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74.54% One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother / Chapter 82: Time Skip

Chapter 82: Time Skip

A Year and a Half Later…

A few weeks after the Eustass Pirates finished their training in Mystoria Island.

[A Certain Sea in the New World]

In the vast and treacherous seas of the New World, two formidable pirate crews engaged in a fierce battle amidst colossal, crushing waves towering high above them, creating an ominous and chaotic atmosphere.

The first ship has a steel-plated hull instead of a wooden one. Also, in place of a figurehead, the ship has a snowflake insignia on the front. On board the ship is the cabin which also has snowflakes painted on the walls, and has cannons mounted on top.

"Who the hell are these guys?! There're just attacking us out of nowhere!" Exclaimed a beautiful woman with a long, flowing blue hair, full lips and bares confident expression on her face.

She sports a short striped dress closed by laces that have flower-shaped buttons, with loose sleeves, and a scarf. She also wears a polka-dotted bandanna, and over it a light blue and purple pirate hat.

[Former member of the Whitebeard Pirates – 'Ice Witch' Whitey Bay, Captain of the Whitey Bay Pirates]

(Here is a Picture of her)

Whitey Bay unsheathed her sword and pointed it at the ship sailing on the opposite direction "Don't falter, fire back at them!!"

"Roger that!!" Her crew started loading cannons and opened fire at once.



The two pirate ships exchanged fire for a few minutes before the man leading the pirate crew of the opposite ship made his move. The ship is unusably large with many cannons situated on each side.

"Captain Byrnndi, looks like she's not going to give up that easily" said a middle aged man with a thick mustache and eyebrows and wear a pair of goggles with blue rim and green lenses.

[Shipwright and crew combatant of the World Pirates, Gairam, Dead or Alive 60,000,000 Berries – Cube-Cube Fruit]

"Then I shall use my power to crush her down along with her pathetic crew!" a very tall and broad man with large arms and thin legs declared. He has a green beard and a W-shaped mustache that is a lighter shade of green.

He wears a horned helmet that has one of the horns broken and appears to be missing some teeth.

[Ex-Prisoner of Impel Down and Captain of the World Pirates, Byrnndi World, Dead or Alive 400,000,000 Berries – More-More Fruit]

Byrnndi World was among the prisoners who escaped Impel Down during the mass breakout caused by Monkey D. Luffy and Marshall D. Teach a year and a half ago.

"The weather is also very aggressive which makes it hard for our cannon shots to reach them" Gairam stated while standing behind Byrnndi World.

"Hand me some bullets!" Byrnndi ordered while extending his open palmed arm to the side.

"Yes!!" Gairam hurriedly brought a several dozen normal sized bullets and handed them to his captain.

Byrnndi grinned wickedly as he rolled his fist back while holding the bullets before he threw them towards Whitey Bay's ship. The bullets flew at high speed before they suddenly grew in size a hundred times, making them comparable to large cannon balls.

"More-More…Hundredfold Cannon!!"

KA-BOOOM!! Several of the enlarged bullets managed to hit Whitey Bay's ship hull, causing large explosions. Luckily for her the damage wasn't too big as the hull has a steel-plate instead of a wooden one.

"Damn it!" Whitey Bay exclaimed, puzzled by what she just saw "Do they have an ability user on board?!"

"Captain what should we do?! Even the Icebreaker won't survive if it takes too much damage!" One of her crew members informed her.

"I know…There is an island nearby, we'll go ashore and fight on land!!"


"Hoo, they're trying to escape…" Gairam remarked.

"Barorororo! I won't let that happen. She has a pretty good bounty on her. Her head will fetch me a lot of berries and I will finally have enough to build my dream ship that will travel the entire world!" Byrnndi declared before grabbing a big scythe and enlarged it a hundred times its original size while sending flying towards Whitey Bay's ship again.

"More-More…Hundredfold Chop!!"

VWOOOSH!! The giant scythe threatened to chop Whitey Bay's ship in half. Surprise flickered in her eyes, yet she swiftly leaped into the air, using her sword to intercept the impending threat.


"Tsk…what kind of ability is this?!!" She exclaimed as she redirected the scythe away, but she accidentally sent it overhead and it end up chopping the main mast of her ship in half before flying away.


"The main mast is damaged!!"

Whitey Bay squinted at the scene and then directed a stern gaze toward Byrnndi World "If we stay on the sea, we'll be at a disadvantage…"

[On The Waters Nearby]

A large pirate ship flying the Jolly Roger of the Eustass Pirates could be spotted from a distance, it wasn't far away from the sea battle that was occurring between Whitey Bay and Byrnndi World.

About a dozen pirates gathered at the ship's deck. Two red haired figures sat at a small table, sipping sake, the aggressive and stormy weather that was tossing the ship around a few minutes ago quickly changed to a sunny one.


Pictures of the crew:













"*Gulp*-*Gulp*…*Thud*-!!...Blah!...It's been a while, since we've kicked some ass" Kid said, drinking an entire cup in one go.

"It's time for us to go back in the game, we can't have the others from our generation overtake us" Kai replied.

"Boss Kai, Boss Kid. There appears to be a battle going on ahead…" Gin informed them while looking through a spyglass.

"The Navy?" Kai questioned.

"No, two pirate ships" Gin responded. Killer approached him, snatching the spyglass to confirm for himself. Upon spotting their Jolly Roger, he identified both pirate crews.

"The World Pirates lead by led by Byrnndi World, and the previous ally of Whitebeard, Whitey Bay captain of the Whitey Bay Pirates. She participated in the Summit War a year and a half ago…I can recognize some other faces from the bounty posters as well" Killer stated.

"What are they thinking, chasing after a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates? They'll just bring the wrath of her allies" Saga stated while sitting on a small box near the main mast.

"Byrnndi World is a Devil Fruit user. It might be worth taking him out" Killer suggested.

"We'll close on them!" Kai gave orders while still sitting on his chair.


[A Few Minutes Later]

"Captain Byrnndi!! There's a pirate ship approaching us from behind!!" Gairam informed him.

"Pirates?!" Byrnndi questioned while glancing back at the Victoria Punk that was approaching them at an incredible speed.

"What the hell is that speed?! What kind of ship is that?!!" Sebastian exclaimed in shock, he's a half Fish-Man and another member of the World Pirates "What should we do captain?!"

"Barorororo!! The more the better, I'll sink them all down to the bottom of the ocean!!"

"Captain Bay!! It's the Eustass Pirates!!"

"The Eustass Pirates?! One of those rookies from Worst Generation?!" Whitey Bay remarked while observing the Victoria Punk that was approaching. There was a massive cloud at the ship's rear, generating bursts of winds that propel it forward at incredible speed, allowing it to close vast distances in mere seconds "What are they trying to do…?"

"They're targeting the World Pirates!"

Back at the Victoria Punk,

The ship halted some distance away from the World Pirates' vessel. Byrnndi World stood at the back of his ship, staring at the crew with a wild look.

Thud! Kid gulped down another cup of sake, slamming it onto the table. With a swift motion, je wiped his mouth and stood up.

"It looks like their captain is up for a fight" Wyper remarked.

"I hope they can handle some punches" Kid said with a savage grin, strolling towards the front of the ship.

"You don't have to trouble yourself boss, we can take care of them" Wyper said to him with a cigar between his teeth. He was carrying a long black rifle on his back along with his bazooka.

(Picture of the rifle)

"Nah, I'll do it myself…I've been itching for a real fight for a while now, Hahahaha!" Kid laughed manically while cracking his knuckles, neck and shoulders before he jumped out of the ship and flew towards Byrnndi World.

"He's attacking by himself, huh? He has some balls I'll give him that" Byrnndi commented. He proceeded to take out a small stone and enlarged it to hundred times its original before launching it towards Kid.

BAAAM!! With an excited grin, Kid effortlessly shattered the massive stone with a single punch, swiftly descending toward Byrnndi World.

Kid's arms turned metallic black as he hardened both of them with Armament Haki and proceeded to throw a right punch towards Byrnndi. The latter grinned before doing the same thing and throwing back a strong left punch.

BOOOOM!!! Their fists bumped into each other, sending a powerful shockwave rippling through the air.

"You can use Haki brat?!" Byrnndi asked him.

"That should be my question you old fuck!" Kid retracted his fist before he jumped inside the ship, landing a few feet away from Byrnndi.

"More-More…Tenfold Shotgun!!" The latter blew on specks of dust while enlarging them to ten times their original size at Kid while imbuing them with Haki, making them akin to bullet shots.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Kid crossed his hardened arms in front, effectively blocking them without receiving any scratch.


SWOOOSH!! With incredible speed, Kid proceeded closed the distance between him and Byrnndi World before raining him down with powerful Haki coated punches.

Byrnndi proceeded to strike him back and the two exchange blows for a few seconds before they got pushed back.

"We'll give you a hand captain!" Gairam and Sebastian charged at Kid from behind. The former utilized his Cube-Cube Fruit ability to break down a barrel into cubes "Cubreak!"

Gairam then sent the cubes he created flying at Kid in order to crush him. Kid calmly used his ability as well to attract various metal scraps from Byrnndi's ship and created a large makeshift metal arm that he imbued with Haki before he punched the cubes away with it.

After that, Sebastian swung down two large maces that he carries on each hand at Kid which the latter predicted with his Observation Haki and easily dodged by leaping backwards.

BAM!! Sebastian's weapons ended up hitting the floor and with a fast kick, Kid sent the half Fish-Man crashing into a wall.

Byrnndi took advantage of the situation to strike Kid from behind, but the latter was attentive, and he was able to see that coming as well.

"More-More Hundredfold Speed!!" Byrnndi increased his speed to hundred times his normal speed and threw a barrage of punches at Kid.

"Hahahaha! You're pretty strong you old shit!" in terms of height Byrnndi was towering even Kid who is more than 2 meters tall and has a well-built body. The red-haired pirate proceeded to throw back a barrage of punches as well.

BAM! BAM! BAM! The force of theire punches generated small shockwaves. Kid then assembled more metal scraps to further enlarge his metal arm, making it match the size of a giant's arm, and infused it with Armament Haki.

He then leaped into the air and slammed it into Byrnndi World, aiming to crush him down.

"Punk Gibson!!"

BOOOM!!! Byrnndi was indeed crushed down under the force of Kid's attack. But he managed to quickly recover and get on his feet again.

Kid who was still mid-air used Soru and Geppo to close on him from behind before he punched him in the back with his Haki coated fist with enough force that made Byrnndi gasp in pain.

"Ugh!...You little punk! I'll make sure to break every bone in your body for this!"

"Hahahaha! I would like to see you try!"

While the two where immersed in the fight, Gairam attacked Kid in order to create an opening for his captain so he could strike him down. With his Cube-Cube Fruit, he used the air itself to create a cube of compressed air in his hands before launching it at Kid.

"Air Cubooster!!" The air cubes exploded upon impact. However, when Kid saw that he hardened his entire body with Armament Haki and managed to avoid getting hurt by that attack, before he glared back at Gairam in hostility and a burst of crimson energy was shot from his body that completely paralyzed Gairam in his place from fear "I-I can't move…" Gairam trembled before he fell on his knees.

"Hmph…I've had my fun with you guys. It's time to end this!" Kid declared before he grinned excitedly, his whole body crackled with magnetic energy.

"You're underestimating me too much brat!!" Byrnndi World exclaimed. He swiftly moved to a cannon nearby and picked up a cannon ball before he enlarged it a hundred times, making it into a gigantic cannon ball.

"Captain, Wait! You're gonna damage the ship as well!!"

Byrnndi looked enraged and didn't listen to Gairam's warning "Shut up!! I'm ending this in the next move!!"

"Hahahaha! Bring it on then!"

"Tsk, that moron is playing around again…He should take his opponent seriously" Kai slowly got up from his chair and strolled to the front of the ship, his red coat billowing by the winds as he majestically stood with a neutral face.

"Kai, you're moving out?" Bonney asked him with a big slice of pizza in her hand.

"Yes…Killer, get into position, we'll finish this quickly" Kai said, before he suddenly disappeared from the Victoria Punk and reappeared above Byrnndi World's ship.


Kid noticed this and jumped away from Byrnndi with annoyed expressions. He didn't want to get caught in Kai's attack "That bastard is trying to show off again" Kid muttered under his breath.

Byrnndi World was taken aback as Kai suddenly appeared at his side, leaving him unable to react before the latter swiftly launched an attack.

With a menacing look, Kai unsheathed his sword while mid-air and imbued it with Armament Haki, making it metallic black. On top of that he infused his blade with a thick layer of lightning.

While holding Shichiseiken in his right hand it radiated with lightning streams before Kai swung it horizontally, creating a powerful Haki imbued slash attack that slashed through the giant cannonball and caused it to explode on Byrnndi's face, causing enormous damage to him.


"Holy Doom!!"


Lightning! Lightning! KA-BOOOM!! The attack was powerful enough to generate a massive radiant sphere of lightning that exploded on impact sending waves of lightning surging out from every direction and shocking Byrnndi and his crew members.

Byrnndi's chest was cut open and he fell on the floor unconscious and drowning in his own blood. Gairam gasped for air as he got fried by Kai's lightning, he slowly got up in pain and attempted to retaliate.

"Y-You bastard…how dare you!!--*GUN-SHOT*-!!"

SPLASH!! However, before he could do anything a bullet pierced his head from behind, dropping him dead on the spot. It was Wyper who shot him with his rifle from the Victoria Punk.

Kai approached the unconscious body of Byrnndi before a very old man suddenly emerged from inside the ship and came rushing towards him.

The old man was Byojack, Byrnndi World's older brother. A very sick old man who once had the same dream as his younger brother of becoming a pirate. And when Byrnndi World eventually became a pirate he took him with him despite his sickness and the two eventually sailed together.

Byojack dropped on his knees and started begging for his brother's life "Please have mercy, don't hurt my young brother! I'll do anything!"

Kai didn't respond and just ignored the old man's pleading.

"Kai, Kid, over her!!" Bonney waved at the two brothers to come back. Kai and Kid quickly picked up the bodies of Byrnndi and Gairam before they flew to the Victoria Punk.

Byojack shouted his brother's name at their direction "World!!!--"

Killer aimed his spinning punishers' blades towards the enemy ship and unleashed two massive beams of lightning tearing through the air with blinding speed.


"Astral Desolation!!"


KA-BOOOOM!!! The intense beam struck the ship, piercing through its hull before exploding and engulfing the ship in a fierce surge of electrical power. The once sturdy vessel was instantly reduced to smoldering wreckage that sunk into the sea along with everyone who was on board.

FWOOOSH! Kai and Kid swiftly landed back at the Victoria Punk before dropping the bodies of Byrrndi World and Gairam.

"You bastard, why did you interfere?!" Kid said to Kai in anger.

"Because you were fooling around, I told not to underestimate your opponent too much"

"I didn't, I was gonna finish him off if you didn't get in the way!"

"Krieg, Gin, you guys do the usual stuff with these two" Kai said to them.

"Who's the lucky one getting an ability this time?" Krieg asked while approaching him.

"Let's see…There is you, Wire, Saga, Wyper and Kureha" Kai said. Heat already ate the Shadow-Shadow Fruit that used to belong to Moria.

"I'll pass, I wanna keep my swimming ability" Wyper said.

"Me too" Saga added.

"Kahahaha! There is no helping then…I guess we also need some good swimmers in case some of us accidentally fall into the ocean" Kai responded.

At the same time…on the Icebreaker,

Whitey Bay and her crew looked extremely astonished after witnessing the short battle between the Eustass Pirates and the World Pirates.

"Can you even call those monsters rookies anymore?" Whitey Bay remarked.

"They don't seem to be targeting us captain"

"They better not, I'm no push over to be defeated like that" Whitey Bay declared before addressing her crew, "We're still heading ashore; the ship needs repairs. It took quite a beating"

"Yes Captain!!"

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