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80% I Will Become Football Manager With My System / Chapter 24: Old Amber? New Flame? (R-18)

Chapter 24: Old Amber? New Flame? (R-18)

Some hot scene in this chapter :)


The night air was crisp and cool, a stark contrast to the stifling heat of the day. James, his heart calm and his mind clear, enjoyed his nightly ritual of walking around London. He loved the energy of the city, the rhythm of its pulse. He had come to appreciate these solitary moments, a chance to escape the pressures of his job and reconnect with the city he had called home for so long.

As he walked past a high-class nightclub, a scene unfolded before him that jolted him back to reality. Two men, their faces flushed with alcohol, were accosting a woman. Their expensive attire screamed wealth and privilege, yet their actions were those of crude, entitled brutes. They were leaning in close, their voices loud and threatening, their hands reaching out to touch her.

James couldn't turn a blind eye. He knew that these men, likely intoxicated patrons of the nearby club, were a danger to this woman. She looked terrified, her gaze darting around, her body frozen with fear.

Without hesitation, James stepped forward, his athletic frame towering over the two men. He stood between them and the woman, his voice firm and commanding. "Leave her alone," he said.

The two men, their eyes narrowed and their voices slurring, turned to James. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" one of them demanded. "Go fuck yourself off, mate."

Their threats were empty, their bravado a facade masking their drunken vulnerability. James, still in peak physical condition, remained calm, his movements precise and fluid. He knew he could handle them with ease.

In a flash, James moved, his fist connecting with the jaw of one man, sending him crashing to the ground. The other man, startled by the sudden attack, stumbled backwards, his drunken haze momentarily broken. Before he could react, James delivered a swift kick to his thigh, sending him sprawling onto the pavement.

James, not wanting to cause any serious harm, had only lightly tapped them, as he called it. He knew they would recover soon enough. He quickly took the woman's hand, without even seeing her face, and led her away from the scene.

"Let's get out of here," he said, his voice a reassuring presence in the darkness. He knew she needed to feel safe, to escape the fear that had gripped her. He guided her through the maze of streets, his steps swift and silent.


They arrived at a cozy café, a beacon of warmth and light amidst the cold night. James gently guided her to a table by the window, its soft glow casting a comforting ambiance. He pulled out a chair for her, his gaze lingering on her as she sat down, her legs trembling slightly. The woman, in her elegant high heels, took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly. It was then that James saw her face for the first time, and his breath hitched.

"Jenna?" he breathed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and surprise.

Jenna, her eyes wide with shock, looked back at him. It took a moment for recognition to dawn on her, her jaw dropping as she realized who her rescuer was.

"James?" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of amusement and disbelief. "You? You saved me?"

The absurdity of the situation hit them both. The woman who had been harassed by those drunken men, the woman he had just saved, was Jenna, his former university fling, the glamorous model he had last seen on a billboard.

The night took an unexpected turn, the tension of the encounter giving way to a shared wave of laughter. Jenna, her initial fear replaced by a sense of relief and amusement, shook her head.

"Well, I must say, you certainly haven't lost your touch, James," she said, her voice laced with a playful teasing tone. "You still know how to handle a situation."

James, unable to contain his laughter, responded with a wry grin. "You know, Jenna, I didn't recognize you at first. You're looking… even more stunning than I remember."

Jenna, flattered by his compliment, chuckled. "Well, it seems you've got an eye for detail, James. That's a quality that's served you well in your coaching career, hasn't it?"


James, his brow furrowed in surprise, tilted his head. "Jenna, you know I'm a coach? How did you even know about that?"

Jenna's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Oh, James, you're a legend! I've been following your career. I saw the news about Swansea's promotion to the Premier League. It was quite a feat. I'm proud of you, you know. You've always been driven, and I knew you'd achieve something big."

A wave of surprise washed over James. Jenna, the girl who had joined the cheerleading club for the attention, the girl who had never shown any interest in sports, let alone football, was now following his career?

"Jenna, it's amazing to hear this," he admitted, his voice tinged with genuine surprise. "You know, back in university, I didn't think you were that interested in football. And, to think you followed my career all the way from Grimsby to Swansea..."

Jenna chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Oh, James, don't underestimate a girl's ability to keep track of things she finds interesting. Besides, you were the star player in university, and a coach now? I can't help but be impressed by your journey."

He laughed, warmth filling his chest. It was strange to see this side of Jenna, a side she rarely showed in their university days. It was a reminder that people change, that even the most fleeting encounters can leave a lasting impression.

"I'm glad you're following my career, Jenna," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "It means a lot to me."

The night had taken an unexpected turn, transforming from a frightening encounter to a chance to reconnect with an old friend. Jenna, despite her initial reluctance, was now leaning back in her chair, sharing stories about her life as a model. Her experiences in the fashion world, the parties, the photo shoots, the glamorous world she inhabited, were a far cry from the world James occupied. But he listened with an open mind, appreciating her perspective and the unique journey she had taken.


Jenna, her smile fading slightly, glanced at James, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Speaking of journeys, James," she said, her voice softening, "I have to admit, I feel a little responsible for Laura's path. You know, she got so into modeling after we met, inspired by my beauty, she said."

A flicker of concern crossed James's face. He remembered Laura, his neighbor in Cleethorpes, the kind, music-loving woman who had captured his heart. He remembered how different she had seemed when he left the city, her once-simple style replaced with a more glamorous look, her passion for music seemingly overshadowed by the allure of the fashion world.

"What happened, Jenna?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

Jenna sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. "It's complicated, James. It's not like we were close friends or anything, but I guess her seeing me, and our lifestyle, it rubbed off on her. She got caught up in the glamour, the parties, the excitement."

Jenna continued, her voice filled with a bittersweet sadness, "She started hanging out with the 'wrong crowd', the kind of people who enjoy the high life, the drugs, the sex parties. You know, those socialites who throw themselves into the hedonistic lifestyle."

Jenna paused, a look of regret clouding her features. "She's gone too far, James. She's lost herself, and I feel like I'm partially responsible. I know I was just trying to show her a different side of life, but I didn't realize it would lead to this."

James listened intently, his heart heavy with a mixture of surprise and concern. He remembered the Laura he had known, the sweet, kind woman who loved music and cherished the simplicity of life. It was hard to imagine her in the world Jenna described.

He reached across the table, his hand gently covering Jenna's. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Jenna. It's tough to see someone you care about lose their way. But you're right, it's her choice. She's an adult, and she needs to find her own path."

He looked at Jenna, his eyes filled with understanding. "Jenna, you're not responsible for what happened to her. Laura is a strong woman, and she'll find her way back. She just needs to realize that the glamour and the superficiality aren't worth losing herself."

Jenna, comforted by James's words, nodded. She knew he was right. Laura was an intelligent woman, and she had to make her own choices. But it was still hard to shake off the feeling of guilt.

"I hope she finds her way back," Jenna whispered, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and hope.


Jenna, her gaze distant, took a deep breath. "I have to admit, James," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I dipped my toes in that world too. The drugs, the parties, the wild nights." She paused, a hint of shame in her voice. "Even heroin, for a while."

James's eyes widened. Jenna, the glamorous model, the queen of the party scene, had been entangled in a world of addiction? It was a side of her he had never imagined.

"Jenna, I'm so sorry," James said, his voice filled with concern. "I had no idea."

Jenna smiled faintly, a hint of gratitude in her eyes. "It's okay, James. I'm okay now. I realized I was going down a dangerous path, and my mother, she's always been there for me, she helped me get through it. And, I guess, I have to thank God for reminding me what's truly important."

The somber mood hung heavy in the air. Jenna, wanting to shift the conversation, decided to lighten things up. "But hey, enough with the doom and gloom! Tell me, what else are you busy with besides your coaching job? Any exciting plans for the future?"

James, appreciating her attempt to change the mood, chuckled softly. "Well, Jenna, you know me, always striving to achieve more. I'm planning on traveling the world, learning about different cultures, and experiencing new things. I'm a bit burnt out from the intensity of football, so I need a break."

Jenna's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "That sounds amazing! Where are you planning to go?"

James, his voice filled with a hint of excitement, shared his plans. "I'm starting with Europe, then heading to Asia. I want to see the world, learn about different cultures, and immerse myself in new experiences." He smiled, unable to hide his enthusiasm. "It's time to broaden my horizons and discover what else is out there."


Jenna couldn't help but smile as she listened to James' plans. He was going to travel the world. It sounded incredible, the kind of adventurous life she craved. But a part of her couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She wished she could share those experiences with him.

"It's crazy how this happened," Jenna thought, a smile playing on her lips. "Out of all the people in London, I run into him, of all people. And, he's the one who saves me from those creeps."

She took another sip of her coffee, her gaze lingering on James's face. She had always been captivated by his charm, his intelligence, his athletic build. He was hot back in university, but somehow, he was even hotter now. His features seemed sharper, his eyes more piercing, and his smile even more captivating.

"Oh, James," she thought, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. "I can't believe we used to… I can't believe we were such good friends, or at least we were. It's such a strange feeling."

She remembered their countless study sessions in university. He had always been a brilliant student, excelling in math, the reason why Jenna always got high grades in the subject. James, unknowingly, became her personal tutor. It was a game of intellectual sparring that often ended in sweaty, passionate encounters, sometimes in his apartment, sometimes in her bed.

"I always loved the sound of his voice," Jenna mused, her thoughts drifting back to those heated study sessions. "He could explain the most complex equations in the simplest terms. It was hypnotizing."

She smiled, recalling the warmth of his hand on her skin, the way his voice would soften as he guided her through a difficult concept, the passion that would ignite between them with every shared glance.


Jenna, lost in her thoughts, unconsciously reached out and took James's hand, her fingers intertwining with his. James, noticing the gesture, realized that she hadn't been listening to his explanation of his travel plans. He looked at her face, the same mischievous glint in her eyes, the same playful smirk that he knew so well. It was a look that had always signaled the end of a conversation, a silent invitation to move things to the bedroom.

"Jenna?" James asked, his voice a mix of concern and amusement.

Jenna, snapping out of her thoughts, looked at James, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson. She quickly withdrew her hand, her eyes darting away.

"Oh, sorry, James," she mumbled, her voice filled with a mixture of embarrassment and a hint of panic. "I got lost in my thoughts. You were saying?"

James, his heart fluttering with a sense of déjà vu, found himself mesmerized by her flustered state. It was as if time had rewound, and he was back in those familiar university days, the days filled with playful banter and stolen moments.

He couldn't shake off the feeling that this was more than just a chance encounter, that there was a deeper connection, a lingering spark from their past, that still flickered beneath the surface. But he also couldn't ignore the reality of the situation. He was a coach, a successful professional, and Jenna was a glamorous model, living a completely different life.

"Jenna, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. "You seem a bit… distracted."

Jenna, her eyes wide and her heart pounding, forced a smile. "I'm fine, James. Just a little tired, that's all. I've been working late."


Jenna, her gaze locking with James's, took a deep breath. The reality of the situation, the lingering attraction, the memories of their shared past, all came crashing down on her. She couldn't deny the desire that had been simmering beneath the surface, a longing that had been rekindled by this unexpected encounter.

She had just been harassed by two drunken men, and he, the man she had shared intimate moments with years ago, had been the one to save her. He was still so handsome, even more so now, his features sharp, his eyes filled with a warmth that reminded her of the way he used to look at her, with a hint of playful mischief.

"James," she said, her voice a mix of nervousness and determination. "I know this might seem crazy, but I really want to be with you tonight. At least for this one night. Would you want to come to my apartment?"

The words tumbled out, a confession of her desires, a desperate plea for connection. She held her breath, waiting for his response, her heart pounding in her chest.


The elevator ride up to Jenna's apartment was filled with an awkward silence. The only sound was the soft hum of the engine, punctuated by the rhythmic thud of their hearts beating in their chests. Both of them were nervous, their bodies buzzing with a mix of anticipation and a lingering sense of disbelief.

James, his mind racing with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, couldn't help but think about the absurdity of the situation. He was standing in an elevator, about to go to Jenna's apartment, the glamorous model who used to be his university fling. He was about to have a night of passion with a woman he had shared intimate moments with years ago. It felt surreal, like a scene from a movie.

Jenna, her thoughts mirroring his, felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension as well. She had been through a lot in the past few years, navigating the complexities of the fashion world, its glamorous allure, and its dark underbelly. She had been hurt, she had been lost, but there was a spark of hope, a desire for something real and genuine, that had been rekindled by this unexpected encounter with James.

As the elevator doors slid open, revealing the hallway of Jenna's luxurious apartment, James couldn't help but be impressed by the opulence of her surroundings. The hallway was adorned with sleek, modern décor, the walls painted in a calming shade of grey. The air was filled with a subtle scent of expensive perfume. It was a far cry from the small, cramped student apartments they had shared in their university days.

But before James could fully take in the grandeur of her apartment, Jenna, her lips brushing against his, kissed him hard. It was a passionate, desperate kiss, fueled by a longing that had been simmering for years. James, taken aback by the suddenness of her actions, responded instinctively, his arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer.

The kiss deepened, their bodies pressing against each other, their tongues tangling in a passionate dance. It was a mix of nostalgia and a raw, primal desire, a whirlwind of emotions that had been bottled up for too long.

James, his senses heightened, felt a surge of excitement. He had always been drawn to Jenna, to her vibrant energy and playful spirit. He remembered the nights they had spent together, the laughter, the passion, the uninhibited joy.

He decided to show Jenna who was boss. He took control, his hands roaming her body, his lips tracing a path across her neck, his gaze locked with hers. The heat between them intensified, their desires growing with every touch.

The night unfolded in a whirlwind of passion and intimacy. They explored each other's bodies, their moans echoing through the apartment, their lovemaking a testament to their shared history and the lingering attraction they felt for one another.

As the night wore on, they lost themselves in the moment, their past fading into a hazy memory. The only reality was the intensity of their connection, the thrill of their shared desires, and the undeniable chemistry that had always sparked between them.


James felt his member being swallowed, a sensation that was both familiar and exhilarating. He closed his eyes, his breath catching in his throat. The feeling was intense, the pleasure overwhelming. As he neared his climax, he instinctively reached for the blanket, pulling it up to cover them both.

He opened his eyes, his vision still blurry with passion, and was surprised to see Jenna's face mere inches from his, her eyes filled with a mixture of lust and adoration.

He had been so caught up in the moment, so lost in the physicality of their encounter, that he hadn't even realized she had been giving him head. It was a gesture of intimacy, a spontaneous act of passion, that left him breathless.

"Jenna," he whispered, his voice thick with desire and a hint of wonder. "That was… amazing."

Jenna, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement, smiled shyly. She had woken up before him, her mind filled with the memories of their passionate encounter.

Flashback 15 minutes earlier

Jenna's eyes fluttered open, the morning sunlight streaming through the window. She was still nestled in the crook of James's arm, his body warm and comforting. She couldn't help but smile as she recalled the night's events.

"God, James is so good," she thought, her body still buzzing with the residual heat of their encounter. "I've been with some of the best—rich businessmen, models, athletes, you name it. But, James, he's got something special."

She had always considered James a top-tier lover in her youth, but she had dismissed it as simply a product of her limited experience. Now, after all she had been through, the countless encounters, the wild nights, she realized that James was truly exceptional.

"He's definitely in my top three," Jenna thought, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. "I can't believe how much I enjoyed last night."

She leaned closer to James, her hand gently tracing the lines of his face, marveling at the beauty of his sleeping form. A wave of desire washed over her, and she couldn't resist the urge to show her appreciation. She gently slipped her hand between his legs, her fingers finding his member.

"Oh, James," she whispered, her voice a mix of tenderness and lust. "You're so beautiful."

She began to move her hand, her fingers wrapping around him, her tongue tasting his skin. She wanted to give him a surprise, a gift of pleasure to awaken him with.

Back to the present

Jenna, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, waited for James to awaken. She couldn't help but smile, her eyes meeting his.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, James," she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time."

James, his heart pounding in his chest, nodded. He had always been captivated by Jenna's beauty and the wildness that had always simmered beneath her surface.

"You know, Jenna," he whispered back, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and desire, "It's been a long time. I'm glad we reconnected. And I'm certainly glad you woke me up like that."

He smiled, feeling a rush of warmth and anticipation as he realized that this might just be the start of something new, something unexpected, something extraordinary.


They lay there for a while, content in the comfortable silence, their bodies intertwined. Jenna, her fingers scrolling through her Instagram feed, let out a soft chuckle, her eyes scanning through the images of her latest fashion shoots. James, his head resting on her chest, felt the rhythm of her heart beneath his cheek, a comforting beat that echoed the calm that had settled over him.

He enjoyed the warmth of her body against his, the soft scent of her perfume, the gentle sway of her hand as she scrolled through her phone. He had always loved the feeling of her skin against his, the way her body moved with a captivating grace.

Suddenly, Jenna's laughter turned into a sharp gasp. She sat upright, her eyes widening in shock. James, startled by her sudden outburst, sat up beside her, his concern evident.

"What's wrong, Jenna?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "What happened?"

Jenna, her hand trembling as she pointed at her phone, her face a mix of anger and disbelief, said, "I can't believe this! How did this happen?"

James, confused, leaned closer, his gaze fixed on her phone screen. It was a series of photos, taken discreetly by someone in the cafe last night. Jenna and James, their faces lit with laughter, caught in a moment of shared joy. The captions were scandalous, hinting at their connection and playing on the mystique surrounding Jenna's dating life.

"Jenna Johnson and her beau?" one of the captions read. "Who is the man with Jenna Johnson?" another asked. "This is the identity of Jenna Johnson's night date?"

Jenna sighed, her frustration evident. "I can't believe someone took those pictures without my consent. It's not like they're bad photos, I actually like them, but…"

She paused, her eyes filled with a mixture of irritation and a tinge of guilt. "It's not about the photos, James. It's about the fact that you're basically doxxed now. People are going to start digging into your life, asking questions, speculating."

James, his heart sinking, could only nod. He understood the implications. He had been living a relatively private life, focused on his coaching career. But now, thanks to Jenna, he was thrust into the spotlight, his life exposed to the prying eyes of the world.

"I'm so sorry, James," Jenna said, her voice filled with remorse. "I never thought it would turn into this. I guess, unintentionally, I brought you into my world."

James, his gaze meeting Jenna's, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. He knew that the world of modeling, especially for a woman as beautiful and successful as Jenna, was full of challenges and complexities. It was a world of constant scrutiny, speculation, and invasion of privacy.

He reached out and gently took her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Jenna," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "We all make mistakes. And, let's be honest, you're not a bad person to be associated with. We had a great night, and the pictures are a reminder of that."

Jenna, touched by his words, smiled back. "Thanks, James. You're a good man. I'm just a bit… overwhelmed by it all."

She leaned her head against his shoulder, seeking comfort in his embrace. He held her close, his arms wrapping around her, a silent promise of support.

This unexpected turn of events brought a new dimension to their rekindled connection. The world they once knew, the world of university days, had faded into a distant memory. They were now living separate lives, navigating different challenges and opportunities. But despite the distance, the spark between them remained, a reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected encounters can lead to the most profound connections.


The comforting silence was shattered by the shrill ring of James's phone. He glanced at the screen, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. It was Alex. He quickly answered, his voice a mix of amusement and a touch of apprehension.

"Hey, Alex. What's up?"

"James, what the hell?" Alex's voice boomed through the speaker, a mixture of disbelief and a hint of jealousy lacing his words. "How in the world did you manage to have a date night with Jenna? I saw the news. Those photos... I couldn't believe my eyes!"

James, unable to suppress a chuckle, replied, "You know, Alex, sometimes the most unexpected things happen. We ran into each other, and we decided to grab a coffee last night."

He knew that Alex's question was laced with more than just curiosity. He could almost hear the jealousy simmering beneath the surface. After all, Alex had always been the most competitive one in their group, always striving to be the best, the most successful. And now, he was in a top managerial position, mingling with the crème de la crème, a world that seemed impossibly far away from James's life as a humble football coach.

He also knew that Alex's jealousy stemmed from his non-existent history with Jenna. They had both been attracted to her back in university, and James was the only one to managed to bag Jenna as they used to called it. Now, Jenna was a top model, a successful woman who graced the pages of fashion magazines and graced red carpets. It was a world that Alex, even with his newfound success, could only dream of.

Alex, unable to contain his jealousy any longer, blurted out, "You know, James, I've been attending all these high-society parties, meeting incredible people, and I've found the love of my life, Mira there."

He paused, his voice filled with a hint of bitterness. "You're still just a coach, James. You're struggling to make ends meet. And here you are, having a date night with a top model. It's not fair, man."

He took a deep breath, his voice softening. "I'm sorry, James. I didn't mean to say that. I'm just… a little jealous, I guess."

James, understanding Alex's insecurities, chuckled. He knew that Alex, having grown up with the least privileged background out of their group, was always trying to prove himself, to show that he was capable of achieving success. He also knew that Alex, despite his occasional insecurities, was a good friend who always had his best interests at heart.

"It's okay, Alex," James said, his voice filled with reassurance. "We all have our moments. Don't worry."

He couldn't help but chuckle, a sense of amusement washing over him. Alex, despite his occasional insecurities and love for showboating, was a genuine friend. He knew that Alex would eventually get over his jealousy, and their friendship would remain strong.


James was still chuckling about Alex's outburst when his phone buzzed again. This time, it was his mother, Sarah. A knot of apprehension tightened in his stomach. He knew this call wouldn't be about casual chit-chat.

His parents, especially his mother, were the epitome of the "know-it-all" mom. She was always in the loop when it came to celebrity gossip, and she was a master at finding information. He knew she'd already read the news about him and Jenna.

"Hey, Mom, what's up?" He answered cautiously.

His mother's voice, filled with a mix of concern and amusement, echoed through the speaker. "James, darling, I have to ask... is it true? Is Jenna Johnson your new girlfriend? And those photos... were you on a date night? I saw it on the news. I couldn't believe my eyes."

James felt a chill run down his spine. His parents had no idea about his past as a bit of a Casanova back in university, and he certainly hadn't kept them informed about his encounters with Jenna in his previous life.

"Mom, you know, sometimes the most unexpected things happen," he stammered, trying to sound nonchalant. "It was just a coffee date, nothing serious."

"A coffee date?" Sarah's voice, laced with a hint of skepticism, echoed through the phone. "James, darling, you're a grown man. You've been single for three years. A coffee date with a top model like Jenna Johnson doesn't sound like a simple, casual encounter."

James, his cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and guilt, tried to play it cool. "Mom, you know I'm not exactly the 'dating type'. I'm too busy with my coaching career, and I need to focus on my goals."

His mother, never one to be easily deterred, pressed on. "But James, how did you even know Jenna? You never mentioned her before."

He felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. "We, uh, she went to the same university," he stammered, his heart pounding. "It was just a coincidence, really."

Jenna, who had been listening intently to James's conversation with his mother, couldn't help but be amused. She knew that James was trying his best to downplay their encounter, to keep his mother in the dark about the truth of their connection.

She decided to play a little joke on him, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. She reached out, her hand finding his member, and began to rub it gently.

James, startled by her sudden touch, let out a gasp. "Jenna, what are you doing?" he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and a hint of arousal.

Jenna, her eyes twinkling with mischief, ignored his question, her hand continuing to move with a playful rhythm. "Shh, James," she whispered back, her voice a seductive murmur. "Just enjoy the moment."

James, caught off guard, found himself struggling to maintain his composure. His mother's voice, oblivious to the scene unfolding in Jenna's apartment, continued to probe him about his relationship with Jenna.

"James, darling, you know I'm just trying to help," his mother's voice, filled with concern, echoed through the phone. "I want you to be happy. I just want you to find someone special."

James, his heart pounding, tried to focus on the conversation, his mind racing with a mix of guilt, anxiety, and a growing sense of arousal. He could feel Jenna's touch intensifying, her movements becoming bolder.

"Mom, I'm going to be busy with the new season soon," he replied, his voice strained. "Can we talk about this later? I'll call you back later this week."

Before James could manage to cut the call, Jenna, her voice a playful whisper, snatched the phone from his hand. "Hi, Mrs. Cooper," she said, her voice radiating a charming warmth. "It's Jenna Johnson."

Sarah, on the other end of the line, was taken aback. Jenna Johnson, the famous model, was on the phone with her son, at this early hour, and her voice sounded... intimate? A whirlwind of theories began to form in her head.

Jenna continued, her voice soft and gentle, "James was a sweetheart last night. I was a bit… tipsy, you see? I stumbled out of a club, and James, he was such a gentleman. He helped me get back to my apartment. He's such a good guy, your son."

While Jenna was talking, her hand never stopped its rhythmic motion, her fingers expertly working James's member. He, for his part, was trying his best to stay silent, his breath hitched in his throat. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions – guilt, excitement, and a growing sense of inevitability.

Jenna, seemingly oblivious to James's silent struggle, continued her conversation with Sarah. Sarah, a woman of strong morals and traditional values, couldn't help but tell Jenna a story about James's youth, a story about how he had always been a kind and caring boy. Jenna, her hand now working James with increasing speed, occasionally let out a soft moan of agreement, but never broke her grip on his member.

As James neared his climax, Jenna, her mouth now enveloped his member, swallowed every drop with a satisfying slurp. The sound reached Sarah's ears, and she couldn't help but ask, "Jenna, dear, is everything alright? You sound… a bit breathless."

Jenna, her eyes locked with James, who was now flushed and spent, smirked. "Oh, it's nothing, Mrs. Cooper. I just had my protein shake, and it was rather thick."

Jenna, with a sly grin, continued to play her charade. "I'd love to visit you all sometime, Mrs. Cooper. If you have time, maybe James and I could have lunch together."

Sarah, unaware of the truth unfolding in the background, responded with a warm, welcoming voice. "That would be lovely, dear. We'd love to have you over."

Jenna, with a final smirk at James, handed the phone back to him. He was quite spent, his body trembling with a mix of exhaustion and euphoria. He could only nod in agreement as his mother, oblivious to the real nature of his encounter, told him to "take care of Jenna."


James, once he regained his composure, couldn't help but scold Jenna. "You know, Jenna, that was a dangerous joke," he said, his voice laced with a mix of irritation and amusement. "My mother is a force to be reckoned with. She'll find out the truth eventually."

Jenna, her eyes twinkling with mischief, responded with a playful smirk. "Are you enjoying it, James?"

He couldn't deny the truth. He had been caught up in the thrill of the moment, and even though he knew it was a risky game, he had found himself swept away by Jenna's charm.

"Okay, okay, I admit it," James said, shaking his head with a chuckle. "I'm enjoying it. But, we need to be careful. I don't want to cause any trouble for you."

Jenna, her hand gently stroking his arm, reassured him. "Don't worry, James. I've got this. My manager will take care of the rumors. It's just a bit of harmless gossip. I'm sorry I got you involved in all of this."

He couldn't help but laugh. "Don't worry about it, Jenna. I'll be famous one day. This will all seem like nothing."

Jenna, charmed by his confidence, laughed along. "That's the spirit, James! I believe in you."

She leaned forward, her lips brushing against his. She kissed him slowly, a passionate, lingering kiss that spoke volumes about the connection they shared.

After they had both showered and dressed, James stood at the doorway, preparing to leave. He had a plane to catch, a world to explore.

"I have to go, Jenna," he said, his voice a mix of regret and anticipation.

Jenna, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and a hint of mischief, pulled him back towards her. She kissed him again, a short, sweet kiss that lingered on his lips.

"Don't forget about me, James," she whispered, her voice soft and seductive. "Reach out anytime."

She pulled out her phone and entered her number into his phone. "I also added a little something special for you," she whispered, her eyes twinkling with mischief, her face leaning close to his ear. "Just for you, James."

James, intrigued, felt a spark of curiosity. He knew Jenna. It would be a sexy photo, that's for sure. He leaned in and kissed her back, a deep, passionate kiss that left him breathless.

"See you around, Jenna," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and anticipation.

He stepped out into the hallway, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The night had been a whirlwind of emotions, a reminder of the unexpected turns life could take. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in just a few years, how he had gone from a struggling coach to a rising star in the world of football. And now, he had rekindled a connection with a woman he had once loved, a woman who had become a glamorous star.

As he walked back to his parents' house, his steps springy and light, James couldn't help but smile. His life was good. He was living his passion, and he was surrounded by amazing people. He had a system that could predict the future, friends who were achieving their dreams, a family that loved him, and now, a gorgeous model who had just reignited his heart.

What more could he ask for?

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