There were only two Dryads in this village. Just as much as the first they had destroyed, and just as much of a handful to deal with.
As Morne and Essenla tackled one, a squad of ten goblins had to work together to deal with the other, along with a squad of elven guards doing their utmost to protect the Illusion Mage.
But Morne didn't have the time to pay attention to that.
The Dryad he faced was a controller of plants, just like the long-haired Dryad in the first village, but instead of Spells that restrained and restricted, this one used thorny vines like whips and a pinkish, fragrant mist so sweet that it stung the eyes and nostrils and somewhat hid her figure from view.
Morne and his undead joined the battle while Essenla was on her back foot. Her sword couldn't reach the Dryad when she used those vines to keep Essenla at a distance of over ten feet, and the perfumes in the air made her eyes water and a sneeze try to form.
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