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Chapter 47: No Regrets

"You guys have become quite stubborn."

A drop of sweat formed on their foreheads when they heard those words, especially Axew, who could feel Aeron's eyes on it. But after a moment of silence, the scolding they were expecting never arrived.

"Xew?" Axew looked at Aeron while tilting its head, wondering why they were not being scolded.

The boy smiled at his Pokémon before squatting down. "It's good to be stubborn sometimes." He patted their heads affectionately. "But it doesn't mean you will not get punished."

Aeron took out three TMs. He tapped [Sunny Day] on Growlithe's head, followed by [Will-o-Wisp] on Larvesta's. Finally, Axew got a [Poison Jab].

At first, he planned to give [Sunny Day] to Larvesta but decided otherwise since he got [Will-o-Wisp] from the Pokemart.

"Growlithe and Larvesta, learn those moves, then teach them to the other. Got it?"



"Good boys!" Aeron smiled before looking at Axew. "That will take care of your Fairy-type weakness."

"Xew." The dragon nodded its head.

"Your punishment is to learn these moves within a week, or you won't get your favourite berries for one week."




The three Pokémon looked at Aeron and then at each other.




The three immediately started training in the middle of the sideway. They could not afford not to have their favourite berries for a whole week.

Aeron chuckled at their behaviour while Abra shook its head, seeing how the three big brothers behaved; then, a thought came to its mind.

'What if Aeron didn't give it his Psychic Energy for a week?' A drop of sweat appeared on Abra's head, who understood the actions of its brothers

"Return for now." Aeron returned them to their Pokeballs before denying them the access to come out on their own. "Meditate."

The trio sighed and silently meditated within their Pokeballs while Abra took its daily dose of Psychic Energy from Aeron before going back to sleep in its Pokeball.

Once everything was sorted, Aeron walked back to the Pokemon Centre. He did not see Grace, who was most likely busy working the night shift. He took the elevator to the seventh floor.

"He is gone?" Grace peeked out from behind the wall and sighed. 'Why am I behaving like a little girl.'


"Ahh!" She jumped in surprise when the egg Pokémon called out from behind, noticing the new Nurse Joy's weird behaviour. "Hi, Chansey."

"Chansey Chan?"

"Yeah, all good."

Grace sighed before she walked back to the reception desk while Chansey gave her a look and then walked back to take care of Pokémon.

'He is like a prince...' Grace looked at the photos Aeron had posted on his Pokegram. Usually, he wouldn't have, but Nessa made sure he made use of the increased following since social media can become a great source of earning.

Aeron needed a constant source of money and thus went along with Nessa's plan.

The pink-haired nurse looked at the few photos she had saved in her gallery.


"Hmm?" Grace looked up from her phone and saw two people standing before her. A professional smile immediately appeared on her face. "How can I help you?"

"We are looking for a place to stay." The young boy with light blue hair and a handsome face spoke with a polite tone while an old man wearing a black suit silently stood behind him.

"Can I have your Pokedex?"


"Hmm?" Grace's eyes showed her surprise when she saw who had come to the Pokémon Centre. "Welcome to Pewter City Pokémon Centre." She immediately stood up and said with a small bow. "I will arrange the suite for you."

"Thank you."


Aeron stood before the door to his room. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before a determined look appeared in his eyes.

'No regrets.'

He walked into his room, and the first thing he noticed was the two girls looking towards him.

"You okay?" Nessa asked while rubbing her eyes. She had woken up a while ago and had noticed Aeron was not in the room.

"Just went out for a walk." Aeron closed the door before walking toward them. "Did I wake you guys up?"

"We were just worried," Misty said while hiding half her face in the sheets and dropping her eyes. "We are sorry to make you uncomfort..."

"Got space for one more?" He cut her off before she could finish and looked at them with a smile.

"Huh?" They both looked at him with surprise, not believing what he had said.

"Or I can go back to..."


The two immediately opened up a space between them while avoiding eye contact. Aeron smiled while climbing over Nessa and landing between the two girls. Their arms brushed with each other, and the two girls felt their hearts were ready to explode any moment.

None of them spoke for a while until Aeron decided to take the initiative.

"Are you both sure about this?" He asked, but the girls said nothing, letting him continue. "I know how you both feel; there are two of you and just one me. I cannot 'choose' between you both, and I never will."

Nessa and Misty turned; they looked into each other's eyes over Aeron's chest. They knew what he meant since they had already predicted this conversation to happen sometime in future...but never so soon. Just as he had said, there were two of them and one of him. Will they be able to 'share' him?

"How about this?" He kept looking at the ceiling while speaking. "Let's be patient. I don't want any one of us to come out with scars. I am not going to let go of either of you, and I totally understand if any of you wouldn't want to 'share.'"

"Are you saying that so we give up?" Nessa sat up on one arm and looked Aeron in the eye. Her long dark-blue hair dropped down her body, and her oceanic-blue eyes bore into Aeron.

"Hmph! In your dreams." Misty kicked off the sheets and climbed on top of Aeron, pressing him down with her soft hands.

Aeron looked at the two girls. "You both are playing a dangerous game."


"I never knew you would be scared."

They both grinned while winking at each other and turned back toward Aeron, who now had a soft smile on his face. "Alright then."

He opened his arms and nodded his head. Understanding the gesture, Nessa placed her head on his right shoulder while Misty decided to lie on his chest.

"I am not coming down."

Aeron chuckled at the antics of the orange-haired girl before kissing her forehead.

"I am taking that place tomorrow." Nessa stared at Misty with her ocean-blue eyes.

"We will see about that."

Aeron sighed and gave the girls another forehead kiss before closing his eyes.

"Good night!"

astraldragon astraldragon

End of happy chapters. Romance is set. Event backgrounds are set. Shit will start going down real fast now.

I will take a small break from this chapter. One I have a wedding to attend, 2 I need to write a lot of chapters.

So the story will take small break and resume again.

Next time, we will be going on a wild ride!

Thank you for reading so far.

Hope you all have a great day!


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