/ War&Military / The Dance with Death

The Dance with Death Original

The Dance with Death

War&Military 2 Chapters 2.3K Views
Author: TheMizMind

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My eyes bleed crimson tears,
As I weep for the sins of my years.
Purity gouged, and darkness creeps in,
Wicked daggers carve my soul from within.

Life, a foretold story, sliced by the blade,
Of fate's cruel hand, a debt to be paid.

In the depths of night, I seek a maiden fair,
To stand by my side, and together we'll dare
To seek justice, and right the wrongs done,
I vow to dance with death, until justice has won.

I offer myself, a trade to be made,
For the life of another, let my soul be laid.
Will you take my hand, and walk by my side,
As we step into the dark, and let justice be our guide?

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Hope you can provide us with more chapters in the future. The setting seem interesting and the way the story is explained..... It's just like a fine poetry. Good Luck!!!!

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Great writing ...... waiting for next chapter

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Author TheMizMind