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21.16% Magic Man / Chapter 40: Trick 39: Becoming Cat Thor!

Chapter 40: Trick 39: Becoming Cat Thor!

Ace ordered a hearty breakfast and started eating. He had already bumped into a poor fellow on his way here, he had a few hundred dollars extra!

Just as Ace was enjoying his meal, there was the sound of a mug shattering! He nearly jumped from shock and turned to his left, staring at the man who just threw his mug on the ground, shouting "Another!"

Ace frowned and a woman looked at him saying "I'm so sorry. Did he hit you?" before glaring at the man, who looked clueless. Ace waved and said "It's fine, just shocked me that's all." before continuing his meal.

Ace ignored the event and wondered how he was supposed to find the Prince of Asgard. Maybe this was a test by the Ancient One as well? Ace tapped on the table with his finger as he thought about it, surely the Prince of Asgard would be blending in very well, right?

However, Ace didn't know what prince it was! Albeit he only knew a few, he wasn't so acquainted with Norse Mythology and after his last trip to Norway… He wasn't too sure about researching at the source anymore…

Meanwhile, right next to him, the woman looked at the man and said angrily "What was that!?" The man looked at her in confusion, saying "It was delicious! I want another!" the woman retorted "Well, you could've just said so."

The man frowned and replied "I just did." The woman was now confused and said "No, I mean, ask nicely." the man looked at her strangely, saying "I meant no disrespect."

As they were talking, Ace noticed two men walking into the diner talking about a crater and satellite. He pulled his sunglasses down and looked at them, listening to what they were saying when he was shouted at, right next to his face.

A woman who was sitting with the first woman and man, was staring at him with shining eyes, saying "Hello Handsome! I'm Darcy!" Ace looked at her and the other woman looked over at him apologetically.

He cleared his throat and said "Excuse me." as he got up and walked over to the two men. The man who had smashed the mug followed him. Ace walked up to the men and smiled "Hey pal, what did this satellite look like?"

One of the men looked at his friend before replying "Well, it was a hammer! But that thing was impossible to lift! I'd suggest you don't go by there, kid." Ace tilted his head and pushed his sunglasses back up, asking "Oh no?"

The man crossed his arms and snorted "Yup. The Feds were all over that thing." his buddy clicked his tongue, adding "Ruining our fun as per usual. Damn feds!" Ace hummed to himself and said "Is that so?"

The man who smashed the Mug grabbed one of the men's shoulder asking with a smile "Where did you say that hammer was, my friend?" Ace glanced at the man with a side eye, tilting his head down as he looked at him.

One of the men who were at the hammer site, replied "About 40 miles west of here…" the man who smashed the mug smiled and said "Thank you!" before leaving out the front door.

Ace watched him go before turning to the waitress behind the bar, he smiled and put down 100$, saying "I'll take the tab for my friends here, keep the change." before leaving the diner.

The two men smiled happily and Darcy swallowed "Oh wow! Handsome AND rich!" the other woman left the diner, complaining "Oh god, Darcy!"

Ace walked out on the street and looked around before finding a parked car. He rubbed his neck and sighed as he walked over. He looked around quickly before pressing his finger into the keyhole on the door.

The keyhole quickly dissolved and Ace opened the car door, sitting down in the driver's seat. He felt under the steering wheel and took off the baseplate before hotwiring the car.

He leaned back in the car and smiled to himself, feeling nostalgic for a moment before driving off. He passed the Mug Man from before, who was standing in the street randomly. Ace shook his head and muttered "There's crazy people everywhere, I bet his name is Clarence or something…" as he drove outside of the town.

Ace continued driving into the night until he came up to a facility. He sat in the car and looked out at the facility, pulling out his wand and tapping the air in front of him, "Telescopia Arcanum"

A circle appeared in front of him, it was like a disk of water, and it showed the facility as though Ace was inside. Basically it was a telescope spell, very basic things.

He looked around seeing guards with guns and agents.

Ace chewed on his lips in disgust as he continued looking around. Then he paused as he saw a familiar face!

It was Agent Coulson from Tony's House!

Ace put away the spell and muttered to himself "A Shield operation, eh? It would make sense…" but he frowned to himself as he transformed into a cat once again, getting out of the car and approaching the facility.

The main problem was why is Shield here if the Prince of Asgard is on Earth. Or rather, why is there only a Hammer?

Ace was sure that the Hammer belonged to Thor now, but he only had to find Thor not his Hammer.

He frowned in thought as he approached the fence. After looking at the fence for a moment, he clawed at it and started meowing, rolling on his back as a guard passed by.

The Guard looked at Ace and spoke into a radio on his shoulder, "Just a stray cat, sir. No breach." he looked at Ace and waved his hand, saying "Shoo. Get out of here." Ace looked at the guard and ran off, hiding in the darkness.

He frowned to himself, this was going to be harder than he thought. He couldn't just use magic and destroy the fence, otherwise Coulson would know that it was him. If Ace was correct, then Agent Romanoff had told her boss about his cat form and magic.

Not to mention, Coulson would've heard the news and be on the lookout for any suspicious black cats.

Although it sounded a bit ridiculous, Ace wasn't going to take any chances. After all, they were technically on the same team and Ace didn't want to hurt any innocents.

After thinking to himself for a few moments, he turned invisible and returned to the fence, walking around the perimeter, looking for even a single flaw in the fence. As he was walking, the Guards started running to a specific location, making Ace notice many more of them.

He turned his head and followed the guards to an area of the fence that was ripped up! He squeezed under it and ran into the compound, circling around the facility and taking note of the guards and agents.

There were a lot of them, but there was also a shadow that was taking down agents like they were children. Ace hopped into the facility and walked past agents and guards, going to the heart of the facility which was the center of the crater.

Ace arrived and lept to a railing, looking down at the Hammer. He couldn't remember what the Hammer was called at the moment, perhaps something starting with an M?

As he was looking at the Hammer, he was shocked to find out the Nutcase 'Clarence' was here too!

Ace was a bit shocked, why was this guy everywhere? It didn't even cross his mind that 'Clarence' could be the Thor he was searching for. In all the Myths he heard, Thor was basically a war god.

Not that he was THE God of War, but the God who was constantly fighting to test his strength and kill Jotuns. There was a reason he was called the Worst Enemy of Jotun.

Ace even remembered one story where Thor killed almost every single Jotun resident. There was also one where he was quite smart, outsmarting a giant for something, but Ace could never remember what the thing was.

He knocked on his head trying to remember the small details, but he never did. He only watched 'Clarence' try and lift the hammer before screaming at the sky and falling to his knees.

Ace sighed and shook his head, looking at 'Clarence' with pity. He wondered what it was like being so delusional. If Ace was in his human form, he would say "You're not that guy, pal. Trust me."

Unfortunately, he wasn't.

'Clarence' was taken away by agents and Ace looked at the Hammer, hopping down into the crater. He circled around the Hammer, remembering a fact in Norse Mythology! It was said that Thor's Hammer was so heavy that only HE could lift it. Even the might of 4 giants combined couldn't accomplish the task.

Super ironic that he couldn't remember the name of the Hammer…

Ace stood on his hind legs and placed his paws on the handle of the hammer. He attempted to lift it and his eyebrows rose as the Hammer…

Well it wasn't heavy at all!

Ace was confused and lifted the Hammer above his head!

Lightning crashed down from the sky and blew away some scientists along with a bunch of equipment as a pillar of lightning surged in the center of the crater.

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