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69.23% Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals / Chapter 9: Bump In The Night

Chapter 9: Bump In The Night

Ariane walked through the bustling corridors of Strix headquarters, her cheeks flushed with fatigue. Countless vampires shot her scathing looks as she made her way past them, while others attempted to lure her into more secluded spaces. Ignoring their advances, she continued on her way, and when they become too persistent, she'd swiftly dispatch them with a simple spell, sending them hurtling across the hallway.

Ariane couldn't help but think about the last time she had to resort to violence. It brought to mind Madison, the quiet girl who never hesitated to put any vampire in their place if they dared to cross any of the Sisters. As she walked through the halls of the Strix headquarters, Ariane couldn't help but wonder how Madison was holding up.

Her mind drifted back to that fateful night, just a few days ago, when the announcement had been made that Madison was to be placed under strict observation and cut off from all communication. Ariane knew that something was wrong, and she couldn't just sit idly by. She immediately made her way to Kai's room, hoping to get some answers. But when she arrived, she found the room occupied by some vampire. Ariane demanded to know who had authorized then to move into that room, but they refused to give her any information. It was clear that something was seriously wrong.

Ariane's heart sank as she thought about Kai and Madison. They were in serious trouble, and Ariane was powerless to help them. She knew that the higher-ups were trying to cover something up, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Ariane searched high and low for any clues about the mission Kai and Madison had undertaken, but she came up empty-handed. The fact that there was no record of the mission only added to her frustration.

As she trudged back to her room, Ariane couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. She needed to rest and regroup, but the weight of the situation was bearing down on her. She felt utterly helpless, and she didn't know how much longer she could hold on.

Reaching her quarters, which were significantly more luxurious and spacious than Kai's. Ariane closed the door behind her and slipped out of her plain hooded robes, revealing a bold and daring outfit underneath.

A white fitted crop top boasting a daring low-cut neckline that accentuated her cleavage. High-waisted black leather pants and studded ankle boots. Ariane had accessorized her outfit with a silver necklace and bold hoop earrings. Her long platinum blonde hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, framing her striking figure.

Ariane slowly removed each piece of her outfit until she stood in the center of her spacious room, clad only in her matching black bra and panties.

As she made her way over to her dresser, her gaze was drawn to a black envelope resting on top of it. She furrowed her brow, wondering what it could be. Ariane walked over to the dresser, and picked up the envelope. It was sealed shut, and there was no indication of who it was from or what it contained.

Ariane hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should open it. But her curiosity got the better of her, and she carefully tore open the envelope. Ariane's eyes widened in surprise as she read the message scrawled in elegant black script. At first, tears began to trickle down her cheeks, but then a smile spread across her face. Inside the envelope was a card with a simple message: "The Specter Roams."

Ariane held the card tightly against her chest for a moment, feeling a mix of emotions wash over her. But then a determined look crossed her face, and she smirked to herself. Without hesitation, she set the card alight, watching as the flames quickly consumed it and the envelope until there was nothing left but ashes.

"I'll track you down, darling," she said with a sly grin. "You're not escaping me that easily."


As they rode to the motel just a stone's throw away from Beacon Hills, Laura couldn't help but feel a strong urge to unravel the mysteries surrounding Malia. She had a feeling that there was so much more to this mysterious girl than what met the eye.

"Laura, why do you keep asking me these questions?" Malia said, her voice low and guarded.

"I just want to know more about you," Laura replied gently, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible.

But Malia wasn't having any of it. "I don't want to talk about my past," she said firmly, her eyes staring straight ahead. "And I don't want you to use the link between us either."

Laura let out a deep sigh, knowing that patience was key when it came to Malia. The girl had been through so much, and it was going to take time for her to fully heal. Laura couldn't help but wonder what kind of secrets Malia was hiding, and what kind of danger they might face as they tried to uncover the truth about Kai.

As they arrived at the motel and Laura led Malia towards their room, the sound of her phone ringing interrupted them. Laura frowned, reluctant to leave Malia alone, but knew she had to take the call.

"I'll be right back," Laura said, handing the key to Malia. "Wait for me inside."

Malia nodded, feeling a sense of apprehension wash over her as Laura stepped away to answer the call. She wasn't used to being left alone with her thoughts, especially not in a strange place like this. She took a deep breath and unlocked the door, stepping inside and closing it behind her.

Once inside memories flooded her mind, memories of Kai and the times they shared. She remembered how they used to sit around a campfire, staring up at the stars, lost in their own world. Malia couldn't help but wonder if those days would ever return, or if they were gone forever.

Lost in thought, Malia found herself on the floor, curled up in a ball. She didn't realize she had fallen asleep until she was already deep in slumber, her mind finally finding peace in the midst of all the chaos. Dreams of the past and the present swirled together, and Malia slept soundly, hoping that tomorrow would bring a brighter day.

A few minutes later, Laura returned to find Malia fast asleep on the floor. She let out a small sigh, it appeared it would take some time to change her sleeping habits. Without waking Malia, Laura carefully lifted her up and covered her with the soft bed sheets, tucking her in and making sure she was warm and comfortable. As she looked down at the sleeping girl, Laura couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards her, a determination to do whatever it took to keep Malia safe.

With a gentle smile, Laura sat down next to the bed and watched over Malia, promising herself that she would be there for her, no matter what.

As Laura got ready for bed, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the world on her shoulders. With Malia now in her pack, everything was going to change. She couldn't afford to make any mistakes, not with her life and the lives of those she cared about on the line.

Her mind raced as she thought about the attack on her life and the mysterious figure behind it all. Who was Kai? And what did he want? The questions swirled around her head, but she knew she had to push them aside and focus on the task at hand.

As she climbed into bed, her thoughts turned to her mother, the one person who had always been there for her, no matter what. She missed her terribly, but knew that she had to be strong, just like her mother had always been. With a heavy heart, Laura closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would bring some much-needed answers.


Unbeknownst to either Laura or Malia, Kai had settled in the ruins of the charred Hale House, pondering his next move. Suddenly, he heard the sound of several vehicles approaching at breakneck speed. He rushed to the nearest window, peering out to see where they were headed.

Kai continued to watch the approaching vehicles, his heart pounding in his chest. As they grew closer, he could make out more details, counting four vehicles in total and estimating around eight men inside them.

His mind raced as he tried to figure out who they were and what they wanted with him. Were they sent to eliminate him? Or something else entirely?

As the leading car screeched to a halt, a figure emerged from the passenger seat. He was tall and muscular, with broad shoulders that filled out his black trench coat and pants. His dark blonde hair was swept back from his chiseled face, and his pale blue eyes scanned the surroundings with a practiced ease.

In his hands, he held a rifle, the weight of it seeming almost comforting to him. It was clear that this man was was a soldier, a fighter, ready to take on whatever lay ahead.

"Spread out and comb through every inch of this place!" The man's voice boomed through the forest, commanding his team to action. "Laura Hale was spotted entering these woods just an hour ago, and we need to find her before it's too late. Move out, team!"

His words ignited a flurry of activity as the team fanned out in all directions, their boots pounding against the forest floor. They were all armed, their fingers tight around the triggers of their weapons, ready for anything. The man in charge led the charge towards a nearby house, flanked by two of his men.

As the trio reached the front door, the man in charge noticed that the hinges were badly damaged. With a simple push of his weapon, the door swung open, revealing the dark and foreboding interior of the house.

The man stepped inside, his senses on high alert as he surveyed his surroundings. He signaled to his men to split up, gesturing for one to search the lower floor while the other scoured the main floor. He would take on the upper floor himself.

The men nodded in understanding, switching on their flashlights before heading off in opposite directions.

The dark blonde man cursed under his breath as he climbed the severely damaged staircase, his progress slowed by the debris and wreckage that littered the steps. It was clear that this house had seen better days, and he couldn't help but wonder what had happened here.

Despite his training, the man found himself struggling to maintain his footing as he ascended the stairs. The handrail was gone, and the steps were uneven and treacherous. He had to concentrate on every step, lest he slip and fall.

Several times, he almost lost his balance, but he managed to keep his footing through sheer force of will. As he climbed higher and higher, his senses were on high alert for any sign of danger.

As the man reached the top of the stairs, his eyes immediately caught sight of something unusual. There, imprinted in the layer of ash that covered the floor, were a set of footprints.

What caught him off guard, however, was the fact that the footprints were bare feet. No shoes or socks had left their mark, which was odd considering how cold and dirty the floor was.

The man crouched down to examine the footprints, trying to determine who or what made them. But his concentration was shattered by a sudden yell, followed by the sound of gunfire echoing through the old house.

His heart pounding in his chest, the man leapt to his feet and rushed back down the stairs.

"Talk to me!" he barked into his radio, his voice tight with tension. He needed to know what was going on, and he needed to know now.

The radio however remained silent, and the man's frustration grew. He went into survival mode, taking in everything around him as quickly as possible. His eyes darted around the house, searching for any signs of movement or danger. His ears strained for any sound, no matter how faint.

Every muscle in his body was tensed, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his breathing grew ragged with the effort of keeping himself under control.

But there was nothing. No movement, no sound, no sign of danger. Then as he rounded a corner, his weapon at the ready, he collided with something solid. His instincts kicked in, and he raised his rifle, ready to fire at whatever stood in front of him.

But then he realized what he had hit, lowering his weapon when he saw who it was. He recognized the face of his fellow team member, and realized that he had almost shot him in the heat of the moment.

"Sir, it's me," the man managed to utter, his voice still laced with adrenaline.

The leader let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "What the hell were you thinking?" he scolded the man. "You almost got yourself killed by not communicating your location!"

"I apologize, sir," the man said, scrambling to his feet and becoming alert once again.

The team leader surveyed the area, his eyes scanning for any sign of danger.

"Who fired?" he asked, his voice stern.

The other man responded, "It was James, sir. The idiot got scared by a rat and fired."

"What!?" the leader exclaimed furiously, his frustration boiling over. He had known that James was a liability from the start, but he had never expected him to be so reckless.

His subordinate quickly added, "I already had him head outside, sir. I was on my way to inform you when we crashed into each other."

The leader ran a tense hand down his face in frustration, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on him. He let out a heavy sigh, frustration etched on his face, as he turned to his subordinate and posed the question they both knew the answer to. "Any luck finding anything other than rats?" he asked.

The subordinate shook their head in defeat. "No, sir. We combed through both the lower and ground floors, but there was nothing out of the ordinary."

The leader's brow furrowed as he considered their next move. "I did find some footprints on the upper floor," he said slowly. "They were large, probably from a man. Definitely not Laura's."

His subordinate's eyes widened in surprise. "Do you think they could belong to her brother?" they asked, hopeful for any lead in the search for their missing comrade.

The leader shook his head firmly. "No, according to our intel, Laura Hale arrived alone, so we have no reason to believe her brother is here," he explained.

"But we can't be too careful," he continued, his eyes scanning the area. "Let's sweep the remaining second floor and catalog those footprints just in case."

With their plan in place, the two men made their way up the stairs, their cautious steps echoing through the empty building. As they ascended, they both felt a small measure of relief, knowing that the lower floors were clear.

Getting up to the upper floor, the two men checked every room on the upper floor, making sure there was no sign of Laura or anyone else. Only after they were certain that it was clear did the leader take out his phone and start taking pictures of the footprints they had found.

He crouched down, his eyes focused on the imprints left behind on the ash covered floor. With each snap of his phone, he captured every angle and detail of the footprints. His subordinate watched in silence, admiring the leader's meticulous attention to detail.

With the upper floor cleared and the footprints cataloged, the two began their descent back down the staircase. Despite the lack of any concrete leads, the leader's mind was still racing with possibilities.

"It looks like we're going to have to widen our search," he said, his voice tinged with disappointment. "We'll have to regroup and come up with a new plan of action." His subordinate nodded in agreement.

Little did the two men know, as they descended the staircase, there was someone hidden above them. Kai, with his nails dug deep into the wooden boards, struggling to maintain his grip as he listened to their exchange.

He knew he couldn't stay hidden forever. The wood was starting to give way, and it was only a matter of time before he would be discovered. He cursed under his breath, knowing that if he was found, he might have to eliminate the two men to protect his identity. Kai didn't want to resort to violence, but he also knew he couldn't risk being caught. With a heavy heart, he prepared himself for the worst.

The feeling of dread rising as he heard the barely audible sound of the fibers inside the boards start to give. As the sound became increasingly louder he prepared himself to descend and in one single attack eliminate them both simultaneously as to not allow them to inform the others of his presence.

As the two men were just about to touch down on the final step, the leader's radio crackled to life with urgent news. He stopped in his tracks and listened intently as the voice on the other end urged him to come see something.

"Sir, we found something, you'll want to see this!"

Without hesitation, the leader rushed out the door, his mind already on whatever his men had found. He barked orders over the radio, instructing the other men to secure a perimeter around the area.

In his haste, he failed to hear the sound of a wooden board breaking loose from the ceiling and crashing to the ground with a loud thud. But the leader was already gone, his mind preoccupied on the new development that had just been discovered.

Quickly jumping into an awaiting vehicle and driving off, oblivious to the large shadowy figure standing inside the house, silently watching them go. Its piercing mismatched eyes tracking the vehicle until it vanished from sight, and then it swiftly disappeared into the inky blackness of the abandoned building.

NoirPato NoirPato


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