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68.75% Fate/Poseidon

63) The War has begun

(Author's Note: Continue giving me the Powerstones!!)


Poseidon's Pov

I glanced at the Holy City far away, the time had come for me and my servants to invade the place and kill the Goddess Rhongomyniad, during this time many changes happened due to my intervention from the original plot, firstly I got the Holy Grail from the Sun King Ozymandias that Jalter had forgotten to collect from him. The poor her had totally forgotten about it and, when I reminded her about it her expression was quite funny, though I didn't want to bully her so I just collected it from the place where once the Mighty kingdom of Egypt stood.

The Holy Grail was covered in sand, as if it was no Divine artificat capable of fulfilling any wish including making anyone immortal or granting anyone Divinity, but a relic of the past, forgotten by the fading time. I quickly took it and stored it, After that, I focused on getting the required number of refugees for my quest, and achieved it shortly.

Now, all there is to this singularity is to get rid of the Lion King and her Knights, again I ignored the small group of Assassins, simply because I have no desire to fight their leader, a Grand Assasin, while I am nerfed, I will probably get a reward by killing the only Grand Assassin who is present in this singularity, but again I am not too greedy for extra rewards, when it means risking my potential reward.

Anyway, it's time to end the Knights of the Round Table for good and get over this singularity. Thus, I summoned all the servants in the Throne room, once they appeared alongside the group from the Chaldea, glancing at them I said," As I have said previously, today is the day we battle against the Lord of the End of the World, and her loyal Knights and crush them".

They glanced at me excitedly, Bedivere had a determined look as he glanced at the Artoria standing beside me, I stood up from the throne, looking at the pink-haired shield girl I asked," Is your group ready?", they gave me a nod, Ritsuka suddenly asked me," Lord Poseidon who will look after this haven?", I glanced at him and replied," Well, after we are done with the Lion King and her knights, this singularity will vanish, thus there is no need for anyone else to look after this haven, still the group of people chosen by Artoria will handle this haven during our absence which should be one day long".

Even if he expected this kind of answer, Ritsuka seemed disappointed, probably by the fact that all the people he had met would disappear or get to their original place once this singularity disappeared.

Meh, not that I care, anyway I quickly silent chanted a 9th Tier spell,' Gate ', a stable teleportation spell that creates a spatial Gate connecting two places, theoritically it can create a spatial channel between any two places, no matter the distance as long as sufficient Mana is used in creating the gate to achieve a Spatial channel between the two places. Thus once the Gate appeared, everyone who didn't know about it looked at it a bit startled.

Of course, our Gand Caster on a mission aka orange-haired Doctor Romani didn't forget to appear on a hologram in front of the pink-haired shield girl, aka, Mash, and say," This is a work of a True Miracle, it is an extremely stable spatial channel between two places like a wormhole! ", obviously this made everyone gasp in surprise. They glanced at me impressed, and with reverence in their eyes.

Astolfo asked me," Lord Poseidon?! You are a Magician?!", I glanced at him, it wasn't just me but everyone looked at him with an expression,' Are you stupid? ', after even if they haven't seen my attainments in the path of the Magic everyone here new that I was a Magician, though not the Magician defined by the Clock Tower who possesses one of the True Magics, but rather who can perform True Miracles without possessing a True Magic.

Astolfo glanced at everyone nervously and asked a bit surprised," Is it me only that didn't know about it?", everyone nodded, making him look in disbelief, I chuckled and then went through the Gate, Jalter followed after me, and Artoria as well, after that the rest of them came through the Gate as well, and once all of them have arrived here I closed the Gate.

Then I glanced at the Holy City in front of us, casting a variety of spells using Silent enchantment of myself, I floated a bit above and said," Well, I will try something which should be enough to alert them and make them come out, after that I will leave the battle to you guys", they nodded, Mordred said confidently," Then Leave those bastards, and other me to me Lord Poseidon, and father by slaying those who slander your honorable name I shall prove it to you, that I am worthy of being your heir!".

Artoria glanced at her idiotic son with a sigh and just gave her a small nod, which was more than enough to encourage the Father simp. While this little drama happened, I silent casted the 10th Tier Spell,' Meteor Fall ', and just after a few seconds, a huge meteorite appeared thousands of meters above in the sky, it covered the entire sky above us at it moved towards the Holy City threatening to vaporize it from the face of the Earth. I smirked seeing this and thought,' The game begins now '.


3rd Pov

The servants under Poseidon glanced at the huge Meteorite above them horrified, because the huge meteorite which was burning bright due to the air friction moving towards the Holy City at an extreme pace looked as if it God's wrath had descended on the glamourous city standing in front of them, and this was truer than ever.

Ritsuka, Mash, Da Vinci, Kiyohime, Bedivere, and Hektor alongside the servants under Poseidon except Jalter and Artoria couldn't help but gulp in fear, seeing the terrifying attack that Poseidon had unleashed on the Knights of the Round Table and their King, wondering if they can even survive against this Divine attack that seemed to have the ability to end all of them in a single hit.

But the truth was of course not what they were expecting, as the King of the End of the World, quickly came out of the Throne room, being on top of a white horse that jumped hundreds of meters above towards the approaching adversity in front of her, she unleashed the EX rank Noble Phantasm, the Lance that Shines at the end of the World, Rhongomyniad whose attack manifested as a huge stripped golden cone in the sky, which moved towards the meteroite.

As the two attacks met head-on, an extremely bright light appeared in the sky covering the dazzling everyone below, Even servants were no exception as they closed their eyes to avoid a temporary blindness. Once the bright light subsided they opened their eyes to find themselves inside a thick barrier made by water, and when they looked outside their faces became pale.

As far as they can see the land below them had been destroyed by several meters, and if not for the barrier made by the Divinity of Poseidon even they would have found it difficult to survive the aftermath. Once Kiyohime glanced above at the sky she became astounded," Wh-What is that?", Everyone looked above to find a big hole in the blue sky which showed darkness and starry sky of the space.

In simple words, the clash of the two attacks had created a hole in the atmosphere, though miraculously enough the Holy City still stood proudly without a single dent on its buildings or towers due to the courtesy of the Lion King. The woman in question floated in the sky, sitting on top of her white horse looking at the invaders below her with a scrutinizing gaze.

When her eyes fell to her other self, her face froze, and then her eyes became narrowed and she said," I see, that's the decision you have taken my other self, I thought even if we are not to be completely similar, there will be still a common thing we can agree upon, alas, it was just my wishful thinking", her voice was neither loud nor low, still it was clearly heard by Artoria below her, who summoned her own mount, a black horse, and mounted on top of it.

She replied," Shut up, you who don't even possess the memories of being King of Britain is simply a fake, who is not me yet acknowledges herself as the King of the Knights of the Round Table, let me show you the consequences of dishonoring my name!!", her horse jumped up and started running on the sky as if it was a unicorn and not a horse.

She got on the same altitude as the Lion King, and glanced at her with killing intent, " I see, to think it will be you the biggest thorn in my path to save humanity, it was unpredictable for me, but well then I shall do my duty as God and kill you", she replied, glancing at the Artoria. Suddenly the gates of the Holy City opened as a huge army of soldiers being led by Lancelot and other Knights came out.

They glanced at the servants in front of them and then at the other King Arthur who was on their side with reluctance, they did hear what they had said and had some doubts about whom to help, but it was only momentarily as they could see the other King Arthur too is a different version from what they remember and their loyalty still is towards the Lion King.

(A/N: I will refer to the Goddess Lancer version of Artoria ass Goddess Rhongomyniad, Lord of the End of the World, or Lion King and our Poseidon's lover, Artoria as simply Artoria or king of storms)

Thus, they waited for her orders to proceed with the situation they found themselves in. Goddess Rhongomyniad gave a loud and emotionless order," Attack them, my Knights", As her words reached their ears, they began their assault on the Neos Argonauts. Jalter who was on top of Fanfir snorted glancing at Artoria facing the Goddess Rhongomyniad, and then summoning her Darkened holy flag she said," I, the commander of the Neos Argonauts, on behalf of our Lord, order you all, to kill those knights who speak of Justice!!".

The water barrier protecting them vanished, as Poseidon floated up in the sky creating a bit of distance between them, as he was just a onlooker for most of the part, and the only opponent that needed his attention would be Goddess Rhongomyniad whose terrifying Divinity equal to a High God can be felt by him.

There were reasons Goddess Rhongomyniad who held the EX rank Noble Phantasm Rhongomyniad was way stronger than the Artoria Pendragon, who was the King of Storms, and the Tyrannical King of Britain who held the EX rank Noble Phantasm Rhongomyniad as well. Firstly Goddess Rhongomyniad was obviously a complete Divine being, way above any demi-gods or heroic spirits.

Her Divinity of the End of the World, manifested from the Holy Lance was nothing to scoff off. Poseidon asked the system to let him see her status and was surprised by her status.


Name: Goddess Rhonomyniad(Artoria Pendragon)

Affiliation: Enemy

Mood: Wants to kill her other self, and destroy you.

Strength: A+

Endurance: A++

Agility: B+

Mana: EX

Luck: A

Noble Phantasm: EX

Personal Skills:

Divinity: A+

Authority of the End of the World: A++

Protection of the Ends of the World: EX

Class Skills(Lancer):

Magic Resistance: A+

Noble Phantasm:

Rhongomyniad(Anti-World): EX]

She didn't have many skills and abilities to say but whatever she possessed was extremely strong, firstly her parameters were all A rank, except her agility which too was a boosted parameter, and her Magical energy was EX rank, second highest after Poseidon, secondly her divinity was A+ rank which was higher than the current Poseidon, and since she had this much being a Divine Spirit, it meant as a God she had at least A++ Rank of Divinity and maybe even higher.

Nextly, she possessed an unique Authority, which was quite strong no matter how you looked, and she possessed Protection from the End of the World itself, which was EX rank contrary to Artoria's which was only A rank, lastly she had power to fully unleash the power of Rhongomyniad which was at the level of Anti-World phantasm, no due to it's nature it was an Anti-World Noble Phantasm. It clearly showed that the prowess of the Lion King was infinitely closer to the current Poseidon.

Even then Poseidon wasn't too worried, as Artoria could use spells to boost her parameters way above what Rhongomyniad had, obviously the latter could too be increased her already boosted parameters by a single rank by using her Divinity to strengthen her still, Poseidon who had boosted his parameters on the realm of the EX rank in the past was well aware of the advantage of Artoria who had mastered Ygdrassil Magic to 7th Tier.

Since the Goddess Rhongomyniad didn't have EX Rank Magic Resistance Artoria was at a great advantage again, overall Goddess Rhongomyniad was stronger than Artoria, a excited smile curled up on Poseidon's lips as he was to witness the legendary battle between two Kings of Knights.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: After this, I have only a single stocked chapter, anyway this two chapters mark the end of the chapters to be uploaded this week.

P.S.: I am currently updating my Moshoku Tensei, so you can check it out, though go easy on my older fic. )

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