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Chapter 4: The results

I wake up with groggy eyes and force myself to do my daily routine before checking the video on my phone while eating breakfast aaand yep just as I thought no fucking views because Youtube isn't easy to stand out in especially if you upload at the ungodly hours of 2:00 in the morning.

I go to school and get my stuff from the lockers just as Spidey sense goes off and unlike peters instinct to jump out of the way or dodge and act like it was an accident, I just walked off as flash screamed from a broken wrist after hitting the lockers behind me.

I mean who the fuck launches a full force blow to the back of the head and expect them to not die, man is gonna kill someone soon enough if this goes on.

I complete my classes and let peter be the good kid that he is and answer all the questions while I sit in a posture that screams disinterest to the teachers making them question me even more.

It was a funny sight really, a guy looking like a lazy zombie while his mouth moves like an enthusiastic monkey to answer all the questions the teachers throw.

As I was about to leave school and roam around the place before going back home because what would I even do if i go home now and as i was walking towards some bakery a guy taps my shoulder as he says "hey this you?" as he shows my video on his phone and holy shit 2 million views.

"Yeah" Peter replies shyly while i try to digest that "yoo it's so cool how you made this with things lying around in your room but why do you have gas cartridges lying around in your home" I reply quickly hearing his questions "Oh I just said that to sound funny, I've spent around 800$ on that video" "holy shit" we both sit down in the bakery and have some pastry while we talk about the video.

--5 hours ago--

Ned leeds is done with his coding friends like common they just had to complete the project and get the paycheck but because these fuckers forgot to mention that they had day jobs, the job they got which they had to finish by monday got fucked.

Whatever i'll just cool off by watching some no brain youtube video. As soon as I open the app the first video on my homepage caught my eye, it was titled

'I SPY Myself Part 1:the oxygenator'

the thumbnail has a kid that looks my age in a suit underwater with something in his mouth that's bubbling the surrounding water.

I click the video to find out what it's about and the video starts with the kid in the thumbnail standing there in a lab coat in what appears to be some kind of store room.

"Are we rolling?" the kid asks and someone that sounds old replies from behind the camera "yes we are peter" the kid starts talking "You might have seen james bond, Jason Bourne or any other spy movie which has a gadget that can help them breathe underwater" "like a scuba tank" the old man says and peter replies "No not that uncle ben, i meant this".

He says as a video from the james bond movie plays that shows bond using a smaller version of the device from the thumbnail to breathe underwater.

"So i watched that and thought, that is so fucking cool right" Peter is interrupted by uncle Ben's stern voice "language peter" Peter winces as he says "sorry" and continues talking about the device.

Ned was starting to get bored of hearing this guys technical mumbo jumbo about how it isn't possible to make such device because gas cartridges don't have enough PSI, some PSI statistics, calculations blah, blah, blah or something but my eyes light up when he says "We can infer from all this that it is impossible to make an exact replica so I made an inferior version of it with some parts lying around in my room" he says as he places down the device from the thumbnail.

And holy shit this guy just saw the movie and decided to make it just like that "this device wouldn't last as long as the one in the movie and is bulkier" then he starts explaining how each part was made and how the center piece was 3d printed to hold together the two cartridges.

"so now that you know the making process i request you to not FUCKING make this because it is really really dangerous" uncle ben yells again admonishingly "PETER" "No uncle ben i have to definitely stress this one" his uncle reluctantly agrees "Fine".

The funny banter made me want to laugh remembering the time I shouted out curse words from our rooftop and got caught by mom, that was an ass beating I'll remember for life.

"The reason why it's dangerous is because this gas cartridge carries about 1200 PSI of air pressure and if it all gets sent into my lungs at once well I am going to show you what happens" I observe as he stabs the cartridges into a watermelon and releases the pressure all at once.

The resulting explosion blows away chunks of watermelon everywhere staining the lab coat peter is wearing. The red color of the watermelon symbolically representing someone's lungs blowing to bits.

The visual image makes ned break into a cold sweat and wish this peter kid wouldn't try it just for some views but peters actions are the complete opposite of what a normal person would do "So, I am gonna test this thing on myslef" ned began to cough at this shameless bastard willing to put his life on the line for some YouTube video.

"Peter you are not going to do this, you can do more watermelons if you want to, atleast they're easier to clean, blood is really hard to clean off of walls" Ned began to nod and agree with uncle ben but the last statement made red flags flash in his minds.

Peter also looked suspicious in the video as he questions "How do you know that blood is hard to clea..." but is interrupted by uncle ben "Whatever you aren't going to risk your life for this video" peter panics as he answers "No no no that was a prototype. I already made the full version with all the bits and bobbles SEE" he shows the full version which looks much better and seemed to have a bigger nozzle.

"This one has a special nozzle to give me exactly one breath of air when i push the back in like an aasthma inhaler" that tempered my fear for peters life and made me admire his smartness in coming up with a solution.

Uncle ben seems to think so too as he asks "Fine but where can we test this?" peter seemed hesitant as he answers "i spent most of the the money i saved up on renting a pool" uncle Ben's surprised shout of "You did what?" made ned laugh his ass off.

The video cuts to peter standing in front of a pool in a suit and ned has to admit he looked good in that suit "Are you sure you have to do this in my suit?" I hear uncle ben say and peter turns around and says "Ofcourse i have to, spies wear suits all the time" as he starts climbing up the ladder to a really tall swimboard for a dive.

"Peter but you don't know how to dive" Uncle Ben shouts from below and I was stunned to hear that, if peter didn't know how to dive properly he can get hurt really badly.

"Spys don't either but they do it because they have to" peters shout made ned want to grab his keyboard and yeet it out of his room and yell WTF, uncle ben seems to think so too as he yells "No peter they definitely do know how to dive".

Now peter seems to hesitate as he yells back from the top of the spring board "I've seen a tutorial video on youtube that would help" as he walks to the edge my heart is beating faster and faster.

He can be seen taking deep breathes before he jumps and jumps and jumps, now this is just too much, as ned knew peter didn't have to jump higher but peter did it anyway because he wanted to look cool for the video or something. Ned held his breath while he watches as peter jumps high and dives right into the water as the video cuts.

To underwater below the pool before the calm of the blue water gets disturbed by a cloud of bubbles forming and poppimg to reveal a figure in a suit checking his pockets for something before pulling out what seems to be the device from earlier.

Peter puts the device and activates the pump mechanism and breathes before he starts swimming around being followed by the camera, sometime later uncle ben came out to breath air but still focused on recording the person swimming around underwater.

The video ends with a quote from uncle ben as he sits at the side of the pool recording his nephew who is still underwater after diving down for almost 10 minutes.

"When someone says the sky is your limit, tell them sky is easy but what's deep under the sea ,that, that is hard"

Uncle Ben's deep voice gives great wisdom before he starts ranting like a conspiracy theorist "because why the fuck would NASA research the ocean before deciding that space is bett..." the gasp of air as peter comes out before interrupts uncle Ben's rant "how did i do?" Peter asks and the video ends.

Ned is flabbergasted at such characters existing in real life, watching them made him feel like he was watching an episode of big Bang theory or Rick and Morty.

The dare devil nerd and the conspiracy theorist uncle who gets dragged into his nephew's shenanigans. It was like watching a cartoon on tv, ned was in the mood for some cake after watching that so he scrolled the comments as he started walking only to look up and find someone that looked familiar.

I go upto him and say "This you?" and he turns around and goes still before he answers and that's how a friendship that lasted through everything the universe threw at them was formed.

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