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Chapter 22: More Tricks #22

Damn...' I internally cursed as I watched Foxy disappear into the smoke. Still, it was my fault for letting him go, so I couldn't do anything but sigh and follow his tracks once the smoke cleared.

Though I shrugged off the barrage of punches he gave me, it still pissed me off and caused me to put a bit too much strength into the last attack that sent the pirate captain flying.

'Whatever...' I mused, immediately moving as the smoke cleared and Foxy's tracks became visible.


'Again... what the fuck...' I couldn't help but palm my face as I walked into another clearing with nothing but grass and a poorly disguised Foxy masquerading as a deer.

Ultimately, I could only chuckle as I looked at the blatantly obvious disguise, which consisted of a patchy fur suit and a giant dear head that couldn't contain the pirate captain's red, pointy nose.

'Eh... might as well play along...' I mused, finding the situation more funny than irritating the more I looked at the shabby disguise. "Excuse me, Mr. deer... did you happen to spot a fat, short pirate, about yay tall, passing this way?" I said, hovering my hand at knee level as I approached the poorly disguised Foxy.

"No, but I did see a dashing pirate captain pass by..." Foxy said, dark clouds already forming over his head. "He went that away..." He added, pointing to the depth of the forest with his 'hoof' for the lack of a better word.

"Is that so..." I said, putting on a thoughtful expression. "But the tracks end here in the clearing..." I said as I turned to the footsteps on the grass and followed them with my eyes straight toward Foxy.

"By the way... you look somewhat familiar..." I added, tilting my head as I looked at the giant dear head's eyes. "That red pointy nose of yours is very familiar..." I continued, suspiciously squinting my eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about, young man..." Foxy said, beads of sweat forming over what little that visible from his face. "I'm just a regular talking deer. There's nothing unusual about me. No sir," He added, vehemently shaking his head.

"Huh... a talking deer?" I remarked, rubbing my chin in thought. "Now that you mention it... I've never heard of any such creatures..." I added as I gave Foxy a once over, looking him up and down.

"Tell me again, how come you can talk...?" I asked, and at my words, the pirate captain instantly jumped back.

"So you've seen through my brilliant disguise, have you?" Foxy said with a victorious grin as he took off his disguise in a single swift motion and struck a pose while pointing at me.

"No, I'm sure he was humoring you, captain..." The announcer said with an audible sigh. "Even a toddler would have seen through your disguise... it was kind of pathetic..." He added, firmly shaking his head.

"Bastard! You shut your dirty, stupid mouth!" Foxy exclaimed in a mixture of anger and depression as he shook his hands at the announcer. "Whose side are you on, anyway?!" He added with a scowl as he turned back to me.

"You have quite the insightful eye to see through my disguise, youngster!" Foxy said, to which I could only chuckle and shrug my shoulders. "But you'll need a lot more than that to beat me! En garde!" He added as he charged toward me, already making fox signs with his right.

"Noro-Noro Beam Sword!" The pirate captain exclaimed as he retrieved a wooden sword handle from his pocket and activated his devil fruit power, forming a pink whip-like flexible blade.

Foxy stopped some distance away from me and swung the pink sword at me, the pink blade coming to life as it flew straight for my shoulder, and I had no choice but to step back to dodge.

I dodged the attack, but Foxy merely grinned and shook his hand, causing the whip-like flowing blade to turn straight, grazing my left bicep before I could react.

Like the slow beam, the blade didn't hurt, but I instantly felt its effect as I tried to move my left arm, and it barely budged because of the devil fruit's power.

"Fefefefe! Again, you see that you are no match for me, boy!" Foxy said with a grin as he withdrew the slow blade. "How about you give up now and save yourself the embarrassment?" He asked, resting one hand on his head as he used the other to point at me.

"It's not so bad being a part of my crew, you know?" He concluded, pausing as he waited for a reply.

"Yeah, I'll have to pass on that. Thank you very much..." I replied, rolling my eyes at the pirate captain. "Besides, you just wasted fifteen valuable seconds with your little speech. Fifteen more to go, and my arm would be good to go again..." I added with a chuckle as I lowered my posture, preparing to dodge.

"The same trick won't work twice on me..." I concluded.

"We'll see about that!" Foxy said, scowling as he frenziedly swung the wooden sword handle, sending one pink slash after the other flying toward me. "You can't keep dodging forever!" He added, unfazed as he watched me dodge everything he threw at me.

"Maybe, but I only need to dodge for a couple more seconds before your power wears off..." I said, jumping back and twisting my body in the air to dodge the barrage of whips. "After that, I just need to kick your ass..." I added, landing on my right hand and doing a back flip to create more distance.

"And would you look at that...?" I continued with a grin as I stretched my left arm once I felt the effect of Foxy's fruit wear off. I didn't wait for the pirate captain to reply as I charged him, dodging another slew of ships as I closed the distance.

"Stop moving so--" Foxy said, barely speaking half his sentence before I buried my fist into his gut, folding his body and raising it in the air. "Wa--" He tried to say something, but I didn't listen as I joined my hands and brought them down on his back.

Showing off his surprising resilience, Foxy raised his hand and tried to hit me with a slow beam despite the beating, but I saw it coming and quickly kicked his wrist, causing him to misfire and hit himself instead.

"Shiiiiit," Foxy slowly cursed with wide eyes, but I turned him the deaf ear as I delivered a barrage of kicks and punches to his abdomen, giving the pirate captain a taste of his medicine.

The thirty seconds passed too quickly for my taste, and the momentum of every punch and kick that I delivered kicked in simultaneously, pushing Foxy into the ground hard enough to create a small crater.

"Wait! Please wait!" Foxy said, blood leaking from his lips as he greedily panted for breath. "I give up! You win, ok?!" He added, raising his hand as he spat the blood pooling in his mouth.

"Captain Foxy is many things, but a sore loser isn't one of them..." The pirate captain said. "I'm ready to surrender. I know when I'm beat..." He added as he slowly stood straight, albeit with some struggle.

"Just let me get up so we can shake on it like men, will you...?" Foxy asked, a strange glint in his eye as he removed his boxing gloves and trailed off, waiting for a reply.

'This guy... how stupid does he think I am...?' I mused, genuinely amused at Foxy's antics. Still, I decided to play along anyway as I put on a show of considering it before nodding.

"How generous of you!" Foxy said, nodding approvingly as he slowly rose to his feet and approached me. "No hard feelings..." He added with a smile as he extended his right hand toward me.

I said nothing as I shook the pirate captain's extended hand, and as soon as our palms touched, he gripped my elbow with his left and twisted his body in a blatant attempt to throw me over his shoulder and karate-slam me into the ground.

"Overhead Throw of Spite!" Foxy exclaimed as he pulled on my arm with a broad shit-eating grin splitting his face that instantly turned into a frown as he realized I wasn't budging.

"Overhead Throw of Spite...?" The pirate captain parroted, sounding hesitant as he tried to throw me over his shoulder, only to fail again, causing him to gulp as he slowly turned to face me.

"Nope..." I replied with a chuckle as I put my hand on his head, pried him off my arm, and slowly raised him in the air before delivering the most savage beating I've bestowed on anyone so far.

And thus, the Davy Back fight concluded with Foxy losing consciousness.


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