Bucephelus slowly descended through Terra's atmosphere.
The atmosphere which was previously very polluted and toxic was now clean and the sky was blue and clear.
Despite the clear skies, Terra itself still didn't have enough oceans, the project to rebuild Terra's oceans hadn't started yet due to the lack of water, but that would change when the Great Crisis War began.
When Bucephelus landed on one of the smaller hives, the crowd greeted him with loud cheers.
The large doors of the spaceship opened, and the Emperor stepped out first, followed by the Custodes.
Pictograms of the emperor's speech announcing the Treaty of Mars are displayed in each settlement. From sprawling hives to desolate cities of garbage, the words of the Lord of Mankind have brought joy to the people.
The Emperor was accompanied by tens of thousands of Tech Priests and other high-ranking Mechanicus officials.
The emperor stopped for just a moment and clenched his fist, and on the clenched fist a golden light came out from the Lord of mankind, and those who saw the light were immediately cured of everything, their bodies were rejuvenated and healed.
A golden aura appeared upon the Emperor and then the true purpose of the clenched fist was seen as the very fabric of reality bent and twisted as the angels appeared in the form of light and golden fire until they took on a more humanoid form, the very faces of the angels underwent constant changes as if they were fighting for what they want to be.
Angels joining the procession caused even louder cheers from the audience.
The procession continued its way towards the Imperial Palace and at every place it passed the procession grew even larger as more and more people joined it.
The procession arrived at the Imperial Palace as the Emperor met his sons again, hugged them and presented them with the souvenirs they had bought, and then they moved to the dining room where they discussed their separate activities over lunch.
At the same time, festivals were held across Terra in honor of the Emperor's return. The new news was the first appearance of the Angels, which caused even greater faith in their ruler.
The Vaults of Rython were one of many prisons I created that held countless abominations imprisoned during the Wars of Unification.
I've gone through dozens of stasis crypts, Tesseract vaults, and paradox machines. Each contains some horror that should never see the light of day. The Spartan vaults tended by Custodes Warders were in stark contrast to my destination. Located at the very bottom of the Vaults of Rython and protected by layers of arcane and archeological security was a unique Dark Cell. Lavishly and furnished like an apartment belonging to the lord of Terra, an independent dormitory equipped with luxury. It maintains a large library and living quarters for its two tenants.
It took me four hours to go through all the checks to get to my destination and get inside.
Upon entering, I was greeted by a Transhuman who at first glance could be mistaken for an Astartes. He wore a simple gray tunic and was unarmed and unarmoured.
It was Leetu, my and Erda's creation, my son.
"Hello, son," I answer with a slight smile.
Lettu just growled at my words "Why are you here, Second Creator."
"I came to talk to you and Lady Erda, I see you don't want me to address you as son, do you like it better that I call you a creation" I answer.
On my river, Leet just cut harder.
"Then I will still call you son, you still share my blood." I answer with a smile.
Leet slashed again.
"Do you know anything but cutting, son. I'm fine there, one of your creators has already declared his allegiance to Amar Astarte. She was old and on the brink of death, but I brought her back to the prime of her youth very easily and quickly," I reply to his cutting.
"We just merged with Mars, and what were you doing usefully here other than rotting here like a museum piece in some warehouse or a failed prototype that didn't try to fix its situation," I add.
Leet stopped cutting my words and just looked at me in confusion.
"Neoth, what do you want," a distant voice replied in an angry tone.
In front of me came a woman dressed in gray silk who radiated a sense of eternity mixed with ancient strength and beauty.
She finally came.
"Hello Erda, I've come to make you an offer," I replied with the biggest and kindest smile on my face.
"To become your slave, bound to your soul and to serve you forever, Far from my children and I can't even talk to them, is that so," answered Erda angrily.
"No, I'm offering you to join me again," I replied.
"And my children?" she asked a little worried.
"Leet is your only child and he is with you. No Primarch is your child, your memory doesn't seem to serve you as well as it used to, and you she forgot they were only made of my blood. You have not given a drop of blood, you are not genetic related to any of them, you did not participate in any phase of their upbringing, so you are not their mother either," I answer brutally honestly and add "and if you really were their mother, she you lost the right to call yourself that when you tried to send them away from me to the Warp even though you knew they might die."
"YOU'RE LYING" Erda she exclaimed and added "You're trying to manipulate me!!!".
Alas, her condition is worse than I thought.
"Erda, Perpetuals are supposed to have a photographic memory, I believe you are a rare anomaly. You don't have the ability to store so many years of experience and your brain has started erasing your memories," I reply dead serious.
"You're lying… you killed and ate my past children, poor Zeus, poor Poseidon, poor Hera and many of my other children… you want to take this from me too," Erda she quickly replied with wide eyes as he shivered.
"Please remember, your normal children died of natural causes. Remember how she you cried a lot and how you didn't want all your children to outlive you, you asked for my help and I gave you some knowledge to create artificial children. You performed the necessary rituals and created more children. The children were semi-divine with immortality and some inhuman powers. The Homunculus they created were a pest to humanity lustful, petty, power hungry and cruel they treated people like cattle and I had to kill them, I didn't devour them, I absorbed them myself to prevent their existence as Warp Gods, all of humanity remembers the events that your children caused as Greek Mythology" I answer her and extend my hand "Give me your hand if you want to know the truth".
"No...no...no...no...that...can't...be...true" Erda started sobbing and her words were interrupted and everything she could say were stuttering sounds. Hot tears streamed down her face, and she squeezed her eyelids shut, hoping the tears would stop. Her ragged breathing and watery eyes continued for some time and she sat motionless.
Poor Erda.
"Give me your hand, Erda" I answer in a soothing voice and Erda approaches me giving me her hand. As I hug her, golden light comes out of my hand and illuminates her, healing her and repairing her physically, genetically and mentally.
"The truth...is...I have...absolutely no one,...alone...alone" Erda stammered out of sadness before she hugged me even tighter and started crying again.
"Okay, everything is fine, you have me" I replied as I continued to hug her and soothe her with comforting words.
We hugged like that for a few minutes until I decided it was time "Erda, do you want to join me again".
A few more minutes passed in silence until she let me go and answered "You want power for the sake of power, you don't care about humanity, you only care about yourself, you don't care about the upliftment of humanity but about increasing your control, why would I join you".
"Erda, I had hundreds of thousands of years to conquer humanity at any time. I could have done it in Prehistory, in the Neolithic, in the age of the first cities, during the First Rangdan invasion in M18, during the gene wars in M21, during the Great Orc War in M22 I could even conquer humanity during my heyday during the Golden Age of Technology. If I wanted to at any time I could become the God-Emperor and rule over humanity turning them into fanatics" I answer her completely honestly.
"If you didn't want power, then what made you allow your cults to spread, except for the desire for power. You just want everything to go quickly," Erda she asked insightfully.
"We have to spread quickly because our many enemies are getting stronger every moment. The slower the crusade is, the stronger the enemies is and the more people will die. Everything I do is necessary for humanity," I answer and send several visions of enemie to Erda.
*The Milky Way surrounded by swarms of locusts as big as galaxy superclusters and our galaxy is a meal.*
*On more than a billion planets sleep close to countless legions of beings that were once mortal and changed their weak and fragile bodies to mechanical and strong ones.*
* Countless tides of green warriors armed with technology that shouldn't work are slowly evolving into a higher evolutionary stage than all combat.*
*Rangdan horrors that reduce entire sectors to breeding farms for harvesting human and xenos biomass.*
* Planets caught in a Warp Storm turning them into Daemon worlds where Daemons torment the inhabitants for eternity*
Erda's eyes widened with shock at the visions.
"When all threats disappear, you will still dominate humanity, humanity will never find freedom," Erda replied.
"Yes, I will be the God-Emperor of all humans and Xenos in the galaxy, I will rule all wisely and justly and I will bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy and to my life in the galaxy," I answer with a smile and add "Humanity does not have millions of years to evolve into a psyker race . Under my guidance it only needs 15-25 thousand years to complete its evolutionary development. Don't look at me like that, I will not hold humanity for its current development because development is inevitable."
"Most Perpetuals are arrogant fools of such a level and convinced that they are somehow the next stage of human evolution that they don't really care about humanity in any form. As I saved humanity from countless abonomination during the Long Night and roamed the galaxy most Perpetuals retreated and let humanity die en masse because it's not your fight and you didn't care about the suffering of mere mortals" I reply with a hint of anger and disappointment in my voice.
I stare at Erda, and she looks at me and doesn't answer anything.
He seems to think it's time to speed up his thinking process.
Despite everything, she is still among my friends and I want her to be happy.
"I want more power and that's true, but you have to understand that for the rest of my life I didn't want power, I wanted peace and resources for my research, but I realized that power is good because it allows the protection of those I care about, like you and humanity. Maybe I crave power and do everything to get it, but at least I'm not like the bloody cardinals and tyrants of Old Terra who wanted to do good but were reduced from good people to fanatical tyrants who killed millions and billions in the name of the gods or some utopian goal in purges, massacres and genocides. You claim that I am arrogant, I am, but these are all Pepetuals and they hate me because I am stronger than them and I am aware of my arrogance and they hate it," I answer.
"Do you accept my offer?" I ask Erda.
"I accept, you are right in everything you say" answered Erda and was no longer tearful or sad.
"You two follow me to your new rooms," I happily reply.
Everything according to plan.
I close their former quarters and take them both, Erda and my son to their new rooms.
Everything according to plan.
AN: My thoughts on Erda and Pepetuals.
Personally, I consider Erda a very unreliable narrator. This is a woman whose claim is that it was absolutely necessary to send her young sons to the hellish dimension. Of course, she claims it was so the Emperor wouldn't turn the Primarchs into brainwashed puppets, but then again, it's the Warp, and the Emperor didn't do that with Horus despite being perfectly capable of it. She also claims that the Emperor always was trying to win over humanity to worship him, which makes no sense. Sure, the Emperor being a warlord in the early days of human civilization works well, but if he actually intended to forcibly subjugate humanity, he could have turned Earth into his own theocratic empire at literally any time before 40,000 of humanity left for the stars.
The basic problem with Perptuals that I have seen is. Everyone is angry that the emperor is so arrogant and domineering. When in fact they were arrogant. Erda seems to think that the Emperor is trying to hasten human evolution into eternity for no reason. Well this shows that she is not included in the whole picture. its impermanence which the Emperor tries to produce in mankind. And the acceleration is not without reason. The Perpetuals wanted humanity to evolve into them over millions of years. Well, the universe doesn't have millions of years if Chaos continues to fester and grow. And becoming an eternal species would honestly hurt humanity. True immortality in mass numbers is never good.
And Erda's pathetic whining about how the Emperor is 'eeeeeeviiiiill!!111!!' and 'want to take over humanity' is the epitome of bad writing. Hell, if the Emperor wanted to rule humanity with an iron fist, he literally had 33,000 years in which to set himself up as a superpowered tyrant. He didn't, so Erda's fears are completely unfounded. The only reason he revealed himself and became emperor was so he could protect and unite humanity and stop them from becoming extinct or enslaved at the hands of the xenos/chaos. Hell, even calling his position 'Emperor' wasn't his idea, it was Malcador's!
Erda's position can only be explained by the fact that Erda is fucking crazy.
Tell me your thoughts on Erda and the other Perpetuals if you want. In my opinion, they are more unpleasant and more asshole people than the Emperor.
In the next chapter, we will see the results of Malcador's MC blood analysis, some conversations with Amar Astarte and the genetic experiments, and the final fate of Basilio Fo. As always, all comments, reviews, ideas and questions are welcome.
(Malcador Sigillite POV) (During the Emperor's mission to Mars)
The imperial laboratory was huge, really huge and a person could get lost in it and it would take days to get from one part of the laboratory to another.
He was here in extreme need.
The emperor's blood proved impossible to analyze in normal laboratories.
He took a bottle of blood and put it in the analyzer. It was a big machine with the ability to analyze anything.
The results in the normal laboratories did not give any results at, all and it was difficult to get him to come here.
The analyzer started to be overloaded by the amount of data and it took close to half an hour to calm down and close to another half an hour to analyze everything.
The results were shown on the screen before being printed on a large scroll.
He went over and took the scroll and looked at the results.
In his long life, he has seen many horrors and oddities, but he really hasn't seen this.
His friend's DNA was an unusual or rather abnormal mixture of hundreds of different samples, although the human part was dominant.
Genetics alone could not describe the power and strength of his friend. He began to breathe rapidly and almost had an aneurism, but quickly calmed down.
He looked at his hands and saw that they were shaking and dropped the scroll.
He took a few steps back and fell on the earth.
"I'm too old for this, I need a drink," he said upset.
(During the Emperor's return from Mars)
"Malcador, my friend, what's the matter with you, why are you drinking?" the Emperor asked worriedly.
"This is yours," Malcador replied and handed the scroll with the results to the Emperor.
"You did it, well done, friend" Emperor said good luck.
"Yes, I am," Malcador replied jerkily.
"Would you like to share that drink? We are celebrating, Mars has joined us," the Emperor asked.
"Here" Malcador said and handed the bottle to the Emperor.
The Emperor and Malcador took the bottle and toasted like two old friends.
I walked through the depths of my laboratory in the most protected part of the palace. The laboratory was separate and secret from the rest of the Empire. It was a self-sufficient pocket of research and production complexes designed to ensure that, regardless of contracts with Mars or some other threat, I would own my own private meat forge allowing me to create armies.
Passing through the large security door into Genelab, the researchers and gene forgers greeted me with a big bow and fanatical prayers.
I just nodded in agreement.
I walk through and see parts of the lab dedicated to the fantastically complicated apparatus needed to create the Custodes.
The entire Selenar Clans and Terrawatt Clans worked in the laboratory, they were joined by the Technical Priests of Mars. The lab itself was the size of Turkey and required millions of staff to fill it to capacity. Now, millions of fanatically devoted genesmiths and the most colorful researchers ensured that the laboratory worked 24 hours a day.
I passed parts of the laboratory focused on sequencing the human genome and parts focused on storing literal mountains of genetic seed and finally arrived at my destination.
She was there Amar Astarte, once an old woman on the verge of death, now she was a young woman thanks to me and she was fanatically loyal to me.
Like all fanatics, she knelt down as soon as she saw me.
I only respond with a nod of agreement before she gets up.
It's good that I developed protocols for obeisance. It's really hard when someone is kneeling down and won't get up.
"God-Emperor, what do you want?" she asked with wide eyes and signs of fanaticism in her voice.
"I came to see the results of the experiments from 1300-1313," I answer commandingly.
"Of course, your orders are my life" Amar answers and takes out the documents which he hands to me.
I take the document and read them and I am satisfied with the results.
Experiment 1300 is an attempt to create gene therapy to transform guardsmen to fight on planets with higher gravity than Terra. He was completely successful.
Experiments 1301-1306 were similar to experiment 1300 in that they were simply based on creating gene therapies that would allow regular guardsmen to fight on low gravity planets, ice planets, highly volcanic planets, atmosphereless planets, desert planets, and radioactive planets. Thanks to their simplicity, they were all a great success.
Experiment 1307 was a simple attempt to reconstruct the Afriel Strain without the harmful effects such as bad luck, mental insanity and the extreme hatred they feel from normal people. It was 90% complete and was improved by my occasional participation.
Experiment 1308 is an attempt to build Legienstrasse. Say what you want about she, she it was very effective. The attempt to create a loyal version was at only 5% and stalled due to the lack of the necessary genetic material.
Experiment 1309 was an attempt to develop a genetic therapy that would allow Humans and Aeldar to conceive a child naturally. The project is a complete failure due to the lack of subjects who would like to try.
And if I had subjects, the problem would be the fact that although they reproduce similarly to humans, the Aeldar need regular input of genetic material into the embryo. Another problem is that Aeldari DNA is much more complex compared to human DNA.
Coupled with the fact that some of the Aeldari DNA is literally in the Warp makes this experiment unlikely to succeed.
Experiment 1310 is an experiment dedicated to the cloning of Pariah and Blank. Although we have the ability to clone them, we try to create new blanks with a predetermined level of psi-rank.
As a result of countless genetic experiments during the Long Night, Terra has a sizable supply of Voids, allowing us to create the Sister of Silence. The main problem has always been their difficulty to recover their losses.
I simply ordered that the Omega and Omega Minus Pariahs not be created.
The experiment was in difficulties because it is extremely difficult to create a living being when it sucks the life out of you. If this were a deserted planet and I was in my Omega Minus Pariah mode, I would be able to clone as many as I wanted and the experiment would be a success.
Experiment 1311 deals with genetic therapies for the treatment of more extreme mutations.
It showed some success in treating genetic mutations, but it was a failure in cases of worse mutations because these mutants are no longer human and must be exterminated.
Experiment 1312 is an attempt to create drugs that would enhance the strength and abilities of space marines without addiction and dysfunction.
He was at less than 1% because he was not a priority and the space marines were already, apart from Custodes and Primarchs, the pinnacle of the human condition, albeit in a raw form.
Experiment 1313 will be an attempt to develop human warp consciousness. Sort of like a human version of Waagh.
This last one had not even started yet and was purely theoretical.
I finish reading the last document and hand it back to Amar, who takes them back to where they were.
"Amar, I want you to stop all the research, which is a complete failure, and redirect their resources to experiments that show promise. There will come a time when we can return to complete them," I ordered.
"As you command," she replied.
I just give her a nod and leave as I checked how things work.
(Basilio Fo POV)
The cell was dark and silent without any sound.
He had been here alone for so many years that he had almost forgotten what another human being looked like.
It had been years since he had gone outside or spoken to any living thing.
Food and water were simply pushed through the opening in the door, as was the bucket for bodily needs.
Here he was imprisoned for years by King of Abonomination , a tyrant who prevented him from escaping Terra to continue his work and share his genius and artworks with the rest of humanity.
Humanity is far from the golden age of technology and his works will help humanity understand its place in the universe, and the tyrant has prevented him from doing so.
He was jolted out of his thoughts by the sound of the door opening.
A hard and nearly indestructible door opened allowing him to see his first visitors in many years.
One was the King of Abomination in his golden armor and he moved with equal arrogance and at the same time too gracefully for a human being.
His demeanor was as always completely calm without any trace of impatience.
The other was one of his creations called the Adeptus Astarte.
"Basilio, your judgment day has come," replied the emperor.
"I don't want to live in the universe you exist in, kill me now," he replied to the Emperor's words.
He would rather be dead than alive in a universe where things like the Emperor exist.
"Basilio Fo, for your countless crimes against humanity I sentence you to death. Fabius, you know what you must do," the Emperor replied confidently.
"In my wildest delusions I could not design the monsters you create. I deal with the simple and ingenious arts of genetics and anatomy. I tinker and assemble, create puzzles and delights and strange wonders, things that make us think and reflect on the nature of our being and our place in scheme of life He answered and raised his head and looked the King of Abomination in the eyes and continued his will.
"I do not create things that will burn the galaxy. I do not create things that will doom our species and lead it into an endless frenzy of war. You are the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Grotesque. Disgusting. Illegal in every way." He sighed and watched as the King's face changed into a huge smile before he began to laugh out loud.
He just laughed at him for a few minutes before he stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face.
"Are you serious or is old age finally catching up with you. Explain how the things you've created, such as giant monstrosities made of flesh composed of human parts and humans fused into huge masses of flesh just begging for death, create mystery. What wonders and riddles these are Who really enjoys them?
"The only thing anyone looking at your creations can say is that you are either evil or insane in the extreme, or both."
"I do everything to preserve humanity, unlike you who create abonominations just for your own amusement and use the excuse of being a misunderstood genius who has been persecuted. I have never made false excuses for my actions, I simply accept them." King Abomination replied very angrily.
He tried to think of some answer to respond to the roll call, but he couldn't think of anything.
Why is it so difficult for him to answer?
He tried to say something, but he couldn't say anything meaningful.
King of Abomination turned his gaze to the Astartes beside him and just shrugged his shoulders in agreement.
Astarte, whose name is Fabius, just came up to him very quickly and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up.
He immediately realized his fate and wanted to scream, but he couldn't because his neck was pressed.
The last thing the person known as Basilio Fo felt was Fabius Bill crushing his skull and taking out his brain, then darkness set in.
I admit that I'm not really happy with how Malcador's part turned out, but it serves its purpose because it's half comical and half serious. There will be another 2-4, but probably three interlude chapters where you can see what other important people in the Emperor's domain are doing. As always, all comments, ideas, criticisms and reviews are welcome.
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