Some despicable alphas might utter something insensitive such as "Omegas are all the same" and "Omegas are just there to serve in bed and give birth".
The same alphas were bound to shut up as soon as they came across an omega as lovely and elegant as Liu Wenyuan.
At that time, they might say something like "Omegas are creatures of love" and "Omegas are there to be loved and cared for".
On Liu Wenyuan's Initiation Day, the sky was especially blue and the sun was especially bright. It was as if the sun itself was impatient to take a peek at Liu Wenyuan.
Early in the morning, Lady Song was probably the busiest person in Longjing Palace. The second busiest person was Zhang Fengxi, who had to endure as his mother fussed around him.
Lady Song complained a lot about Zhang Fengxi's lacking official clothes.
"We have to get you a few more robes," she wrinkled her nose in displeasure as she fished out Zhang Fengxi's best robe out of the closet.
It was, unfortunately, white with golden embroideries around the wide hems.
"Not good!" Lady Song decided.
White was the color of mourning. What would the entire heaven say if Zhang Fengxi appeared in white to court Liu Wenyuan? The young man himself might not care about his clothing choice, but Lady Song must not be caught dead with an insensible son in public.
In the end, Lady Song decided to rob her husband's closet. They managed to find an impressive blue robe with Longjing Palace's mighty tiger sigil embroidered on it.
"Ooooh look at you!" Lady Song gushed in delight after Zhang Fengxi finished changing.
She personally tied a perfumed sachet at Zhang Fengxi's belt and straightened his silver hair accessory.
Once she was done, Lady Song could not help from admiring the result of her efforts.
"My son is all grown-up now," she sobbed. "Soon, you will take a wife and sire a few children. Sob."
Never mind that having children was a challenge for heavenly creatures in the first place. Zhang Fengxi tossed out a burst of cheerless laughter.
Speaking about children, he unwittingly recalled the little baby that Xie Jianyu gave birth to. He was so tiny and cute. And he had Xie Jianyu's eyes. They had only slept one time with each other, and Xie Jianyu got pregnant right away.
Was it fate?
But then the baby too left the world.
Zhang Fengxi heaved a deep sigh as he paced his spiritual tiger to the Wuyang Palace. What was the use of thinking about Xie Jianyu and the baby now? He needed to focus on what was happening at this very moment.
Zhang Fengxi's trajectory in life was clear. He was going to marry Liu Wenyuan, preserve Liu Wenyuan's pregnancy, and then steer clear from Xie Jianyu. That was all Zhang Fengxi could do for Xie Jianyu.
If everything went as planned, their paths were never going to cross. He was not going to kill Xie Jianyu. And the baby… the baby was not going to exist at all.
It was a good plan, right?
So why was it that Zhang Fengxi's chest tightened when the few thoughts passed through his mind?
In light of Liu Wenyuan's Initiation Day, Wuyang Palace was decorated with pink and red plum blossoms. Ribbons hung from ceilings and wrapped around mighty pillars. The beta maids had flower crowns adorning their heads. Everyone wore either pink or red or dark red.
Zhang Fengxi felt like an oddball.
Once he climbed off his spiritual mount, the mighty tiger shrank into a cuddly tiger cub who caught the attention of the beta maids and servants immediately.
Zhang Fengxi looked around for Liu Wenyuan, but Liu Yichen spotted him first.
"Young man!!" He shouted while slapping Zhang Fengxi on his back. "Heard from Zhiyuan that you are checking out prospective mates. Do you think you are good enough for my dear Wenyuan?"
Zhang Fengxi beamed at Liu Yichen. Was he not good enough? In his previous life, he rose to the supreme general position at the young age of twenty-two years old. Due to his love for Liu Wenyuan, he helped Liu Yichen to complete the many tasks that the Emperor assigned him.
It was not exaggerated to say that Zhang Fengxi was the major contributor to Liu Yichen's success.
Before Zhang Fengxi gave a snarky answer, the crowd was distracted by the arrival of a prominent figure.
"Fuxi Palace Master, Xie Jianyu, has arrived!"
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