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50% The Dragon-Knight / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Confrontation

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Confrontation

Swordswoman, who goes by the name of "Someone," looks in the direction that Dragon-Knight has pointed and says, "Alright, I think I should go and examine the brothel to understand Neal's purpose."

Dragon-Knight lowers his finger and questions, "So, you don't know what he wants to do?"

Someone feels annoyed by his comment and retorts, "Who do you think I am? I've been after him for months. Of course, I know what he's doing, but I need to understand more."

Dragon-Knight senses her frustration and quickly apologizes, "Alright, I didn't mean to offend you, but I need to know who he is."

Someone sadly replies, "He was one of us, a brother to me and my people, but he left our way. Now, he is seeking revenge for a false cause."

Dragon-Knight is curious and asks, "What do you mean by revenge and false cause?"

Someone clears her throat and explains, "He always thought our way was wrong and wanted the old way. He and many others like him want the knighthood to make a comeback and they put the blame on Contasia."

Dragon-Knight hesitates for a moment and decides not to talk more about it. To change the subject he asks " What do you think should we do ? "

Someone takes a deep breath and begins to explain her plan to Dragon-Knight, "You said they wanted something called 'tears' and these kids, right? I don't know what 'tears' is, but these kids won't walk to wherever they are being taken. So, I think when they came, they must have come with a carrier. If we can track it down, we might be able to find where they are being kept."

Dragon-Knight nods in agreement and says, "I know someone who might be able to help us this " Tears". I'll go to the back of the brothel. I am hearing a child's cry. I think they are being kept in the basement. After that, we can visit this person to learn more about the 'tears.'"

Someone is surprised by Dragon-Knight's ability to hear the crying child and asks, "Hearing?"

Dragon-Knight doesn't answer her question and simply says, "Go to the brothel. If anything happens, I'll be there." He then walks away to visit the innocent children.

Someone shouts after him, "I just saved you, remember? I can take care of myself." She chuckles to herself and heads towards the brothel.

Upon arriving at the brothel, Someone enters without knocking and asks to speak to the owners. A girl goes to the basement and returns with Katie and Silvie.

Silvie speaks coldly and sharply, "We're closed for-"

Someone interrupts her and says, "I know what happened. I helped that man to stop the rogues."

Silvie pulls out something from her pocket and ties it to the pawn of her hand. After inhaling, flames start to burn above the object she wears, and she tells Someone to leave.

Someone knew there were seconds and first at hara but she had never encounter them before . She walks backwards and says, "I'm here to help."

Silvie shouts, "We don't need your help. Leave!"

Someone walks out of the brothel and heads towards the back. As she walks, she hears Dragon-Knight's voice saying, "At my home, we give our promises with blood."

Someone begins to understand more about this vigilante and says quietly, "So, you're from the land of counts."

Dragon-Knight leaves the kids alone and comes out from the backyard to see Someone. "What happened?" he asks her.

Someone sighs and says, "They kicked me out, so I don't know anything. What about you?"

Dragon-Knight sighs too. "They were too scared, but they won't run away."

"At least we managed one thing. So, what will we do now?" says Someone.

Dragon-Knight begins to walk and says, "There is a tavern we need to go to."

Someone follows him and asks, "What will we do there?"

Dragon-Knight replies briefly, "Research."

Someone keeps asking questions. "What are we looking for?"

Dragon-Knight replies, "Information."

Someone asks again, "About what exactly?"

Dragon-Knight answers, "The thing called 'tears'."

Someone feels annoyed by him and asks, "Why are you being so grumpy?"

Dragon-Knight sighs for a second and says, "I don't like being in public and I don't want to see the man we are going to see."

Someone takes out her cape and gives it to him. "Put this on. Cover that scary helmet of yours."

Dragon-Knight takes her cape and covers his helmet and armor with it. "Thank you," says the dragon-knight quietly.

"Come on, let's face that man who scares the shit out of you," says someone.

Dragon-knight chuckles. "He doesn't scare me."

Someone chuckles too. "Yeah, I bet he doesn't."

Someone and the Dragon-Knight, partners to hunt down rogues, walked through the city under the light of the moon. Their lovely walk ends with the sight of a colorful tavern.

They enter the tavern and hear a bard singing

"He rides across the land with his red sword in hand.

He fights for those who can't.

He breaks the chains of fear.

He is the Dragon-Knight, the beacon in the night."

Someone chuckled. "How are you doing, Mr. Beacon?" Dragon-Knight smiled under his helmet and said, "That is the man we are going to see."

Someone looked puzzled. "Do you know this bard?"

"Unfortunately, I do. Can you talk to him? I should stay low," said the dragon-knight.

"Alright, sit somewhere. I'll be back," said someone and went to the bard when his song was over.

"Hey there, beautiful. What can I do for you?" said the bard.

Someone said, "You might come and sit with me."

"Alright, let me put Beth on the stage," said the bard and he went back to the kitchen and came with a girl. "I'll be sitting with this beauty. Play something about love," said the bard to the little girl.

"Is she yours?" someone asks Bard as they walk toward the table.

"No, she ain't. But I taught her everything she knows." Bard answers.

"That's nice." Someone smiles at Bard.

"Yeah." Bard smiles back. But his smile disappears when he reaches the table.

He looks at the Dragon-Knight with confusion. "What are you doing here?"

Dragon-Knight takes a breath. "Sit down, Jesse. We need to talk."

Jesse and Someone sit down. Jesse interrupts Dragon-Knight. "Oh, by the way, that was a lame move, man. Not cool at all. I thought I was going to have… Anyway, what do you want from me?"

"Jesse, Rogues are after something. They're stockpiling something called 'tears'. What does it do and why are they after it? Do you have any idea?" Dragon-Knight asks.

Jesse inhales. "Look, Ar... I mean Dragon-Knight, I don't mess with Rogues and I think you should stay away from them too. But I do know what 'tear' is."

Someone interrupts with excitement. "What is it?"

"Slow down, lady. It's full name is 'Tears of Joy'. People use it to get real high. It's a very addictive and very dangerous drug. It messes with your head real bad. Some whore mages produce it to deal with their customers."

A waitress walks to the table to take orders, but Jesse turns back and says, "Just three beers, love. And don't let anyone come here, alright?"

The waitress nods and leaves. She comes back quickly with the beers and sets them down without a word.

Dragon-Knight pushes his glass toward Jesse and says, "I can't drink it."

Jesse looks at him curiously. "Is it that bad?"

Dragon-Knight gets frustrated. "Focus, Jesse. What do you mean by 'messes with your head'?"

Jesse takes a sip. "I mean, it's addictive like everything else, but it's different. Like, when you don't use it, you start to lose it. And when you do, you're just an empty shell."

Dragon-Knight stops talking and thinks. The only sound in the room is the voice of a girl named Beth.

"Oh, keeper, oh keeper

Did you love her so much?

Oh, keeper, oh keeper

A soul you have never saw"

"Yes, it is magical," Dragon-Knight says quietly.

Jesse puts on a serious face and says, "What do you mean?"

Dragon-Knight speaks sharply and coldly. "I tell you what I see."

Jesse's voice trembles. "She's not a Second, alright? She can't be."

"No, she's not a Second. But she's not an ordinary human either," Dragon-Knight says.

Jesse looks confused and stressed. "What the hell are you saying?"

Dragon-Knight gets up and puts two copper coins on the table. "She has a mutation called Scream. Probably one of her ancestors was a Second or First and had this mutation and it passed to her. That's all. Nothing to be worried about. She's human, but not an ordinary human."

Someone gets up after him and says to Jesse, "Thank you for the information."

Jesse doesn't answer. The funny-looking goofy man was now scared.

Someone and Dragon-Knight walk through the empty street. Their walk is like the opposite version of their first walk: cold and dark.

Someone can't handle herself and says, "What the fuck did you do in there?"

Dragon-Knight turns to her and says, "What?"

"You devastated that man. What's wrong with you?" Someone says.

Dragon-Knight exhales. "I told him what I know. That's all."

"You didn't have to be that rude," Someone says.

"Hey, he didn't show respect to me first. Why should I?" Dragon-Knight shouts.

"So, did you forget who you are? What happened to the man who fights for those who can't?" Someone shouts.

"You can't blame me for delivering bad news," Dragon-Knight says coldly.

Someone starts to calm down. "How did you know that?" she asks.

"We don't need to talk about anything, alright? We have a mission to accomplish. That's all," Dragon-Knight says.

Someone feels frustrated by his words. "I need to know what you're capable of to accomplish that mission."

Dragon-Knight inhales and exhales. "I was a hunter from Contasia. Every hunter knows mutations and how to detect them. Her voice was inhuman."

Someone exhales too. "Alright, do you have any idea what Rogues are after?"

"You said Neal blames Contasia, right? I believe he wants to cripple them with this poison," Dragon-Knight says.

Someone walks around without saying a word. After a while of silence, she says with a trembling voice, "He wants to destroy Contasia. We are protectors. We don't harm. We protect."

Dragon-Knight comes closer to her. "The man you used to love is long gone. Grieve for him and avenge his death."

"Vengeance is not our way," Someone says as she wipes her tears from her eyes.

"Protection is. Protect the ones who cannot from Neal," Dragon-Knight says as he wipes her tears with his leather glove on his hand.

Someone says, "When people are in need of help and there is no one to save them, they call out for someone. I will save them." She gets up from the ground.

"I believe we should stay close to the brothel and wait until they arrive," she says.

"How are we going to follow them without getting caught?" Dragon-Knight asks.

Someone says, "We need to find a carrier."

Dragon-Knight comes closer. "I don't have much. Being what I am doesn't pay at all."

Someone smiles at him. "Don't worry. People of Shier are with us." She takes out a golden coin from her pocket.

"Alright then. Let's find a shop to buy a carrier," Dragon-Knight says.

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