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the Capital

(sorry for the delay I have been editing the previous chapter for a while so there might be some inconsistencies in what new readers and old readers know.)

The white bear previously just standing around ran after the mole to capture it… maybe it would die but Blake needed to learn


Akabaru stood before the gragoa that Blake had managed to keep alive, more so thanks to its though skin than because Blake was careful..

"Were are the rest of you?" No answer came as the gragoa seemed to scared to do anything..

"Where.. answer me!" the gragoa pointed to a cavern where he was found but was to scared to talk..

Akabaru sighed.. "fine lead the way, if we arrive quickly you will get that ruby that you wanted.."

The creature seemed more open at the promise of a reward, than before and nodded his head still not talking..


Akabaru had arrived at a open cavern seeing a desolate city with buildings covering the ground leading to a grant palace…

"Great job.." Akabaru tossed the ruby to the creature, and as he catches it, his head exploded replaced by Akabaru's fist..

"You were not satisfied with him Lord Akabaru?" Aura asked seemingly not finding a reason why to kill the beast.

"He betrayed his friends for a rock, I don't see him worthy to live.." Akabaru explained referring to what Shalltear had reported about how she found them.

"Now.." Akabaru looked at the uncountable amount of gragoa that he could see in a ruined district before them..

"Decide what to do with them… but leave enough alive to repopulate the city if needed, as we still haven't found the dwarfs..

"Understood lord Akabaru." Aura confirmed while Shalltear nodded along

"I will be headed to the castle, report if you find anything important.." Akabaru doubted that they would as almost half of the city turned to ruins with the gragoa inside of it


Akabaru entered the castle and saw something he didn't expect..

In the great hall that he entered countless treasures were mounted up in a pile lying before a great door that had scratch marks all over it.. seeing the lizards that were on the pile explained the scenario..

Dragons had taken over the castle of the dwarfs..

As Akabaru walked forward the dragon situated in the center of the room looked up at..

"Who dares to disturb me the great Olasid'arc Haylilyal?"

The leader of the frost dragons asked

"Mhh around level 50.." Akabaru looked at the Frost dragon seeing the racial qualities of a Ancient Dragon just forming and not yet completely present, indicating that it wasn't complete… "My apologies to you… the ruler of this castle but I am in search of the former residents.. the dwarfs…"

A layer of frost ingulfed Akabaru, making him extremely cold and giving him hypothermia.. he muttered curs words as he grabbed a cloak from his inventory to resist the cold..

A layer of mist clouded his figure as the frost dragon named Olasid'arc Haylilyal laid back down.

Keith started laughing at the arrogance of the dragon.. as the mist faded he could see a somewhat surprised face of the dragon..

"What, did you expect me to turn into a popsicle?" Akabaru taunted the dragon hoping it would be a somewhat balanced fight.

"You pathetic Human!" a claw came from above striking the ground as Akabaru dodged the attack.

"Hoh oho.. do you think you are strong enough to beat me when you can't even open a simple door.." Akabaru stood still waiting for Olasid'arc Haylilyal to attack again.

And just as predicted a tail came flying from the side, but stopped in its tracks as Akabaru caught it..

"Do you want to make this better by getting some of your sons in the mix of things, it might be fair if you did.."

Akabaru was ingulfed in Olasid'arc Haylilyal mouth not expecting the dragon to attempt to eat him and getting angry by being in the mouth of the disgusting being.

Reinforcing his legs with some skills Akabaru stomps on the roof of Olasid'arc Haylilyal head and blasts it open, blowing the roof of his mouth away leaving the dragon only with a lower jaw. As he screamed in agony..

"How should we proceed.. you're all dragons right were is your fighting will!" Most of the dragons in the hall looked scared as they watched Olasid'arc Haylilyal scream in agony.

"We do not wish to fight.." one dragon that had a more feminine voice bowed down as a plea of surrender

Akabaru didn't quite know how to proceed he wasn't a tactical genius and didn't know if he could leave the dragons here to later deal with them so he contacted someone who was..

"Demiurge what is your current location?"

{"Lord Akabaru, I am currently on my own floor preparing some plans for the future, while we plan to take over the lake to the north of us.."}

"Great.. I will send a portal your way, I need you to deal with some captured dragons.."

{"I will await the gate, my lord.."}

Akabaru casted a gate to the seventh floor of the tomb and a couple second later Demiurge stepped out in his classic red suit..

"You wished for me to deal with the captured dragons, Lord Akabaru?" Demiurge questioned as he saw the seen of most dragons bowing before one of his masters..

"Yes.. keep them alive and avoid torture.. except for the one without a upper jaw, do what you want with him.. make him an example or heal him, I trust your judgment.." Akabaru knew deep down that he wouldn't trust anyone he held dear to be with demiurge except for when he specifically knew that nothing would happened but the situation called for it.

"[Bow down. I command you]" demiurge used a skill to force them to bow to the ground.

"Perfect demiurge.. you hold out here, and bring the last dragon to this room, while I will check on the situation outside.." Akabaru reminded Demiurge of the dragon bring the dragon that wasn't in the main hall there to get all dragons together and interrogate them all at once.

Getting out of the Palace Akabaru looked at the blood flowing in the ruins, and regretted his actions of allowing Shalltear and Aura to do it on their own.

Getting to the two of them he sees Blake sitting quietly on the ground not having a drop of blood on him.

"How any are still alive?"

"Eight thousand my lord.. is that good enough?"

"Female's and males?" Akabaru asked just to confirm that they didn't mess up

"Three thousand Males, three thousand females, and two thousand kids.." Akabaru let out a sigh that they didn't exterminate all of them..

"Ok.. there are enough left… but I am unsure on how to manage them.. what do you think Shalltear?" Akabaru shifted his attention to Shalltear who by the looks of things didn't enter a blood frenzy even with all the blood around.

"I think we Should claim this territory under the name of the tomb, and create a empire.." Shalltear came with a interesting idea, he doubted building a empire from within a mountain as while it was a defendable position it didn't have any good trade roads to make it an empire..

"A fine idea Shalltear.. I will send demiurge to take over the capital and collect all the pieces of information, you will guard the gragoa until I come back.. after I am back you will guard me to the dwarfen city.."

"Understood my lord." Shalltear seemed less happy when Demiurge name came up as if seeing that she couldn't manage that part and was only a brute..

Aura followed Akabaru back to the castle leaving Shalltear and Blake to guard the gragoa.


"Have you questioned them yet Demiurge?" Akabaru questioned as he saw the extremely scared look on the dragons faces.

"No I just healed the patriarch a bit until he was fine, but it seemed as though he kept getting injured due to something, but I healed him every time so there is nothing to worry about.." Demiurge explained as Akabaru saw a seen where the poor dragon kept getting slammed into the ground and getting healed again..

"We will make plans to take over the capital in the name of the tomb.. you can use it If you like but it will fall back into the hand of the Dwarfs to help cooperation between us."

"Why would we negotiate with the dwarfs?" demiurge didn't seem to understand giving a city back to those who lost it.

"The dwarfs will e more valuable if they cooperate, and a ruined city is nothing to us." Demiurge saw what Akabaru was planning and muttered

"Buying their allegiance, of course first you draw them in and then we show them what happens if you disobey us.."

"What was that demiurge?" Akabaru was thinking of the books that he had read of the techniques of the dwarves, something called rune smithing, a unique way to enchant invulnerable to collectors like Ainz and maybe even more cost effective than using data crystals.


The book that Akabaru had read was a history book about how the practise of rune-smithing was diminished after new technology was introduced, and how magic casting was on the rise..

As long as they still existed runesmiths could be great for the tomb as it would give skilled blacksmiths the ability to inscribe powerful runes into a object not costing anything other than time and labour..

The technology seemed promising as diversifying was always great and it would protect the tomb from outsiders by making it more difficult to come by.


"Now who here has the most knowledge of the dwarfs?" Akabaru asked to all the dragons in the hall.. but none moved, so he turned to Demiurge giving him a signal to allow them to talk

"[Point to the one who knows.]"

All pointed to the fattest dragon, one Akabaru hadn't seen before and so he asked;

"Who are you dragon, tell me your name and what you know.." the dragon shivered even if he wasn't able to move, being allowed to talk by Demiurge the dragon responds

"Hejinmal, I know much about the dwarfs, their customs and culture, what do you wish to know. Lord?" The dragon sounded meek as if he wanted to run but couldn't because of being restrained by Demiurge.

"Tell me their location!"


At the same time

Countless undead rose from the graveyard of E-Rental as Ainz, better know as momon was one of the first to arrive. Cutting through the hoard as if through butter. And moving further along until he arrived at a crypt where dark mages stood chanting a ritual.


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