, in a brutal way. We were horrified."

Jeanne sighs, knowing her soldiers are experienced in battles. She replies, "I understand it can be difficult to see, but these are the realities of war, as you well know. Rémy is a soldier like you and knows what needs to be done to protect his people and his nation. To me, he is a hero."

One of the soldiers still looks worried and asks, "But what if he turns against us?"

Jeanne looks at him firmly, "Rémy would never do that. He is a loyal friend and a fervent defender of our cause. Trust me, he will be by our side until the end."

The soldiers seem a little more comforted by Jeanne's words, but are still a little nervous. Jeanne knows they need time to get used to Rémy. But she is confident that, over time, they will become soldiers who trust Rémy.

One of the soldiers approaches Jeanne, visibly disturbed. He says, "Ma'am, with all due respect, Rémy doesn't seem to be fighting for us, for the people, or even for the country. He seems to be fighting only for himself, for his own glory and personal satisfaction."

Before Jeanne can respond, another soldier approaches and apologizes for the interruption. He adds, "I agree with what my colleague said, but I also think that Rémy is fighting for you, ma'am. He seems willing to do anything to protect you, even if it means sacrificing his own life. How can we trust someone who seems so obsessed with one particular person?"

Jeanne is silent for a moment, knowing there is some truth in what her soldiers are saying. She knows that Rémy feels a special connection with her and is willing to do anything to protect her. But she also knows he is a kind person, and fights for a greater purpose.

Finally, she replies, "I understand your concerns, but you need to trust me. Rémy is a good person, who knows what is right and what is wrong. He fights for a greater purpose than just protecting one person. Yes, he feels a special connection with me, and it would be a lie to say that he won't protect you if I am in danger. But he fights to protect everyone close to me, and I am sure of that. I trust him, and I hope you can trust him too."

Other soldiers begin to agree with Jeanne, saying that they have seen Rémy in action and saw that he was only cruel to his enemies. They also affirm that they trust Jeanne and her decisions. Eventually, the soldier who asked the initial question seems to agree with them and says, "I understand what you're saying. I trust you, ma'am, and I will trust Rémy too."

Jeanne smiles, knowing that the trust of her soldiers is essential for victory and for maintaining order when fighting. She knows that Rémy will support her, and that together they will fight for the greater good and for justice.

Jeanne feels a wave of memories flood her mind, as if a movie were playing before her eyes. She remembers that moment with Rémy with incredible clarity, as if it had happened yesterday.

She remembers how Rémy looked at her, with those bright blue eyes full of expectation. He asked if she would run away with him, leaving everything behind, and Jeanne remembers how her heart raced for a moment.

But then, she remembers thinking of the people who depended on her to save them, who needed her help to fight against the oppression of the English. She remembers telling Rémy that she couldn't run away, that she needed to stay and fight.

And now, in that moment, Jeanne realizes how much that decision must have hurt Rémy. She remembers the expression on his face, the hope that turned to disappointment, the sadness that spread across his features.

The dizziness that Jeanne feels is almost unbearable now, but she refuses to give in to it. She steadies herself on her feet, taking deep breaths, trying to control the emotions that threaten to overwhelm her.


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