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Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Bonds

A warm, golden light seeped through my closed eyelids, coaxing me from darkness into the realm of the living. My eyes flickered open to find myself in the comforting embrace of my own bed, the sun high in the sky, casting its midday radiance. A sensation of warmth and vitality coursed through my veins as I threw back the covers to discover, to my astonishment, that my wounds had completely healed.

Memories of that harrowing night surged into my mind—the ease with which Darby had vanquished Numas, reveling in his own power. "What in the name of the gods is Darby?" I wondered. Rising from the bed, I dressed in the simple cotton shirt and trousers thoughtfully folded atop a nearby chair. "One can't be armored all the time," I mused.

I ascended to the upper deck, the cosmic expanse overhead shimmering with breathtaking beauty. Yet, what struck me as peculiar was the ship's pristine condition—no sign of black blood, broken glass, or splintered wood. There was no trace that a battle had ever taken place.

"Yo!" Rudo bellowed, bounding toward me. "Feeling better, kid?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm good. What about you?" I replied.

"Never been better, it seems. After getting thrashed by that accursed Dreadborn, I don't remember much. Woke up in my room, wounds healed, and everything back to normal," Rudo said, his expression betraying his confusion.

Opol and Rad, leaning against the deck's railing, smoked a fragrant herbal joint, waving us over to join them in the aftermath of the surreal ordeal we had all endured.

"I can't recall a damned thing," Rad chuckled, drawing deeply from the joint and flicking ashes over the railing between puffs. "Odd, isn't it? Neither can I. I remember being injured, but everything after that is a void," Opol grumbled.

"I was the last one standing," I confessed, noting the surprise etched on their faces. "Many things were hazy," I admitted, though it could have been the blood loss that clouded my memory. "But I think I saw Darby—or rather, something that wasn't quite Darby. I can't be certain of what I witnessed." I struggled to piece together the fragmented recollections.

"So, Darby came to our rescue?" Rad inquired, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "It seemed so. I recall sensing a vivid green aura, pulsating and electrifying the air around us. Then I, too, must have blacked out," I recounted as the other three continued smoking.

Just then, Zig joined us, weariness etched on his face. "What are you fellows up to?" his hoarse voice inquired.

"Oh, you know, just recovering," Rudo responded, his tone betraying a hint of annoyance at Zig. "By the way, Zig, where were you when those squid bastards attacked us?" Rudo pressed.

Zig seemed flustered by the question. "I was ambushed before I could reach any of you. They locked me in the chambers below. I woke up in my bed, just like the rest of you," he said defensively, his eyes darting away.

"If I could have, I would've crushed just as many of those squiblins as you guys did," Zig snarled. "Sure, sure," Rad mocked. "Ease up, Zig, we trust you," Opol chimed in, attempting to diffuse the tension. Zig, however, turned and marched off to the ship's control center. "I can't stand that guy. Never liked him since day one on this ship," Rudo growled. "Take it easy. The captain trusts him, so he's our comrade," Opol reminded us with a soothing tone.

Just then, the doors to the captain's quarters opened, and Darby emerged. "Good afternoon, gentlemen," he called out, prompting us all to halt and salute our captain. After the pandemonium we had experienced, my trust and respect for Darby had grown, but as I considered it, I wondered whether it was respect or fear I felt. The image of a skeletal visage and the glowing green aura haunted me. "Leon," Darby gestured toward me, "join me in my quarters. We must discuss certain matters." He beckoned me into his room.

As I entered the captain's chamber, I noticed the plush red carpet and elegant furniture that adorned the room, as well as a long wooden table strewn with books and maps. "Take a seat, Leon," Darby invited, settling into a chair on the other side of the table, a lit joint between his fingers. He inhaled deeply before asking, "Do you remember anything? Anything that transpired last night?" He paused, curiosity lacing his tone. "I recall fragments, bits and pieces," I replied. "I see..." Darby murmured. "I believe I saw you, but you appeared... different," I added hesitantly, unsure whether I sounded delusional.

"And what did I resemble in your recollections?" Darby inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of trepidation. I hesitated, uncertain of how to articulate the ghastly vision. "You... you appeared as a skeletal fiend, bathed in an eerie emerald luminescence," I stammered, my voice faltering.

Darby burst into laughter, nearly choking on the smoke of his joint. "A monster, you say?" He chuckled, his mirth tinged with a shadow of sadness. "Your memories have not deceived you, lad."

"What are you, then?" I asked, curiosity overwhelming me.

"I am who I am, boy. Let not your inquisitiveness cloud your judgment," Darby replied cryptically. He paused, his gaze drifting into the void. "Since you have witnessed my transformation, I shall enlighten you. Your god Orphease devoured half my soul, leaving me cursed to wander among mortals for eternity. I become the apparition you beheld during the darkest reaches of the cosmos. You may have noticed that I retire to my chambers after supper; when the sun sets, I must withdraw, for even in the cosmos, I can sense the impending shift in my bones."

His voice, laden with anguish and despair, resonated with a vulnerability I had never heard before. "You see, lad, I enlisted you for the express purpose of exacting vengeance upon Orphease. When you vanquish him, you shall liberate not only yourself but me as well. Promise me, boy."

"I promise," I whispered, empathy welling within me. Darby must have endured an agonizing existence, witnessing countless friends and loved ones perish in an endless cycle of despair.

Before departing the captain's sanctuary, I felt compelled to inquire, "Sir? What of Drill? Has he recovered from the brutal onslaught he suffered at Numas's hands?" Memories of his gruesome injuries lingered in my thoughts.

"Fear not, lad. Everyone is healed and restored," Darby assured me, a warm chuckle resonating in his voice. "But, how did you manage to cleanse and mend the entire ship?" I couldn't help but interrupt, my curiosity piqued.

"Ah, my boy, this vessel is suffused with my very essence. My aura courses through its core, intertwining our fates. We empower one another, bound in an unending odyssey into the vast unknown," Darby revealed, his voice tinged with a profound sense of unity. "Now, away with you. Rest and rejuvenate, for we shall soon arrive at our destination. I want everyone prepared and alert."

With a wave of his hand, Darby ushered me out of his chamber, the door closing with an air of finality as I stepped into the dimly lit corridor.

"Have you incurred the captain's wrath?" Petre inquired, emerging from behind me. His short, stocky frame easily overlooked as I barely noticed him. "No, I merely sought assurance that we were all healed and ready for the upcoming bounty," I explained.

"Be vigilant, young Leon. Zozo is not a foe to underestimate. He's a treacherous vermin, deserving nothing less than the swift hand of death," Petre declared, his fist tightening with determination. I knew little of this Zozo, yet I was certain my ruby ring would soon call upon me to harvest more souls.

"Orecon B is fraught with peril, as well. A world blanketed in jungle, teeming with fearsome beasts and cryptic creatures. With fortune, you may even encounter an Evergreen Dragon. Legend tells of their scales, reminiscent of the finest emeralds, and how they glide through the night, trailing a cascade of verdant flames across the cosmos," Petre elaborated, his enthusiasm for otherworldly creatures evident. In the midst of an alien world, his knowledge would prove invaluable.

The prospect of witnessing a dragon stirred my curiosity. I recalled tales from itinerant merchants who spoke of these majestic beings. Their scales and teeth, precious materials utilized in the forging of fabled weapons and armor, could fetch a fortune.

I contemplated the possibility of encountering such a magnificent dragon. Would I have the prowess to vanquish it? The memory of Numas' brutal assault loomed over me, a chilling reminder of my need for greater strength. With every soul I reaped and offered to Orphease, I gained power, but in turn, I surrendered more of my own essence.

This ship and its motley crew, under Darby's guidance, served as the last bastions of my sanity. As I walked the fine line between my hunger for strength and the ever-encroaching darkness, I wondered if there would come a day when I would lose myself entirely to the merciless void.

In the present, I resolved to learn, grow, and savor every moment of this extraordinary adventure. Time flew, and soon supper was upon us. We gathered around the table, all except our captain, who remained in his chambers, likely drained from mending our wounds with his aura. We feasted, relishing in the shared camaraderie.

"We'll reach Orecon B in approximately twelve hours," Zig announced, detailing the bounty before us. "Zozo is wanted dead or alive—preferably alive, but if we have no choice, his head will suffice." He spoke between mouthfuls, a distasteful sight. Though not the most likable crew member, Zig's intellect and valuable intel were undeniable.

"Rumor has it Zozo is heavily guarded within a sanctuary deep in the jungle. We'll land on the outskirts and infiltrate from the sides to avoid drawing attention," Zig continued, holding our rapt attention. "Once we're in, eliminate everyone—leave no one alive but Zozo." He slammed his hand on the table for emphasis.

With our meal concluded, our spirits were ignited in anticipation of the upcoming challenge. I retired to my chamber, sitting on the edge of my bed and reflecting on the events that had led me to this point. Above all, I grappled with the notion of taking lives. I tried to push the thought away, but it relentlessly slithered back into my mind, an unwelcome specter that I welcomed with open arms.

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