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41.66% Fate/Poseidon / Chapter 38: Jalter's Win

Chapter 38: Jalter's Win

(Author's Note: Why so less power stones, what you have sent is barely half of what you all used to give me previously. We might lose our ranking like this. C'mon guys what are you all waiting for? Give me those power stones that you are holding, both today's share and tomorrow's. Don't wait for a new chapter to donate them as I upload quite late which results in a lot of you missing the chance to donate me with those sweet sweet, extremely wonderous powerstones.

Anyway, Let me ask you guys, should I do some summary chapters showing Ritsuka's and Mash's exploration of the second and Fourth singularity? A lot of you have never got the chance to see the original material and if you know at least some basic info that can enhance your experience with the other grand order fate fanfics and with this one.

I did not let Poseidon do them from the start as it is pretty much useless for them, and he has no reason to visit those singularities properly. So what do you all think?)


Poseidon Pov

I returned back to my Divine Throne with Artoria, upon my return I was greeted by a happy smile on Jalter's delicious lips," Welcome back, my dear", she said with a soft voice, her hands ruffled my hair with care. "Where are we?", asked Artoria behind us confused by the fact that it isn't the same old mythical realm she is used to.

Jalter glanced at Artoria and her eyes narrowed, with a smile she asked," Are you the new subordinate of, My Lord?", Artoria looked towards me, then she glanced at the woman on whom's lap my body rested. She looked at her and replied," Yes, I am Liege's Knight". I stood up from Jalter's lap.

I introduced Artoria to Jalter first," Jalter, she is Artoria, a lancer version of the Legendary King Arthur and Lord of the Storms", then I introduced Jalter to Artoria," Artoria, she is my first subordinate and my lover, Jalter, the altered version of Jeanne D'Arc". Both of them stared at each other gauging each other's strength and attitude.

I frowned and said," You can do this later by a spar, for now, behave yourself", they remained silent for a bit and then replied respectively," Sorry My lord", " Forgive me for my impudence My Liege", I became satisfied with their replies and their attitude, then I said," Artoria, Jalter let's go, we still have to introduce you to the Godzilla".

"Godzilla?", asked Artoria puzzled, I replied," It is my Familiar and a Divine Beast", hearing that she replied with an 'Oh' voice, then her eyes widened in surprise," A Divine Beast?", she asked me astounded by the fact that I had Divine Beast as my familiar. Jalter frowned seeing her surprised and said," It is that surprising? My Lord is a God so that shouldn't be too surprising I think".

Artoria looked at me baffled and asked," Yo...You are a God?!", hearing that my eyebrows twitched, it would seem she didn't know that I was a Divine Spirit aka God till now. I assumed that she had felt my Divinity and should be aware of this fact but I was proved wrong. I replied in affirmation," Yes I am God, my name is Poseidon and I am God of the Ocean, Water, Earthquakes, and horses, Lord of the Seven Seas, God of the Gods, Trannyical King of the Ocean are my few titles".

She gasped in astonishment and then knelt suddenly," I... I am sorry for my previous actions", she said, I asked her," You have already apologized can I know why are apologizing to me again unnecessarily?", she looked at me with her beautiful light yellow eyes with unconcealed worry and said," I had disrespected a God, a Divine being. I consider such a thing as a grave crime".

Interesting, I didn't know about that, and this is something really surprising considering her tyrannical personality. I chuckled amused and said," Stop with this, It doesn't fit your personality, King of Storms", she blushed lightly and said," Oka..Okay". Jalter meanwhile looked at Artoria with a skeptical look.

We moved outside Jalter's castle and were greeted by the sight of a big black-scaled lizard towering above us, Godzilla looked at me with affection visible in his eyes and roared," Roawarrrr!!", the wind pressure hit us cooling our bodies a bit, Artoria looked at the King of Monsters stunned, and so did Godzilla on finding Artoria beside me.

"Papa? Who is this?", he asked me with curiosity hidden in his eyes, I replied," She is my new subordinate, Zil, her name is Artoria Pendragon", he turned his head cutely and said," So a new Mama?", I chuckled, and replied," You can think of it like that". Artoria blushed hearing my words and then asked surprised," He can talk?". ' Why her reactions are so later? ', I wondered.

I nodded in affirmation and Godzilla roared in dissatisfaction," Father and Mother have taught me, don't consider me a dumb being", he said, Artoria looked at him speechless earning the ire of the King of Monsters," Why you are silent?", he asked, she sighed and replied," I didn't mean to insult you, anyway, I am King of Storms, King of Britain, Artoria Pendragon".

"Oh! You have two titles as a king! Nice! I also have the title of King of Monsters", he said cheerfully, Artoria became silent and then looked at me for help, I said," Learn how to deal with it, Godzilla is one cheerful lad". Godzilla nodded and said," Papa, is right! I am quite energetic, let me show you! Roarrrrr!", he released a magical nuclear breath horizontally away from us splitting the ocean in two till the end of the realm.

Artoria looked at the casual display of power stunned, unable to speak, Godzilla meanwhile looked proudly and at me with anticipation in his eyes, I replied," That was a strong Breath Godzilla, nice job, anyway your current size is a bit problematic, care to get a bit smaller?", it nodded satisfied and then turned into its chibi form.

(A/N: In original Japanese media Godzilla is referred to as a gender-neutral being, and in English movies, as he, but Godzilla's current gender is undefined so I went this route, though I do plan for him to get a gender a lot later on, and well all know what it's true gender is gonna be, till then it will be referred as 'he' or 'it', as why not she when it is going to be a she since it a rule of English to take anything as 'he' with undefined gender)

Then it cutely came at me, I took him in my hands and it rubbed its head against my chest," Roarrr, papa", it said in a cute voice. Jalter looked at Artoria and said," Hey, why don't we spar now?", Artoria looked at the person who challenged her with a desire to prove herself in front of me and said," Sure".

We went ahead on a hundred meters wide flat land I created earlier for the spar, I glanced at the two who were ready for a fight, and Chibi Godzilla excitedly moved to and fro and said," You can do it, Mama!". Jalter nodded and summoned her Holy Flag, Artoria summoned her horse and got on top of it, and summoned the Holy Lance on her hand.

Both of their eyes looked at each with utter seriousness, I waved by hand signaling the start of the spar, and Jalter charged at Artoria breaking the sound barrier and attacking with her Holy Flag, the King of Storms parried her attack easily with her lance, Jalter again stabbed at her and Artoria blocked it.

*Clang* *Clang*

The sound of their weapons colliding filled the area, they attacked each other with ferocity and intent to strike the other down. Artoria had the advantage of being on a mount which made her attack more fluent. The battle continued on like this till the situation changed when Jalter started using her sword.

*Clang!!* *Clang!!*

Artoria had to take a defensive position due to the fierce sword attacks of Jalter, seeing the situation disadvantageous for her she used her Noble Phantasm," Sacred lance, removing restraints, Thrust and feast! Thirteen fangs! "Rhongomyniad". A dark storm attacked Jalter who smirked seeing the approaching adversity.

"All evil is here, and The time for revenge has come, This is the roar of my soul that was polished by hatred...La Grondement Du Haine! ", she chanted, her flag shined brightly and stopped the attack of Artoria at its track, Artoria's eyes widened seeing her strongest attack being stopped that easily and Jalter returned her attack back at her with a boost in its power.

Artoria quickly tried moving away but she wasn't able to escape the range of the attack shot at her, and then the result was as expected, she lay on the destroyed ground after the aftermath of the attack. Her body was bruised and she grunted in pain," Jalter wins", I declared and Jalter looked at me with a look saying, ' Praise me '.

I glanced at defeated Artoria who slowly stood up, her all wounds healed in a blink of the eye automatically,' She is unable to bring forth the full power of the Holy Lance ', I thought. She is the Lancer version of Artoria who escaped the fate of becoming a Goddess and losing all her emotions and nearly all her memories.

But that came at a price, she isn't able to use her Holy Lance to its full extent and her personality has taken a huge turn from the benevolent king doing its best for her people to the one who rules with Tranny. I will need to solve this issue for her somehow in the future. For now, making her learn Ygdrassil magic and improve her raw skills will be enough to cover up most of her current weaknesses.

Jalter came near me and glanced at my hand, realizing what she wants I patted her and she giggled, Artoria came near us as well, she glanced at the person who defeated her in bafflement. Jalter ignored her and focused on my touch, my hand moved towards her soft cheeks and I started rubbing them slowly.

She grabbed my hand and closed her eyes enjoying the moment, Artoria looked at me with an awkward look and coughed garnering attention, she turned towards Jalter and said," I lost, and miserably to make it worse, I must admit I had been too overconfident in my strength", Jalter nodded and said," I have been personally trained into the shape, by Lord, so that is to be expected".

Artoria nodded in understanding completely missing the hidden erotic double meaning in her words, Artoria looked at me and then performed a Knightly bow and requested," My Liege, I know it is too much to ask of you, but please train me to be someone worthy of being your knight", I replied," Very well, then I will train you".

Chibi Godzilla interrupted us and said," Papa, food", his stomach roared mightily making all of us laugh at the situation. I summoned a mountain of fish in front of him, Godzilla salivated, and then jumped on it and started eating it without any care in the world. After that, we decided to have some food as well.

Artoria when tasted the food I created went on an eating spree, plate after plate forming a large tower of plates completely devoid of food. Even Jalter was surprised by Artoria's hunger which seemed infinite with a bottomless stomach. Once Artoria has finished eating 300 plates worth of food she burped satisfied.

Her eyes glistened and she looked at me with affection," My Liege! That was extremely delicious", she gave me a thumbs up showing how much she loved the food, as one would say no matter the world, no matter the class, no matter the version, no matter the size of her chest, Artoria will always be Artoria.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I wrote this chapter taking my full time, I wanted to make it longer but today is one of the days where the school timing is extended by an hour so I returned home around 4 P.M., ate food, took a bath, etc which took me 45 minutes and writing this chapter took me 2 and half an hour.

Anyway, continue giving me power stones to keep my motivation in this fic going, otherwise, I will set a semi-regular update schedule for this and get back on writing my old fanfics. Also, we have lost our ranking in the top 4.

P.S.: I have released the first chapter of the new fic I have stockpiled as a demo, tell me do you like the idea or not?)

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