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85.71% Sirzechs In young justice / Chapter 6: Passage of time

Chapter 6: Passage of time

Sirzechs pov

Its been eight months in that time a semi decent amount of things happened. Going to city hall I was able to get planning permission after a little mental "persuasion". Initially they didn't want to agree as they thought it would only breed more crimes within their city. However that kinda what I wanted, to rule a small part of the city make it my base and slowly into-great myself within this universe.

After achieving planning permission I began my construction with magic, to hide this fact I simultaneously used illusion to show that it was still constructing with workers and such. After 8 months my own little city was built. There was a gothic mansion within the far right Corner of my land surrounded by high fences with large amounts of greenery for viewing pleasure.. There was, a strip full of nightly activities and still a storage area with warehouses to store products for my clubs as well as help With any other business I wish to create. All of these where walled in so without using once of the four entrances the only other way in is probably the sewers. The warehouse had their own section which had more

Security and such.

The house had five floors, two basement and 3 above ground. It was your typical rich Gotham Manor. However on the inside it was filled with gem stones and jewels. The marvels of being able to create your own materials. There was a library filled with magical tombs in t was most likely the most extensive collection on the planet. A smithy where weapon of

Power Could be made, an alchemy station which could be used to concoct antidotes and poisons, enchanting rituals so make things stronger sharper or even ad rules. Everything one could ever need was in this house. The basement was also a separate dimension, the reason this is so is because I with to summon servants to help run my business so they need a place to stay. As a result I'm building a town inside a pocket dimension.

{Mansion image}

Also due to the large scale construction it attached the attention of a large number of people. Most were genuinely excited about it opening as it be something to do in this god forsaken city.

A lot of the time the construction was taking place I spent It with Albedo, basically doing nothing we'd go to fancy restaurants and I made a name for myself in high society. I had basically become one of the eligible bachelors of the city without releasing it. People were basically trying to sell me their daughters and when I showed no interest they tired it with their sons. I was shocked but quickly cleared up the misunderstanding saying that I wasn't interested in men, I just wanted to build myself without burden, that was the excuse I gave them. In all honesty the men where content with my explanation as well if I succeeded marrying me would be even better for their daughters and most importantly themselves.

During this time my relationship with Albedo progressed she no longer calls me lord or master, well unless she's trying to tease me. However lord was completely of the table.

She now calls me Zechs. It was a nice change and allowed the distance the distance between us to close.

Today however was the grand opening of my clubs and other business so much needed to be done. I had all the licenses necessary, and also built up the image of it with unique liquor which can only be purchased in my businesses.

Walking into the of my basement/ pocket dimension I looked around at the large open area which could only be described as a training field currently. In the distance you could see a town being created out of thin air. A problem I currently had was that I didn't have anyone to work In The clubs, stripculbs, bars ecextra. " I have 125 building to occupy for tonight. So I'll summon 1200 lesser succubus. 300 lesser incubus. 250 ice warriors, 250 fire warriors. That deals with the strip clubs of both male and female, bartenders, waitstaff and also security"

After the summoning they where all surprised as this could be considered a large scale summoning. Although the lesser succubus and incubus where about that of an average human in strength they possess innate charm magic which wouldn't be useful I just need them to fill places and work for free.

The ice and fire demons however where relatively powerful. They would struggle against Batman however that's it unless he pulls something underhanded he wouldn't win.

However their was 2 demons that stood out a fire one and an ice one. You two will be called Hanzo Hasashi and Bi-Han

"Alright everyone, my name is Sirzechs Gremory, and this is my number 2 Albedo Eisheth. You'll all be assigned names and then given jobs. Their well be seniority and such between positions so work hard. Another note succubi and incubi are forbidden from killing anyone through sexual contact, i fact try not to kill people as this is a semi legal business. Anyway that's all I have to say let's have some fun in the human world"

After that I was done I set everyone up and my business ran smoothly for a month the lust demons did their job it made people come back since humans couldn't do it for them anymore, so I gained a steady stream of loyal customers. Even though prostitution is illegal in Gotham, if they have such a good time no one complains at the end of the day, the lust demons love it and so do the customers. I do however make sure they get the job done can't be all play and no work now can we, need a balance of both. Over the month many of Gotham more Christian population wanted to shut down my little play house as they though it was an affront to god since most the the themes where devil, demon, witch and other evil things it doesn't help that most thought I was a sinful place. It was honestly amusing.

Sitting down in my office with a scotch in hand I felt an interesting presence enter my little hole of sin. It was the first person I made a contract with. Barbara Gordon.

Barbara Pov

"9 months I've been in this chair, but it won't change I don't want to be in it any longer! I can't, I wanted to stand by his side, now I'm

Just a voice in Bruce's ear" I couldn't stop myself from crying in the span of 30 minutes of lost most of everything in my life. Mobility, the ability to pursue my love interest, and protect the city I love so much. The list goes on, the worst part is the way my father looks at me, it's not directed at me but himself the contempt he feels, be blames himself. If he never called me over for dinner it wouldn't have happened. I don't blame him it was just a poorly timed event in which he had no control over.

Moving through the living room in my wheel chair I came across my 3 friends sitting around a table with dinner on they where also heroines like I was known as huntress, black canery, and Hawkgirl. Since my incident they moved over to Gotham to help me cope, I am great full but it's still been hard loosing almost everything you enjoy. After dinner and a small conversation which I didn't feel like joining in with I went back to my room where I knocked a strange scroll of my desk " I don't remember putting it their " I couldn't help but mutter to myself, looking at it made me feel it was familiar I knew I'd seen it before, but where?.

Bending down to pick it up I then proceeded to open it. It read " one favour from the devil, Sirzechs Gremory. Redeemable at any time" their was of course what the original deal was, the identities. In my grief I'd forgot what I was owed for it. I could regain my mobility if I use this favour. I started to cry once again. However this time they where tears of joy and hope.

" Dinah, Shiera ,Helena we are going out get ready. " moving back downstairs after getting dressed I had the contract in my bag. The other three their looking confused.

Black canery was the first to speak " we happy that you've decided to do something Barb, so where are we going" the other two looked excited as well.

" we are going to see a man called Sirzechs Gremory." The three look at my stupidity for a moment before the huntress commented " you know he's underaged right, he might own a lot of things within the adult sector but that doesn't change the law in that regard"

With a stupefied look I respond " it's not that you fool!, he owes me a favour. And this isn't a hero outing normal clothes not super suits ! " if I could have kicked the woman I would have.

Turing to look at my they smile slightly as they must have Imagined I regained my fire, in truth it was just a spark. However, it could become that fire once again.

Once the three had changed into more casual party clothes since that was the type of area we where going to we called the taxi. Within 20 minutes the taxi had arrived. Dinah couldn't help but ask. " does he know we are coming? Do you even know where he lives?" At this I was stumped for a moment

" it'll be fine he said he'd see me any time. I also have a signed letter from him. And he's the only person that had a mansion in the devils nest" saying that to lessen my own worries more then anything we continued to go down

" what type of asshole calls himself a devil and even names his home after it, isn't he scared that it will piss of actual demons?" Helena couldn't help but comment. At this I remained silent.

After 30 minutes we arrived in front of the devils nest. Driving through the streets it was littered with scantily clad women, and drunk men of all ages. He really did make a party area within the city and what's more is that it's safe as security guards are constantly patrolling. From the records I've scene crime is relatively low I this area compared to the rest of Gotham. However I attribute it to the wall. It makes escaping hard since theirs 4 access points.

After another 10 minutes we arrived infront of the manor gates the taxi driver turned around and started speaking " are you sure you wanna be…. " just as he was about to finish the gates opened. " told you he was expecting me " I couldn't help but quip. At this the taxi driver laughed nervously.

Driving up the road toward the manor I couldn't help but marvel, he accomplished this in 9 months. He said he would be special the only reason I expected was because it was a whim and my whim proved right.

Arriving at the door I saw a familiar figure it was the woman named Albedo, she was absolutely gorgeous, if not thee most gorgeous person I'd ever scene. After exciting the taxi he quickly drove of leaving us around 10 metres from the woman named Albedo. Just as I was about to speak to her she said " Barbara Gordon, I presume you have come for your favour" at this I couldn't help but nod. " very well master Gremory will see you now"

My three companions where surprised and Shiera commented " I didn't think it be so easy, what favour did you do him?" Going through the corridor I gave her a quickly " I can't say or the deal is void it says I'm the contract, I can tell you he's some kind of wizard though" at this my three companions nod. They begin to become more serious as this was a potentially powerful wizard we where dealing with. I still couldn't understand why he called himself a devil, isn't their only one lucifer Morningstar?

Arriving at the office Albedo nocked and opened it. Walking I saw him sitting at the desk it was him Sirzechs gremory however this time he locked different 8 wings sprout from his back and a crown of horns appointed his head. It was at that moment everthing clicked. " I made a deal with the devil " I couldn't help but mutter aloud.

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