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Sam couldn't take it anymore. The constant rejection, the feeling of helplessness, and the pain of being beaten by the villains had finally pushed him over the edge.

He found himself wandering the streets aimlessly once again, lost in his thoughts and trying to make sense of his situation. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of hopelessness and despair, with no way out.

As he walked, he came across a bridge overlooking a river. The water below looked dark and inviting, like it was calling out to him. Sam felt a sudden urge to jump, to end his pain and suffering once and for all.

He stood there for what felt like an eternity, weighing his options and trying to summon the courage to take the leap. But something held him back, some small glimmer of hope that refused to die.

Just as he was about to jump, he heard a voice behind him. "Don't do it," the voice said.

Sam stood on the bridge, ready to end his life. As he looked down at the dark water below, he saw a glimmer of something in the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw a dying divine beast crow lying on the ground nearby.

Without thinking, Sam rushed over to the bird's side. He could feel its life slipping away, and he knew that he had to do something to save it.

He used what little knowledge he had of healing and attempted to revive the crow. His efforts were met with success as the bird's breathing became steadier, and its eyes slowly opened.

As the crow regained its strength, it began to communicate with Sam telepathically. The bird told him that it had been searching for someone to help it, someone with the courage to take on the responsibility of taming it.

Sam was stunned. He had never thought of taming a divine beast before. But something in the crow's eyes made him feel like he was meant to be its keeper.

He agreed to take on the responsibility, and as he touched the crow, he felt a surge of power flowing through him. He could feel a deep connection forming between him and the bird, a bond that went beyond words.

The crow explained to Sam that it was no ordinary bird, but a divine beast with great powers. And as its keeper, Sam would also have access to these powers.

Sam couldn't believe his luck. He had gone from feeling like he had nothing to live for, to being entrusted with the care of a divine beast. He knew that his life would never be the same again.

As he left the bridge with the crow, he felt a sense of purpose and determination that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that he had a responsibility to protect the bird and use its powers for good.

And so, Sam began his journey as a divine beast tamer, a journey that would take him to the highest peaks and the darkest depths of the world. He was ready for whatever lay ahead, knowing that he had the crow by his side, and that they were destined for greatness.

As the years passed, the taming of divine beasts became more widespread, and soon there were entire organizations dedicated to training and employing these powerful creatures. These organizations were highly respected and were often called upon by governments and other powerful entities to aid in times of crisis.

However, not everyone who possessed the ability to tame a divine beast was deemed worthy of such responsibility. Some were seen as too unstable or power-hungry to be trusted with such great power, and they were rejected by the organizations and cast out into society.

These rejected individuals, known as "fallen souls," often struggled to find their place in the world. They were ostracized and feared by society, viewed as potential threats to public safety. Many turned to crime or became mercenaries, using their powers for personal gain rather than for the greater good.

Sam was one of these fallen souls. After failing to awaken his superpowers, he was cast out by his friends and family and left to fend for himself on the streets. He fell into a deep depression, lost all sense of purpose, and eventually found himself standing on that bridge, ready to end his life.

But the sight of the dying divine beast crow changed everything for him. It gave him a sense of hope and purpose that he hadn't felt in years. As he became the bird's keeper, he realized that his life had a new meaning, and he was determined to use the powers bestowed upon him for the greater good.

Sam knew that he was still seen as a fallen soul, and that many would reject him due to his past. But he was determined to prove himself, to show the world that he was worthy of the responsibility that had been given to him.

And so, with the divine beast crow by his side, Sam set out to make a name for himself as a powerful tamer . He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

kh_sammas_sami kh_sammas_sami

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