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46.84% One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode / Chapter 89: To Observe and Discern #89

Chapter 89: To Observe and Discern #89

One day later


Cedric sat alone on a wooden bench in Grove-1, one of the bustling districts of Sabaody Archipelago. The sun's warm rays filtered through the foliage overhead, casting dappled shadows on the ground. It was a rare moment of solitude amidst the chaos, and he relished the opportunity to reflect on his recent transformations.

As he stared at the bustling crowd, Cedric's mind replayed the events that had led him here. His newfound understanding of human anatomy and the mysterious powers of his Devil Fruit had given him a considerable boost.

The Hercules Method had granted him precise control over his body, unlocking its hidden capabilities. He could now exert extraordinary strength, speed, and endurance, pushing beyond the limits of what he once thought possible.

His hybrid form, a towering being of raw strength and fire, was enough to leave most people in awe. The flame-infused fur, the claws capable of rending steel, and the agility granted by his tail were only the beginning. Cedric knew there was more to uncover, more power lying dormant within him.

Besides the obvious advantages of a regular zoan devil fruit, Cedric's fruit enabled him to create and control flames whenever he transformed into his hybrid form. That said, he could only shape and shoot crude fireballs and the like due to his lacking mastery of the fruit's power.

Besides the two transformations and the boost to strength and endurance, the Haevnly Ape devil fruit also came with the ability to create flame clouds, which Cedric could use to fly around. Unfortunately, the young marine had no idea how.

As for his Heavenly Ape's original form (as Rayeligh called it), Cedric didn't even dare to try it. Through the innate knowledge, or rather instinct, he gained after eating the fruit, Cedric knew the form would instantly raise questions dues to its incredible size.

With the Devil Fruit's abilities and his heightened anatomical knowledge, Cedric's mind raced with the possibilities. His newfound control over his body opened doors to unimaginable techniques and fighting styles.

In any case, Cedric's mastery over the Hercules Method granted him an incredible advantage in terms of stamina. By understanding the inner workings of his body and tapping into its hidden potential, he could push his physical limits beyond what others could achieve. The Method allowed him to optimize his energy expenditure, efficiently utilizing every ounce of strength within him.

Through precise control over his muscles, Cedric could effortlessly minimize unnecessary movements and maximize the efficiency of his actions. This mastery over his anatomy granted him a seemingly boundless well of stamina, enabling him to engage in prolonged battles without succumbing to exhaustion.

Through his experiences and keen observations, Cedric grew confident in his ability to confront opponents who surpassed him in raw power. While he hadn't directly tested his abilities against formidable adversaries yet, he had witnessed the capabilities of individuals with greater raw power. He saw fighters who wielded immense strength but lacked the same stamina and control over their bodies.

Cedric realized that while his opponents might possess more brute force, they often lacked the endurance and efficient energy management he had honed through the Hercules Method. This revelation gave him the confidence that he could at least keep up with them, enduring their onslaught and matching their attacks blow for blow.

However, Cedric remained realistic in his assessments. He understood that keeping up with more powerful opponents did not guarantee victory. Skill, strategy, and timing played pivotal roles in determining the outcome of a battle. While his stamina and mastery over his anatomy provided him with an edge, he still preferred to avoid fights he couldn't win.

Another aspect of his newfound powers was the heightened senses he received. Cedric already had better senses of sight, hearing, and smell than almost anyone, but his new mastery over the Method propelled him further, and he was here in the middle of the bustling area to try it out.

Cedric closed his eyes, focusing on his enhanced senses. The cacophony of sounds that surrounded him became sharper and more distinct. He could hear conversations from a distance, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and even the patterns of footsteps on the ground.

Cedric's eyes widened as the overwhelming flood of information threatened to engulf him. The sounds, scents, and sights bombarded his senses with such intensity that it took him a moment to regain his composure. It was as if a door suddenly flew off its hinges, revealing a world that existed beyond the ordinary perceptions of an average person.

He clutched the edges of the bench, grounding himself as he took a deep breath to steady his racing heart. The vibrant colors, the intricate patterns of movement, and the symphony of sounds continued to assault his senses. It was both exhilarating and disorienting.

But as Cedric gradually adjusted to the sensory onslaught, a remarkable realization dawned upon him. It wasn't just his physical senses that had heightened. There was something more, something intangible that he could feel deep within his core.

Closing his eyes once again, Cedric focused his attention inward. And there it was—a subtle yet distinct presence that lingered around each individual in the crowd. It was as if he could sense the essence of their being, a unique energy that radiated from within. clear

He concentrated on the sensation, allowing it to guide him. With each passing moment, the presence became more apparent, almost palpable. Cedric could distinguish the subtle variations in each person's aura, their distinct signature that set them apart.

As he opened his eyes, a smile played at the corners of Cedric's lips. Not only could he see, smell, and hear better than ever before, but he had unlocked an ability to perceive the presence of others. It was as if he could sense the ebb and flow of life around him, detecting the slightest shifts in energy and intention.

Intrigued, Cedric stood up from the bench and moved through the crowd. With each step, he honed his newfound perception, focusing on the individual auras that surrounded him. He could sense their emotions, and intentions.

He walked past a couple engaged in a whispered conversation, and he could feel their shared bond and the flicker of excitement that danced between them. As he passed a group of merchants haggling over prices, he sensed their competitive spirit and determination to secure the best deal.

Cedric's ability to perceive the presence of others went beyond mere observation. It granted him a deeper understanding of the people around him, allowing him gauge their true intentions. It was a powerful tool, one that would undoubtedly prove invaluable in his future encounters and battles.

With each passing moment, Cedric's confidence grew. He had tapped into a realm of perception beyond the physical senses. The world had become a tapestry of colors, sounds, scents, and energies that he could navigate with newfound precision.

As he continued to walk through Grove-1, Cedric marveled at the wonder of it all. The vibrant tapestry of life stretched before him, and he could now read its subtle threads. With his heightened senses and the ability to sense the presence of others, Cedric knew he had taken another step toward mastering his newfound powers.

'Observation, huh...?' Cedric mused with a smile. 'Whatever... that's enough playing around for today... I need to get back to work...'


Somewhere near Sabaody Archipelago

Inside the Flying Fish Riders' base, Duval, the gang's leader, paced back and forth across the dimly lit room. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, adding an air of anticipation to the atmosphere. Duval was a tall, muscular man with a rugged appearance, his face concealed by a metal mask.

Around him, his loyal gang members prepared for their next operation. The room buzzed with activity as thugs armed themselves, checking their weapons and adjusting their flying fish saddles. Duval's eyes scanned the room, his gaze filled with concern.

Word had reached Duval of the marine's growing presence in Sabaody. He had heard rumors of a young marine officer named Cedric who had been making waves and disrupting criminal activities. Cedric's reputation had spread like wildfire, and Duval couldn't help but feel a pang of unease.

Duval knew that if Cedric turned his attention to the Flying Fish Riders, their entire gang might come crashing down. The marine officer's ruthlessness and strength were not to be taken lightly.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the base, drawing Duval's attention. One of his crew members approached him with a concerned expression. "Boss! There's a marine ship heading towards us from the archipelago...!"

Duval's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. "So that bastardy is finally coming for us," he muttered. His mind raced, contemplating his options. He knew he had to act quickly to protect his crew.

"Prepare for battle," Duval commanded, his voice firm and commanding. "We won't go down without a fight. We'll show those marines what it means to cross the flying fish riders!"

As the crew sprang into action, arming themselves and mounting their flying fish, Duval's gaze hardened. He was ready to face the Marines head-on, to defend what was his, and strike fear into the heart of anyone who dared to challenge them.

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