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Pure and Utter Tyranny.

At the moment Tiamat and Crom Cruach were putting their all into this clash, and everyone had their eyes peeled watching. Maulketh roared as a pulse of blue and red erupted from his body.


By fusing the Divide and Boost as one he could double the power stealing from his foes. The Chaos Karma flames of Tiamat and the energy of Crom Cruach's circles were drawn into Maulketh fueling his power like a tidal wave.

This caused them to lose a lot of power and froze them in place. In those few instants, Maulketh raised his arms covered in their power and struck them out of the sky with their own powers. Tiamat and Crom Cruach were sent flying, but he was not about to let them flee. He teleported high into the sky, tucked his wings, and dived toward Crom Cruach.

Crom Cruach forced himself to steady his flight and flapped his wings to fly up toward Maulketh. The circles around his body spun faster as he drew out more Divinity after losing a lot of it.

He sent more mana and Aura to wrap around his wings as he flew to match Maulketh. Maulketh began to spin turning the hellscape around him into a tornado as the flames wrapped around him. Crom Cruach sent Divinity through his entire mana pathways and nervous system causing him to react far faster.

He got out of the way of Maulketh's piercing claws, but Maulketh's giant bladed tail struck him on his left side slicing through his scales deep. Though at the same time, the spinning circles of Crom Cruach struck Maulketh all over his body.

They would have sliced apart gods, but for him, they just opened up cuts in his armor and scales. Fluid-filled in the cuts and healed them faster than he could be hurt. He teleported once more above Crom Cruach and he struck the dragon from the sky.

Crom Cruach fell like a comet to the ground striking in an explosion of energy covered in wounds and broken bones. Maulketh was not done with him as he began to take in a massive breath of air. Both his Dragon Hearts beat like engines as mana divinity, and aura surged into his throat.

His Principle of Tyranny forced his flames to burn even stronger. The heat of the Bounded Field died as all of it was devoured but Maulketh turned the Hellscape into a Hel scape. He opened his massive jaws and blasted dark purple flames down to where Crom Cruach landed.

Crom Cruach exhaled a stream of black golden flames fueled by his divinity in an effort to survive. His flames clashed against Maulketh's for only instants and he was enveloped by the flames. As a dragon, he should be resistant to flames, but they burned past his defenses.

He roared in agony as he wrapped as much mana, Dragon Aura, and Divinity around himself to keep himself alive. Tiamat in the distance could feel the power of the flames from the distance feeling shocked.

Maulketh did not plan to kill Crom Cruach so he stopped his flames and looked at the Evil Dragon. Crom Cruach's black scales were burned, his horns melted, his wings in tatters, and he was panting.

He fell to the ground limp, but he was still trying to get up.

Maulketh snorted.

"Weak the both of you. Although, you have earned your titles as Heavenly Dragons. However, I am in a league of my own."

Crom Cruach grit his teeth as his Divine Energy began to heal and repair his damage. Tiamat bared her fangs in the sky as she looked into Maulketh's black blazing eyes.

"Weak? I'll show you weak."

Instantly around Tiamat, her Chaos Karma flames began to surge into her body in droves. She had been practicing this move in an effort to get even stronger, but only now did she see a reason to use it.

Her aura began to rise higher and higher and so did her size. From her back erupted another pair of wings. Her scales darkened into a shade of blue so dark it nearly looked black. She roared causing the Bounded Field to shake as he glared at Maulketh.

As for him, he grinned as he felt she just might be more interesting now. Rage began to fill her very being as not only did she reveal her newest move, she even took it a step further and entered Outrage mode on command.

Her two pairs of wings were coated in those deadly flames as she warped toward Maulketh. Tiamat appeared above Maulketh and she dived straight to his back. She was already the size of Great Red in this mode, but she was still less than a third of what Maulketh was.

She struck him in the center of his back, causing fractures to appear on his armor. And she was not done as she used her new size to claw and bite down on Maulketh's body. She blasted him with fire as she crawled up his body causing cuts to appear on his armor and scales.

She even managed to draw blood, but the damage she was doing was not enough.

'Divide Booster times 3.'

Pulses of Blue and Red erupted from his body his own power as he drained her power again. With just three she felt weakened again causing her to let go of him. At that moment he opened his jaws wide open and spun around to bite down on her neck.

His teeth pierced her scales, and using his bigger size he tossed her down head first before flying after her. He flapped his wings and blasted down toward Tiamat. With his front limbs first, he struck her piercing her body with his claws before slamming her down on the ground.

The force riddled her body causing her consciousness to leave her for an instant. He grabbed her by her tail and launched her toward Crom Cruach who was still healing. When Tiamat's giant body hit him he was sent once more wounded.

But now Tiamat was awake again, but before she could retaliate, Maulketh was back. He slammed down on her with his back legs first like a bird of prey. His claws sunk into her body as he picked her up before slamming her back onto Crom Cruach.

He let go of her and landed on the ground directly over both Dragons. With his left arm, he pinned down Tiamat's head and Crom Cruach's with his left. Both of them groaned as he leaned in over them growling like a beast.


Tiamat groaned as she went limp.

"I yield. I am yours now by dragon custom."

As for Crom Cruach, he wanted to keep fighting, but if he died he would not be able to fight anymore.

"I submit."

Maulketh got off of both of them and sat down as they healed their injuries. Tiamat got to her feet and she began to shrink back down to around 80 meters. Seemed her new Chaos Karma form was permanent, but not the Outrage mode.

As for Crom Cruach his golden glow also died down. Once it was clear he was much stronger they did not have much reason to keep fighting. He had proved he was the strongest dragon beside the Dragon Gods.

Though Tiamat did not stay down for long. She walked up to him and she began to rub her head up against him. Female dragons, choose their mates based on one thing only. Power. For ages, she had never taken a mate as no dragon or being had ever defeated her.

Ddraig could have if he wanted to, but he was too busy with human princess back in the day. Albion was uninterested in reproduction as he trained only to defeat Ddraig so now that a male dragon like Maulketh defeated her she of course wanted him for her mate. It was a custom of dragons and he had defeated her one-sidedly.

Ddraig and Albion began to speak in his mind warning him about her.

[Be careful around her Maulketh. She just might try to tie your Karma strings together so you are together forever.]

{That sounds like something she would do. What was the term that Issei used to say? That is a Yandere.'

'Let's talk about this later.'

As for Maulketh he just allowed her to do as she wanted. As for Crom Cruach, he gave the Evil Dragon a sidelong glance.

"Well done. I would like you to be my student."

Crom Cruach expected to be told to serve forever so he was curious why a student.


Maulketh tried to ignore Tiamat as now she was licking his neck with her dark blue tongue covering him in her scent. She could smell other females on him, but she knew only a dragon could please a dragon.

"For one, you have Divinity. The key to becoming a Dragon God and having you on my side would be better than killing you. We dragons only have two gods, unlike the other pantheons. Not to mention the purpose of this gathering. I did this for dragon kind and killing you would be stupid and against what I have in mind.

I want dragons to prosper, so killing more of them would be foolish."

Crom Cruach nodded as it felt fair.

"True. Teach me well sir."

Maulketh broke the Bounded Field and he swooped down to land on Olympus. Tiamat flew after him before landing next to him along with Crom Cruach. Maulketh turned to the rest of the dragons who watched the entire fight.

They were now dead silent as they knew the kind of power he had. Though he did push Tiamat away from him as she was starting to annoy him a bit with her licking. But she just cuddled up again with him not caring about anything else.

"Anyone else wishes to test my might?"

All the dragons began to lower their heads and tuck their wings in a form of a bow. In doing so, they respected his power. Even if all of them worked together they would not win as two Heavenly Dragons were defeated by him single-handedly.

Seeing them like this made him grin. He took to the sky once more followed by his three familiars. This time Tiamat stayed on the ground as he addressed all of the dragons.

"Go, my kin. Spread through this continent. Take what is yours. However, do not slaughter the humans. The Dragon Slayers of the past are no more. Do not take past hatred on those who have no idea of our fury. Instead, we shall rule over them as is our right.

The continent is large, more than enough for all of our kin. Here, our rule begins."

A cacophony of roars followed by the flapping of wings followed as Maulketh watched the dragons, drakes, and wyverns disperse into the mainland of North America. As they flew off into what Maulketh took for them he decided to do one thing for his entire race.

For the first time, he used his Principle to its full power causing it to spread worldwide. His newly acquired divine spark, and his two dragon hearts, all went into fueling the two laws he placed on all dragons.

"Dragon Slaying magic is useless against dragons. Nukes have no effect on dragons."

Instantly he felt most if not all his mana and limited divinity drain out of him. Dragons were weak against Dragon Slaying magic and his removing that weakness took a lot of power. He would recover in a couple of minutes, so he just felt tired now.

He landed back on Olympus as he exhaled. Tiamat who was still with him instantly noticed how much Chaos and Karma he had just burned up. Her eyes shined as if she had truly found the perfect mate, and he was a true dragon of all things.

'I want his eggs now.'

As for Crom Cruach, he felt how much power was used to cast those

He got rid of his species' biggest weakness ensuring Dragons had no such weakness. In a way, he had saved many dragons from dying to Dragon Slaying magic.

He yawned as his two hearts began to recover his energy. He turned over to address the gods and then he would do the same for the people of New York.

"I know that I technically own Olympus, but I am not going to be leading Olympus. Instead, I will hand that position to Hades. As for me, I will rule this Continent, so when my power recovers I shall move Olympus to float over my lair.

Ares, I ask you to be my second in command. Will you do that, my friend?"

Ares grinned and held his fist out.

"Sure, you did what I wanted to do for ages."

Maulketh reached out with one of his claws which Ares bumped with his fist. Maulketh then addressed the other Olympians.

"Hephaestus, my personal smith. You have proved your skill in crafting your weapons. I would ask you to continue your work."

Hephestus nodded with a bow.

"Of course my lord. Because of you, I have created masterpieces I never would have because of you. I just ask you to let me continue my work without stopping."

Maulketh nodded.

"Granted. Now, Athena. I would ask the same I did for Ares. I would like for you to help me set up the new laws I will place for the continent. For now, my kin will be allowed free reign. It is impossible for them to not cause any damage so I shall let them do as they please for now.

However, when the time comes there will have to be order to my new territory. Will you aid me?"

Athena smiled and nodded.

"You saved my mother, as I hoped so of course. You shall have my counsel and my mothers when she recovers."

Next up with Hestia who had done the most as she had convinced many of the gods to stay neutral.

"Hestia, you convinced the other gods to stay out of the way saving them. So, the highest honor goes to you. You may reclaim your throne as one of the Olympians now that Hermes is dead."

She sighed hearing her nephew was dead.

"Thank you, but I think I will refuse. I wish to simply keep doing what I have been doing this whole time. Tending to the Hearth of Olympus and enjoying life."


Now Maulketh turned to Poseidon.

"Poseidon. You choose correctly not to fight me. And I have not forgotten the fact you paid me quite fairly for my work. You shall keep your throne as the god of the seas, but I have one thing to say to you.

If you end up liking a woman, add her to a harem rather than ditching them. Sheesh."

Poseidon did not know how to take that.

"I see. I will keep that in mind."

Then Hera's turn.

"Hera. Your husband is now dead. As Hades shall become the new King of Olympus, Persephone shall by default become the queen as well. Do you have any complaints?"

She shook her head.

"No, I am fine with that. I think I shall return to the deep sea with my uncle. I feel I owe them a visit for a very long time to recover from this sham of a marriage."

"Fair, I hope you find the peace you wish for."

Then Artemis and Apollo came next.

"Artemis and Apollo, you two have my permission to bring your mother back to Olympus."

Artemis was shocked he knew that.

"How did you-"

"Please, reading minds is easy."

Now Maulketh turned to the last Olympion. The minor Olympian gods would just have to wait.

"Dyoneus. I have a debt to pay to you. Ask it and I shall do it. Within limits of course as I can just as easily break that contract."

Dionysus thought about it.

"Honestly, you did what I wanted. Zeus dead, I hoped you would kill Poseidon too, but I will be happy with Zeus. I want you to simply let me do what I do best, make wine. I wish to be unbound by politics and the like. Fair?"

"Granted. Enjoy your retirement."

"I plan to."

With that out of the way and with his two Dragon Hearts, his magic was back.

"Now, for the final thing."

Maulketh sent his mana throughout Olympus and he teleported the entire mountain and everyone on it back to Yellowstone. He placed the Moutain high in the sky over his lair to always keep an eye on it.

With his Moutain secured he turned to Tiamat who was still rubbing up on him. From the look of it, Celestine and Astrid were getting fed up with her. As for Grimnar, he just felt that Tiamat was appreciating how supreme his master was.

"Now Tiamat. We need to talk."

Her eyes shinned as she looked up at Maulketh.


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