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44% One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused) / Chapter 11: Gol D. Ace

Chapter 11: Gol D. Ace

After the execution of the Pirate King, Gol Roger, the Marines launched a massive manhunt for his rumoured wife and unborn child, hoping to capture and execute them as well. Many in the Marine hierarchy believed that the child was the key to unlocking the secrets of the Pirate King's power and abilities.

Led by the infamous fleet Admiral Kong, the Marines spared no expense in their pursuit of Roger's child. They scoured the Grand Line, interrogated pirates and civilians alike, and even went as far as offering bounties for any information on the child's whereabouts. Harsh measures were taken to track down any children born 10 months after Roger's execution. One day a naval ship arrived on Bastille Island, many armed navy personnel arrived and set up a camp to track any child born.

Rouge became worried for their safety when he saw marines patrolling the streets. That night, in the secrecy of the dark Nova, packed all the important stuff and boarded his ship with his mother. They hid there for weeks, all the townsfolk helped them by passing them information about the marine's activities and the mayor would secretly supply food to them. Roger's act of saving their town won their hearts and the aunties who were Nova's fans also gave their support so everyone gave false information to divert the marine's attention away from the island.


Meanwhile, the Marines searched all the houses on the island for days. Every woman was ordered to report to the marine base and a doctor would do a medical checkup but unfortunately, they couldn't find any leads even after such a thorough checkup.

"Sir! The information was correct that Roger was here on this island for a year but we couldn't find any clues about the supposed lover of that bastard.

"Pack up! We're heading to the next town! This one's clear. I am tired of staying in these backwaters.", the marine commander ordered his men. The soldiers finally boarded the ship and left the island.

Rouge and Nova returned from their hiding after a few days when the situation calmed down. Nova with the help of aunt Lilly took care of his mother, he was kind of excited at the thought of having a sibling.

"Nova! You are going to be a brother soon. Are you excited?" Rogue asked.

Nova nodded his head eagerly, a wide smile spreading across his face. He had always wanted a sibling to play with and share his adventures with. The idea of having a little brother or sister to protect and teach filled him with excitement.

"I can't wait to meet him or her!" Nova exclaimed, his eyes shining with joy.

Rogue smiled softly at her son, happy to see him so excited. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and said, "I'm glad you're looking forward to it. But you must promise to protect and take care of your sibling in the future, no matter what."

Nova nodded earnestly, understanding the responsibility that came with being an older brother. "I promise, Mom. I'll be a good big brother. Do we have to hand him over to dad's friend? I can protect you and him by myself?"

Rouge sighed and said, "No, Nova. Your father's friend, Garp is the Hero of the Marines and he has promised to take care of your brother and protect him. We can trust him."

Nova's expression turned serious. "I don't trust anyone, not after what happened to Dad. But if you think it's the best for the baby, then I'll let him go. But I will make sure to visit him and make sure he's okay."

Rouge hugged her son, proud of his bravery and love for his family. "Thank you, Nova. You're such a good son and brother." She smiled at her son's determination, knowing that he would make a great older brother. She leaned in and gave him a warm hug, feeling grateful for the love and support of her family.

As the months passed, Nova eagerly awaited the arrival of his sibling. He helped his mother with the preparations for the new baby, picking out clothes and toys, and making sure everything was ready for the big day.

Finally, the day arrived when Rogue went into labour. The village doctor and the midwife quickly arrived with medical equipment. Nova and aunt Lilly waited anxiously outside the room, praying for his mother's safety and the arrival of his sibling.

When he heard the cry of a newborn baby, Nova's heart swelled with joy and relief. He burst into the room, eager to meet his new brother or sister.

Rogue smiled up at her son, holding a tiny bundle in her arms. "Nova, I'd like you to meet your little brother... Ace."

That night the sky was filled with thick, dark clouds that rumbled with the sound of thunder. Lightning flashed across the horizon, illuminating the island below in stark, eerie light. The wind was howling through the trees, bending them almost to the point of breaking. The rain was coming down in sheets, pounding against the rooftops and creating rivers of water that flowed through the streets.

Garp's ship cut through the tumultuous waves, its sails billowing and snapping in the powerful gusts of wind. The ship rocked and creaked with each strike of the waves, but the experienced sailors onboard remained steadfast and focused.

As they approached Bastille Island, Garp could see the flickering of lanterns and torches in the distance. The island's inhabitants had no doubt taken precautions against the storm, and the lights acted as beacons to guide Garp's ship to the shore.

Garp's ship eventually docked at the island's port, where the storm's fury was most intense. The rain was pouring down so hard that it was almost impossible to see more than a few feet in front of him. The wind was so strong that Garp had to use all his strength to keep from being blown off his feet.

He trudged through the streets, his feet splashing through the rain-soaked ground. The buildings on either side of the road were old and weathered, their wooden shutters banging against their frames in the wind.

Finally, he arrived at the house where Rouge and Nova were staying. The lantern hanging outside the door flickered in the wind, casting a dim light on the front porch. He knocked on the door and Nova opened the door. Garp stepped inside and closed the door behind him to keep the storm's fury outside.

"Are you Rouge?" He asked the pink-blonde woman who was looking at him.

Rouge nodded in confirmation; she was not surprised at Garp's visit but was sad that it happened so soon. "Roger decided to name the baby 'Anne' if it is a girl and 'Ace' if it's a boy. This baby's name is Gol D. Ace." She said while smiling.

Garp looked at baby Ace for the first time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. As he held the newborn baby in his arms, Garp couldn't help but think about the difficult decision he was facing. On one hand, he knew it was his duty to take Ace in and raise him as his own, to protect him from the dangers of being the child of the Pirate King. But on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt, knowing that he was taking Ace away from his mother and potentially causing her even more pain. As he looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms, he made a silent promise to do everything in his power to protect Ace and ensure that he grew up to be a strong and honourable Marine.

Suddenly he felt a pair of eyes staring at him. As Garp set his eyes upon young Nova, he couldn't help but sense an incredible amount of strength emanating from the boy. He was an experienced marine and he knew if someone was strong when he sees one. Despite his youth, there was a certain aura of power surrounding him that Garp couldn't ignore. The boy had a strong jawline, sharp features, and a determined look in his eyes that spoke of his character and potential.

"What's your name young man?" Garp asked, his curiosity piqued.

"My name is Portgas D. Nova," the boy replied, his voice steady and strong.

"Nova, huh? You've got quite the spirit in you," Garp said with a small smile. "I can sense your strength and determination. Have you ever considered joining the Marines?"

Nova shook his head. "No, sir. I have other plans."

Garp raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what plans are those?"

Nova hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I want to become strong, to protect my family and the people I care about. I don't want to rely on anyone else to protect them for me."

Garp nodded in understanding. "That's a noble goal, young man. But you should know that being a Marine is not just about strength, it's about justice and protecting the innocent. It's a difficult path, but it can be a rewarding one."

Nova's eyes narrowed slightly. "I understand, sir. But I have my own path to follow. And I will become strong enough to protect those I care about one day, no matter what. Until then I request you to keep my brother safe and I will repay your kindness one day."

Garp couldn't help but feel impressed by the young boy's maturity. He saw a lot of potential in him and wondered what kind of future lay ahead for him. He didn't urge anymore and quietly left the island as the storm and rain stopped. Garp had known Roger for many years, and the two had shared a unique bond that was hard to explain. Even though they were on opposite sides of the law, they respected each other and had a mutual understanding that went beyond their allegiances. He decided to take the child and raise him as his own, honouring his promise to Roger and giving the child a chance to survive the hunt by World Government.

ConDOriano ConDOriano

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