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Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man original

Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Author: KamBroFam123ERT

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The rebirth.

My life was ruined the moment I found out I wasn't the optimal human being in anything. My life was wasted on pursuits that take too much time with nothing to show for them except the time I lost and by the time I was cleaning up my game, it was already too late. I couldn't be the best version of myself for my entire life because I was too late.

And then i died, drowning in a nearby river after my car swerved a little too much on the snowy roads. It was not a disappointing death to me, atleast i went out with a little pizazz.

Now i didn't want to meet god and be shown what I did in my mediocre life and be judged for it but i didn't want to stay in this void and think of all the things I could have done to make my life at least a little better. I did that a lot while i was alive anyway.

I stared straight into the darkness and thought of closing my eyes but what is the point of doing that if all I will see is black anyway, that was my last thought in the void before i closed my eyes and opened them only to see myself in someone's room.

I looked around and noticed that it looked like a basic hollywood nerd's room with which I am very comfortable with, because that is how my room looked like too. Anyway I need to get a move and figure out what's going on around here.

I look into a mirror in the bathroom and look at a itty bitty guy looking back at me, I know this isn't me because i was fat and definitely not white, while this guy is just a regular old dude except there is something weird about the feel of the body so i take my shirt off and WOAH is this guy jacked under his baggy t shirt what the hell.

I got back into the room and notice a pair of glasses so i wear them...annnd now it's blurry so i take off the glasses to get back to my 20/20, 4K ultra HD vision. As i look through the room i find a book bag of whoever this body belongs to and open some books first page to find a name.

Peter B Parker. Now, I got no problem with being a comic nerd and all but this is some method acting bullshit, being chunibyoo enough to call yourself that is weird as all hell. GOD damn am I happy I wasn't that far into my anime phase in my last life.

-10 minutes and some digging later-

I was wrong, every single book had the same name including his student ID. I have been reborn as a comic book character and that too a hero. Life finds mysterious ways to make you to make spidermans life miserable so putting me in his body must have been part of it, because I am definitely a coward.

"Peter come here and eat your breakfast or you'll be late to school" Shit I have to go to school again, it was lonely the last time too, so I don't know if it would change but who was that calling me.

I walk down the stairs while i think about the characters in comics like Ned Leeds who was Parker's friend in some universes, I can deal with him but not Harry potter, osborn or whatever his name is. Not because of his goblin heritage but the fact that he and peter never had anything in common, i can handle nerds but not crazy rich prodigies.

I reach downstairs and go straight to the kitchen the way to which I didn't know but somehow was able to reach by instinct or something "Morning aunt may, what's for breakfast?" Aunt May tells me while setting the table up "We got pancakes and sandwiches so choose your breakfast."

My mouth moves without my brains input "aren't pancakes Ben's favourite?" I ponder about whatever the hell is happening as may says "You can have them honey, Ben wouldn't mind" this time I clamp my bodies urge to say thanks and chomp down on them.

Instead i force myself to say "But i would mind" as i start munchin on those delicious looking sandwiches. A few minutes pass before Uncle Ben comes down and has his pancakes with a smile on his face.

I lick my fingers after completing my breakfast and hear a loud voice "Peter Benjamin Parker how dare you eat my share of the sandwiches" SHIT "uhh sorry aunt may, i was hungry. i'll make it up to you somehow. Gotta go to school bye" I say a quick goodbye to a laughing Uncle Ben before getting the hell out of there.

I get in the bus, go to school live my day with no friends in sight and come back home, well that was something, i somehow did good on the tests and was able to answer all the questions right but seems like this version of parker is lonelier than most, he is kind of like andrew garfields Spidey.

Now that I can think with a clear mind, I can feel myself losing control of my mouth here and there throughout the day, It's not that I don't have any control but it feels like there's another person in this body like someone else is talking, Oh my god is that the OG peter Parker's remnants or something, Woah

- that's - concerning .

It's like split personality but he doesn't exist, he relinquished all body rights to me in return his memories can influence me I gotta be careful of that but peter was a good kid anyway so shouldn't be too much of a problem.

-The next day-

I got to school and get my first introduction to Flash The buff version "What's up Penis Parker finished my homework yet?" his voice suggests that he was taunting me so I answer in a quiet voice with a frown on my face "Yes it's done, i gave it to your friend mj" as it was already done by the previous peter, I am not going to do anyone's homework.

*Slam* The dust from the top of the lockers fills the air as he says "Don't forget to add girl in the front parker she's my girlfriend not just a friend is she?" I force down peters urge to say 'yes whatever' and instead i say "She didn't say yes yet did she flash" I look him dead in the eye as his face gets all wrinkly before he starts screaming again.

"Is that tone i hear from you parker?" the loud voice gets the attention of everyone around me but they are just observers and will be observers all their lives anyway "all sounds have tones dumbass and only old people use that dialogue" Woah I could never come up with comebacks that quick, must be peters doing as he used to have all these retorts ready but couldn't actually stand up for himself.

"Your done parker" he says as he pulls his arm back for a punch, the punch comes forward and all i see is a slow-motion flash 'heh' that was a punny dc reference.

I duck from his swing and tackle him before rolling off his body as he falls down before I quickly book it to my class before he can even get up. This is the best way to avoid trouble, nobody got hurt flash wasn't humiliated(not too much). So no teachers can call that a fight and punish me as i just ran away, no fight happened.

Flash still wouldn't stop pestering me after this but we can't stop the sun from rising in the east could we. Now that I witnessed my powers at work I can't ignore it any longer, I have to test my strength.

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