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56.25% Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man / Chapter 63: Misunderstandings and Mistakes

Chapter 63: Misunderstandings and Mistakes

P@treon shoutouts -Henry hammond(♾️), Person(♾️) Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich



I laugh as I ask him "You are joking right" Tony shook his head, I looked away from them to the window before I looked at the door, outside which my family was waiting for me.

I look the doctor in the eye wondering how much I can change the world before I die "How much time do I have doc?" He frowns as he is about to say but I interrupt him "Give it to me straight Doc, I can take it" he looks at me weirdly as he explains "What do you mean by that?" I frown as I ask in confusion "I can take the news that I am about to die?" He shakes his head as Tony yells out "What? Nooo, nobody is dying" I look at them with doubt written on my face "I have Cancer".

The doctor wipes his glasses as he exclaims "And you have a healing factor that is being overworked to fight against the cancer cells" I slowly smile as I ask "So, am I not dying?" The doctor shakes his head as he explains "Of course not but you cannot use your powers anymore" I frown and try to fire a web which only goes out of my wrist for a second before it falls flat on the ground.

I grab a water bottle and try to stick it to my palm only for it to fall after 5 seconds, so I will be alive then but without any powers. I looked at them and smiled to reassure them "It's ok, I didn't have these powers since I was born, they are pretty new all in all" They looked relieved as they looked at each other before Tony winked at me as he told me "You can be a normal kid again, or as normal as a famous YouTuber can be".

I shook my head as I whispered out loud "I wanted to be more?" He pats my shoulder as he tells me "You don't need power to be more" I look at him and he points at his heart as he continues "You just need to make a difference" I nod and he leaves the room along with the doctor.

Just as he was about to close the door he shouted "You can always be my intern if you want to be more" I frowned as I yelled back at him "Being your intern is more than what I'm currently doing?" He smiles as he tells me "The only intern Tony Stark will ever take is pretty big you know" he closes the door and leaves me contemplating his offer.

I lost my powers which is ouch but still, I survived and that's all that matters or maybe not because I wanted to make a difference in this world and now I lost the one thing that gave me a chance, or maybe not again, I still have my brain, I can influence the world with my knowledge much more than ever, maybe I can be a normal kid for as long as I want until I have to deal with the harsher world out there.

I can let Uncle Ben finally have the rest he always wanted, 'I don't have to bear any great responsibility' I look at my palm and make a fist as I tell myself 'because I have no great power' The door opens and Uncle Ben walks in along with Aunt May and V.

I ponder what I should tell them before I settle on "Looks like our trip has been extended" Uncle Ben smiles as he says "No Peter it isn't, we are moving back to New York on Tony's private jet" I was surprised so I ask him "Aren't you not allowed in Private jets?" He grins as he tells me "I pulled in a favour" I chuckle before I turn to May "Am I grounded again?" She shakes her head and I ask her "Are you not going to talk to me because I was out on a walk and got hit by a random out-of-control weapon".

She just says "Oh Peter" as she breaks down and hugs me as gently as she can while bawling her eyes out, I hold her close with my one good arm to stop her from falling. She cries as I try to soothe her with empty words "I'm fine" 'I'm not' "It doesn't even hurt" 'It hurts like hell' "10/10 would get hit again and survive" She holds my ear and I quickly admit "No, No it hurts you shouldn't do this with a patient, ouch" she let's go of my ear and hugs me as she whispers "I was worried".

I hug her back and reassure her "I'm back and I'll be finer than ever after this" She hugs me tighter and I have to squeeze out "It hurts if you hug too tight" She immediately lets me go and checks over me for any kind of bleeding.

V just stands there so I ask her "Not going to call me a dummy?" She smiles with watery eyes as she calls me "Dummy" I look up at the ceiling with a smile and hope to god that this will be the last time that my family will ever be in danger because of me at least.

-??? POV-

I looked at the small piece of glass that was a beautiful vase a second ago before I had to tell him that we couldn't kill the kid again, he looked at me as he asked me in a low tone as if swiping everything off your table is just a normal thing to do and isn't an outburst "How are you incapable of killing a kid who isn't out of school yet?" I frown as I tell him "He is slippery and his Uncle seems to be ex-military" That pops a vein in Boss's head.

He shakes his head as he remarks "And when has that ever stopped us, Sending more men always works" I frown as I tell him "Not this time, they have moved to LA so we had to hire assassins instead of our regular grunts" Boss sighs before he tells me "next time send in bullseye" I nod in affirmation when I get a call, I pick it up and talk with the guy who is supposed to keep an eye on the Parker kid.

I cut the call as I tell Boss "The Peter kid has been hospitalized due to a Firearms accident at Stark Industries" Boss laughed as he told me "Looks like God did half the job for you Harvey, at least finish the job cleanly if you want to stay in The kings empire" I nod as I thought to myself 'yeah if the empire survives' he sent me away with a wave as he said "and don't bother with bullseye, we will need him for far more important stuff than a half dead kid".

I just walk out without replying to him with what I thought in my mind 'what is more important than killing the kid with the key to this cities fate in his hand, the kid who we haven't been able to kill' I think back to his words and come to a realization 'The king is here' that explains the urgency with which Wesley was requesting people to tie off all loose ends.

I don't care when the King arrives or if he already did arrive. I got my own loose end to tie here, and he is slippery, his uncle is dangerous, while all I got are a few nameless grunts and a shit load of money.

I can't kill the kid in his home because of his uncle and whenever he is outside, the people I send somehow always loose him somewhere else. 'Hmmm what to do?' I think of all I know about him before I think 'when the rabbit is hiding in its hutch, you smoke it out?' I smirk and start the car to get to Micah our resident tracker (read stalker) because we need the location of someone to help us get some smoke on the kid's ass.

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