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Karan shouted as his Sharingan blazed with power. Even though his 'Mangekyo Sharingan' was not activated, the intensity of his gaze was more than enough to strike fear into Danzo's mind.

"Enough of this discussion, Inoichi, one day should suffice for you to present the results of your investigation after probing Uchiha Rin's thoughts, right?" Hiruzen stated.

"Yes, one day should be sufficient," Inoichi replied.

"Alright, we'll reconvene tomorrow at the same time. Inoichi, using your 'Mind Body Transmission Technique,' you will reveal Uchiha Rin's memories just before Takoma left the village," Hiruzen directed.

"Are you agreeable to this, Uchiha Karan?" Hiruzen inquired.

"I have no objections," Uchiha Karan affirmed.

"Very well, today's meeting concludes," Hiruzen announced, signaling the end of the discussion.

Following that, everyone vacated the Hokage building. Inoichi walked alongside Choza and Shikaku. The trio paused upon hearing a voice, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you, the 15th generation of Ino-Shika-Cho."

Uchiha Karan stood behind them. "Hello, Uchiha Karan. Do you need something?" Shikaku asked.

"Yes, I've come to inform you all, particularly to Inoichi that whatever you witness within Uchiha Rin's memories, present it exactly the same way during tomorrow's meeting. Failure to comply will result in consequences you cannot afford," Uchiha Karan warned, then departed.

Inoichi, Shikaku, and Choza exchanged glances. Shikaku stated, "We'll discuss this tonight."


Uchiha Karan's house welcomed two guests: Uchiha Fugaku and his son, Uchiha Itachi. Uchiha Karan sat on a tatami mat, while Uchiha Fugaku and Itachi occupied seats across from him.

"It's uncommon to see you visiting, Clan Head," Uchiha Karan remarked.

"I apologize for what transpired with your father. However, you're aware of his resolute nature; once he makes a decision, he disregards all advice. Plus, most Uchiha Clan ninjas were on the battlefield then, and only recently returned," Fugaku explained.

"I understand, but why did you suddenly decide to meet me?" Uchiha Karan inquired.

"I wished to ask you why you engaged in all this today. Surely, you're not foolish enough to believe the Yamanaka Clan would support you over the Hokage," Fugaku questioned.

"I acknowledge that the Yamanaka Clan staunchly supports the Hokage, but what I want to discern is whether they support the Hokage specifically or Hiruzen," Uchiha Karan responded.

"I see. However, offering your candidacy for the Hokage position as the wager—wasn't that excessive?" Fugaku questioned further.

"Are you living in a delusion, Clan Head? No Uchiha can become Hokage while the current Hokage's faction holds power," Uchiha Karan retorted.

"Allow me to pose this question: when you decided to enter the war independently, were you promised a chance at the Hokage position? Yet, how often were your battle accomplishments discussed or acknowledged in Konoha? Conversely, the moment Minato achieved something, the entire village knew. As for the 'Wicked Eye Fugaku' moniker you gained during battle, that was bestowed upon you by the enemy, not Konoha's people. Hence, I've offered something worthless," Uchiha Karan stated.

Uchiha Fugaku let out a sigh and shook his head. When he initially joined the battle, he was confident in his abilities and believed he could become a strong contender for the Hokage posiyion. Deep within, he understood that his chances might be slim, but he exerted his utmost effort, aiming to have no regrets in the future.

Fugaku then produced a letter and handed it to Uchiha Karan. "This is your appointment letter as the Vice Captain of the Konoha Military Police Force."

Uchiha Karan accepted the letter and replied, "I will commence my duties tomorrow."

"What does life mean to you?" Itachi, who sat beside Fugaku, posed this question.

"I might not fully comprehend your query, but to me, life is safeguarding my loved ones and enabling them to live with dignity. I advise you that intricate answers aren't always correct; sometimes, simplicity holds greater truth. Complex answers to your questions can convolute your entire life," Uchiha Karan answered.

"Thank you for addressing my uncertainty. I will keep your counsel in mind," Uchiha Itachi acknowledged.


In the Nara Clan Compound, during the night.

"What course of action do you think we should take? The decision has become considerably challenging for me today. Not only did I delve into Uchiha Rin's memories, but I also examined all the intelligence Konoha possesses regarding Uchiha Madara's abilities. If Uchiha Karan manages to approach the strength of Madara, then the position of Hokage will hold no significance, and we will be in grave danger," Inoichi voiced.

"Don't fret excessively, Inoichi. Uchiha Karan is likely just posturing," Choza reassured.

"No, he isn't. You must have noticed it too. When he entered Konoha, had the Hokage launched an attack, Karan would have retaliated. There wasn't a trace of fear in his eyes or expression. That indicates he possesses the confidence to stand against the Hokage. Not only that, he possesses the ability to manipulate space, rendering Minato's 'Flying Thunder God Technique' ineffective," Shikaku explained.

"While we share a close connection with the Sarutobi Clan, that doesn't imply we are reliant on them," Shikaku continued.

At that moment, a ninja from the Nara Clan arrived, stating, "Someone has come to meet you, Clan Head."

"Who would visit at such a late hour?" Nara Shikaku pondered aloud.

Amid their confusion, a man entered, employing a hand seal to dispel a transformation technique. It was Danzo.

"Mr. Danzo, you've arrived at quite a late hour," Shikaku acknowledged.

"Yes, I had to. I've come to remind you about your tasks for tomorrow. Before you speak out against us, remember that you have a family to safeguard. Your family resides in Konoha, and this is all I need to convey," Danzo declared. After his statement, he employed the 'Transformation Technique' once more and departed from the Nara Clan compound. The expressions of Shikaku, Choza, and Inoichi were filled with fury and indignation amidst their confusion.

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