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She's Back and Another Big Confusion.

"Did you hear? The Young Master of the Xia Family managed to clear the Second Floor." A male voice, filled with pride, echoed loudly.

"Who cares about him? Yuan Tengfei and Zao Shen are already nearing the completion of the Third Floor." A female voice retorted disdainfully to the first voice.

"Hmph! Those three are nothing compared to the Celestial Genius Gu Ning!" A loud male voice reverberated through the Sparring Field of the Hu Family's Training Ground.

Upon hearing the name Gu Ning, everyone fell silent, inwardly agreeing with the words spoken by the male voice. After all, no one in the Cloud City could compare to Gu Ning.


"*sigh* When will Big Sister return? She's missing out on a great opportunity." A tender and gentle voice echoed in the courtyard, and its owner was crouched, watering the flowers in her garden.

"Young Miss!" A loud voice came from behind Hu Wen, slightly startling her.

"Little Su, why are you speaking so loudly?" Hu Wen turned around and reprimanded her maid, but the maid paid no attention to her mistress's 'reprimand.'

"Young Miss Fang has returned." Little Su announced the good news as calmly as possible, but the confused expression on her face made the good news seem strange.

"Big Sister has returned? That's great... But why does your expression look so odd when talking about her?" Hu Wen was initially excited, but upon seeing Little Su's expression, a strange feeling grew within her.

"Well... I think it's better if you accompany me to the city gates." Little Su didn't exactly know what to say to Hu Wen, so she asked her to follow her to resolve the problem Fang Xue had caused.

"Of course, let's go as quickly as possible." Hu Wen decided to hurry and see the reason why Little Su hadn't explicitly told her what had happened to Fang Xue.

Hurriedly rushing out of the courtyard, Hu Wen and Little Su met Hu Jiang, the patriarch of the Hu family and Hu Wen's father.

"Father!" Hu Wen exclaimed upon seeing her father suddenly appear in front of her, but contrary to feeling happy at seeing him, Hu Wen felt even stranger.

"Daughter, are you going to see Miss Fang?" Hu Jiang said calmly and without changing his expression, but it didn't deceive his daughter.

"Yes, and if you're not going to tell me what happened, then take me there as quickly as possible." Hu Wen wasted no time with her father and asked him to take her to the city gates as fast as he could.

Hu Jiang simply nodded and did as his daughter asked, carrying her through the skies toward the city gates.

As Hu Wen rapidly approached the city gates, she wondered what Fang Xue could have done to cause such strangeness in Little Su and her father.

'Why is it taking so long?' Hu Wen thought anxiously, but she knew her father couldn't fly at his maximum speed, as it could hurt her.

However, a few seconds later, Hu Wen saw a crowd surrounding a woman and a rabbit. But it wasn't just that, Hu Wen also saw two bodies lying near the woman.

'Damn, whose 'equipment' did she cut this time?' Hu Wen didn't need to think much after seeing this scene, as she could already imagine the whole story.

Descending from the sky, Hu Wen began to hear the screams of the crowd surrounding Fang Xue.

"Why did you kill our Elder?" A tall, muscular man said angrily, pointing at Fang Xue.

Upon hearing that Fang Xue had killed a Family Elder, Hu Wen finally understood why Little Su had a complicated expression when speaking of Fang Xue.

Fang Xue remained completely expressionless, even when surrounded by several people and being accused of something serious.

"He wanted to kill me, but I killed him first, what's the problem with that?" Fang Xue replied coldly, as she bent down to pick up Li Qiang in her arms. However, the tall man who had pointed at Fang Xue became even angrier upon hearing her words.

Unable to contain his rage, the man lunged towards Fang Xue, attempting to beat her to death. However, anger consumed all his rationality, for he, someone at the 9th Level of the Body Training realm, was trying to kill Fang Xue, who had just killed someone at the Qi Sense realm!

"Hmph!" A cold snort echoed throughout the area, followed by a loud thud as a body fell to the ground, and a head, still with open and furious eyes, flew high in the sky, accompanied by a spout of blood.

Hu Wen, who was initially somewhat concerned upon arriving at the scene and seeing someone at the 9th Level of the Body Training realm trying to kill Fang Xue, felt completely stunned, as Fang Xue had just effortlessly killed someone at the 9th Level of the Body Training realm.

'What's going on?' Hu Wen, who initially thought that some Young Master had tried to flirt with Fang Xue and had their 'equipment' cut off, saw that the situation was even more chaotic than she had imagined.

-------------1 Hour Earlier-------------

Running back to the Cloud City, Fang Xue felt increasingly anxious to return. Besides Li Qiang's words, Fang Xue had the feeling that something big was about to happen soon.

However, her run was abruptly interrupted for a moment when Fang Xue sensed a swift assassination intent directed at her, just before reaching the city gates.

'Oh! Who's trying to kill me now?' Fang Xue thought playfully, unconcerned, even though she knew her assassin was in the Qi Sense realm.

Feigning ignorance, Fang Xue continued on her way but was soon intercepted by two men: someone she already knew, Xia Heng, and a middle-aged man who stared at her with a murderous gaze.

"Well, well, if it isn't the rat from the Xia Family that I let escape. And who is this old man by your side? Another coward?" Fang Xue said mockingly, causing Xia Heng's face to turn red and the Xia Family Elder to darken with anger.

"Hmph! You talk too much for someone who's about to die," the Xia Family Elder coldly snorted, not hiding his aura and murderous intent.

"Let's see who will die," Fang Xue said in a cold tone, displaying a playful and excited smile on her face, ready to execute another step of her plan.

yuuhL yuuhL

Guys, starting tomorrow (Saturday) I'm going to post chapters with everything again.

Sorry that this month has few chapters, because, in addition to the flu I had, I had several family problems, which occupied my head and prevented me from writing, and even when I forced myself to write and posted the chapter I wasn't sure if I was good or not.

But now everything is better and I want to come back with everything.

Thank you so much to everyone who still follows me, I love you.

With love, Author.

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