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49.01% Halo: Be Human / Chapter 20: Chapter (17) The abandoned facility and a important Meeting? (1)

Chapter 20: Chapter (17) The abandoned facility and a important Meeting? (1)

(Mc Pov)

January 30th 2543













I sit at a desk in my room with nothing but silence and the sound of me loading a magazine of 9.5 x 40 mm armor-piercing rounds. Beside me lays my helmet as I sit already fully decked out in gear. My expression doesn't change throughout my preparation for the mission staying blank and calm throughout maintaining my sharp gaze.

I feel no change in emotions as I run through different simulations of what could happen in my mind. This mission is a bit special, according to the little bit I heard when I was told to go get ready. This mission is something that happened suddenly and required a complete change of plans.

Originally we were supposed to be moving to deploy a contingent of ODSTs to evacuate a scientific research center. By we I mean the 65-ish people aboard this Razor-class prowler which includes 40 ODSTs and me as the effective combat force. Back to the sudden mission change, after we entered the 19 Draconis system and attempted to hail the research station aboard one of the planet's moons. We were met with radio silence. Obviously very ominous in this day in age with the current state of the galaxy.

And that's about all I know I was told about an hour ago to get my gear and prepare for a drop. I am going alone evidently even though there are ODSTs and I am a Freelancer my missions have only solo ops. Mostly because I am surrounded by other ODSTs and well… let's just say the Spartan vs ODST rivalry or whatever it is has been prevalent. Don't get me wrong, it's very one-sided. I don't talk much and am not around them nearly at all except in halls or the gym on board. They predominantly make snide remarks or are annoying pests, nothing physical so I haven't taped them up yet.

However, do not mistake my lack of action for cowardice that couldn't be further from the truth. I understand that there will always be bullies in the universe and there is nothing I can do to stop them. So I really don't care, but don't you dare try that shit with me. I operate on the law of fuck around find out so far the ODSTs haven't crossed the line, but the second they do I will handle it.

Moving on these 9 months I haven't done much except train through hand-to-hand combat, shooting to maintain my absurd accuracy or my new training in the freshly installed flight simulator. I requisitioned that before we were deployed out of Reach as another alternative form of training.

Mainly due to the fact that I found out during training that I have quite the talent in regard to piloting. After I discovered that fact I have been making use of it running through flight simulators like a madman and breaking records across the air force. At this point, I have had years of practice on the simulator and even some real experience from back on Onyx, and am able to pilot nearly anything that flies. That includes Banshees, Phantoms, and other Covenant vehicles all of which are easily flown by me. Once I got to this point my status under Inherent Traits was updated on my system. Reading as follows:


Inherent traits:

-Invictus: Once you have the will and an equally hardened resolve you cannot be stopped. You will not break. You will not turn around. You will either achieve your goal or die trying, because that is just who you are

-Death From Above: After training and capitalizing on your inherent talent for piloting. It has now become something of near-supernatural origin. Because of this, you have practically become the ultimate ace of the skies allowing numerous status effects such as g-force and dizziness to have little to no effect on you.


I think at this point I could verifiably be called the king of the skies or something else just as goofy. Because of my newfound status, I have cut back on the time spent on the simulator and refocused my attention on hand-to-hand combat. My goal is to be able to fight Atriox one on one. I know it's a tall order seeing as he smacked up John after somewhat ambushing him and at that point, John had 20+ years of experience fighting and has higher specs than me…..Now that I think about it that may be a bit of a tall order but a man can dream.


"And done. Ready for action," I say to myself after reloading the BR55HB on my desk. For this mission, I don't exactly know what I am getting into. However, I am leaning towards Covenant because Insurrectionists would usually take hostages and ask for ransom. In this type of event, but seeing as we haven't heard anything I have my doubts.

Which reminds me my loadout for this mission is a BR55HB fitted with armor-piercing rounds because I am expecting Covenant forces at medium ranges as well as the need to most likely conserve ammo. Next up is a personal favorite the M71 SPEAR tactical shotgun chambered 8 gauge magnum that comes in both slug and spread. It's a personal favorite for many reasons.

(Stand in for M71 SPEAR)


First, it has easily enough kinetic energy in each shot to put down practically any walking animal in one shot seeing as each shell delivers 7000 ft*lbf of energy. Second, it holds 12 shells plus 1 in the chamber which is more than the M45 tactical shotgun by practically double. Lastly, unlike the other shotguns in the UNSC arsenal, this one is semi-automatic meaning I don't need to pause to pump the shotgun. Like a wise man once said "Pistols put holes in people, rifles put holes through people, but shotguns take a chunk of shit and throw that shit on the floor", and honestly I gotta dig it.

Lastly, I am rocking the good old-fashioned M6C Socom. It's my old reliable. It will also help me if I need to not make a ton of noise for whatever reason because there is no dimension any suppressors are going to walk on the BR55HB or the M71 SPEAR. But that's ok, each weapon has a purpose and a role. It's not the sword that makes the man but the man that makes the sword.

*knock* *knock*

'She's right on time,' I think to myself, having already guessed who was at the door," Come in," I say, swiveling in my chair to face the door.

In walks a young woman with brown hair and green eyes that looks strangely similar to a certain Spartan researcher. She had a datapad in hand, was wearing a gray uniform for a lower-ranking officer, and was standing in the doorway with a questioning expression.

"Are you ready Tex?" She asks. After a couple of missions, she decided to drop the formal act of calling me Agent Texas and instead decided for Tex seeing as she doesn't know my real name. Sad to say she is practically the only person I talk to with the ODSTs staying away and there only being other crew members intimidated by the big bad Spartan. Of course, it doesn't help when my missions mostly result in me coming back in blood-soaked conditions, but what the hell this is war. Our interactions are mostly contained to missions, but we do eat meals together and every now and then have a chat in the training room.

"Yeah," I say with a nod of my head. Before reaching over and picking up my helmet to carry it. I am not putting it on just yet, instead, I am carrying it between my forearm and waist while gripping the insides slightly with my fingers.

"Then let's go. We have a quick brief, and I don't think you are going to like it," She says, stepping to the side to let me lead the way as we begin walking.

"And why is that Miranda?" I tilt my head slightly with a raised eyebrow while looking in her walking path while asking.

(Miranda Keyes younger…I think)

"Because from what I heard, the Captain decided that your entry to the mission area will be in one of those death traps as you call them," Miranda said with a somewhat playful smile.

"....Great…you really know how to raise morale," I say with a wry look on my face. Knowing full well she's getting a little bit of fun in seeing my reaction.

"I know I figured that it was one of my best qualities. I will be sure to maintain it when I am promoted and continue to inspire the men under my command." Miranda says displaying mock heroism and a prideful aura surrounding her.

I snorted "Please inform me when that happens so I can warn both those men and your father about the difficulties they will face under your command." I then shake my head mourning the future men and women "I truly pity them. If this is how you are now I can only theorize how bad it will be for them. A shame. A true Shame"

We both go silent for a bit before Miranda lets out a laugh and I release a small chuckle as we continue to walk down the hall. We continue to chat nonchalantly to ease either of our nerves that we might have until we reach the bridge and walk through the doorway.

Once inside the bridge, we are greeted with a hologram table. After stepping inside we both stand at attention with our right hands at a salute. While our left hands hold whatever object we were carrying for me it was my helmet for Miranda it was her datapad. I looked straight ahead with a steely-eyed gaze and earnestness written on my face.

"At ease," the Captain said, permitting us to lower our hands out of the salute. He approaches the table and with a slightly apologetic expression says "I am sorry to give you short notice for this mission Agent Texas, but we need your expertise."

My face doesn't change, remaining resolute and sharp ready for anything as I speak "I understand Captain it's not your fault. I am ready to do my part."

"That's good to hear, son." He says before tapping some buttons on the table pulling up a 3-D image of the facility "As of 0900 we have still been unable to get any type of communication from the facility despite our attempts to hail them. Oddly enough we have not heard nor seen any distress signal or alarm as well the building still stands meaning the Cole Protocol hasn't been enacted."

"Therefore I have decided to send you to investigate. Seeing as you have the best skills for a one-man mission and can most likely pull yourself out of any foreseeable danger." He continued "You will be deployed using a Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle. Once you are on the ground hopefully at the projected coordinates you will enter through an elevator shaft meant for supplies, and will free climb to the bottom. Then your mission truly starts with the goal to find the reason for the radio silence. Additional objectives will be provided as you progress when the call is needed."

(Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle)

He finished turning back from the table displaying the mission plans asking a question "Do you have any questions, Agent Texas?"

"Negative, sir." That was all I said in response.

"Very well head to the SOEIV bay for an immediate drop. Keyes, you are to manage him as usual. Make sure he has all the support he needs. I would rather not lose a good soldier." The Captain said after turning to Miranda with a solemn expression.

After hearing the captain I nodded and placed my helmet on my head. Then turned around and walked out of the bridge heading for the bowels of the ship where the drop pod bay was located. All while thinking of the possible ways my luck would screw me during this mission.

"Understood, sir. Don't worry I will make sure he makes it back to the ship in one piece." Miranda stated with a serious expression.

"That's good to hear. I am sure he is thankful to have you as his support." With that, the Captain turned around and walked back into the main bridge.


(3rd Pov)

January 30th 2543

ONI: SWORD Base, Esposz, Reach

Meanwhile in a meeting room on one of the uppermost levels of the private Office of Naval Intelligence facility. There was a table surrounded by the most important leaders of the UNSC known as UNSC High Command (High Com or High COM). On one side of the table sat the 4 heads of the UNSC military branches Kingsley Nola leader of the UNSC army, Lord Terrance Hood leader of the UNSC Navy, Shauna Roz leader of the UNSC air force, and Levi Asher leader of the UNSC Marines. On the other side was Colonel James Ackerson, Senior Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez, Lieutenant Commander Spartan Kurt S-051, and scientific advisor for the Spartan-III program Dr. Naomi Hunter. At the head of the table sat the leader and director of ONI Admiral Margaret Parangosky.

All of which prepared for a long-coming meeting that had been delayed months prior. The purpose of said meeting would help change the future of many soldiers going forward. Yet no one knew that fact just yet.



Woah woah woah that got out of hand so I am back as you can tell finals are out of the way and I am looking forward to the arcs I have planned.

This first mission will lead into the first major arc and the meeting that will be written in the background will have some implications explaining things from the story and dropping some LORE for you guys.

So how's it been did ya miss me?

Anyway if you have any questions drop them here.

The song of the day is "Them Bones" by Alice in Chains

I hope you all have a spectacular day and I will See You Star Side.

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