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Chapter 3: To Believe or Not

"What the...?"

Although Lin Biao was taken aback by the sudden messages, he managed to forcefully calm himself down. After confirming that these messages were only visible to him and that they didn't pose any harm or restriction to his body or mind, he decided to address them later and shifted his focus to the matter at hand.

"Biao, what's the matter? Aren't you happy about this?" Old Lin inquired, his expression filled with confusion.

"Grandfather, I would be happy if Miss Yan agreed to this, but everyone knows she has been rejecting me for the past three years. If this engagement happens now, it's no different from forcing her," Lin Biao expressed his concern with a hint of frustration.

"Oh, this is the first time I'm hearing about her rejecting you. Her parents seemed quite willing about this match, and I assumed you were making progress. I believed that if the children are happy, the parents are happy, so I went ahead with it," Old Lin explained, his tone reflecting his surprise.

"Well, the truth is she doesn't have any feelings for me, and I've also come to accept that," Lin Biao admitted, a touch of sadness in his voice.

"I think I understand what's happening now. Mr. Yan, I would appreciate an explanation from you later," Lin Biao stated, his gaze shifting to Yan Wen's parents, his tone firm and resolute.

The air in the room became tense, filled with unspoken questions and uncertainties. The unexpected turn of events had cast a shadow over the celebration, leaving everyone wondering how this engagement would unfold in the face of such opposition.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Lin, I think there's a misunderstanding," Yan Wen's father interrupted, his voice filled with urgency and concern.

"Yes, yes, Wen, come here and explain to everyone," her mother added, her tone reflecting a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Reluctantly, Yan Wen stepped forward, feeling a knot in her stomach as she prepared to clarify the situation. "Yes, Grandpa Lin, it's not like..."

When Lin Biao objected to the engagement, Ye Chen felt a flicker of joy deep within himself, although he sensed that something was not right. He couldn't help but feel that he should have intervened earlier. But now seeing Wen's parents still forcing it he was about to interfere, but once again

"Miss Yan, are you sure you want to continue with this charade?" Biao questioned, his voice was filled with determination.

"I have already given you a chance to withdraw, yet here you are still hesitating. Are you that much of a coward?" Lin Biao's voice cut through the room, filled with a mix of frustration and disappointment. "I chased after you for three years, enduring your rejections. And now, I am willing to let it end. But what about you? You have hated me for three years, yet you can't muster the courage to face your parents. Is that all you've got?"

Wen looked at Biao, a mixture of surprise and disbelief on her face. The transformation in him was undeniable, and though she still found him annoying, a sense of gratitude swelled within her.

"You're right, Biao," she finally responded, her voice steady and determined. "This time, I will make it clear. While it's true that I have never liked you, I have not hated you either. You have been persistent, even in the face of my rejections. But now, let me clarify something. Grandpa Lin, yes, what Biao said is true. My parents suggested the engagement, and I couldn't back down due to the reputation of our families,"

In her momentum, Wen continued her speech, failing to notice a gentle gleam in Old Man Lin's eyes. Well, no one noticed it, much less her.

"But yes, as he said, I am not a coward. I am Yan Wen, and I will only do what I believe is right. Father, Mother, I apologize, but I will make it clear to you: I will not marry a person I don't like."

Her words hung in the air, silencing the room. Both sets of parents were shaken, realizing for the first time the depth of Wen's opposition to the engagement.

Her father spoke up, his voice filled with remorse, "I didn't realize you were so against this. As a father, I am ashamed. I'm sorry, Wen."

Tears welled up in Yan Wen's mother's eyes as she apologized, "Sorry, Wen. Mother is truly sorry. I only saw your stubbornness as a way to hide your embarrassment. I never thought beyond that. Furthermore, I only wanted to secure a good match for you. It seems I was blind to your true feelings."

Feeling the raw emotions of her parents, Yan Wen's own emotions overflowed. "Yes, Mother, Father, I understand."

Yan Wen's father turned to Old Man Lin and bowed his head, expressing his regret. "Old Man Lin, I apologize on behalf of the entire Yan family. Please cancel this engagement. Our Yan family is willing to offer any kind of compensation."

The room was filled with a mixture of tension, remorse, and a glimmer of hope, as the consequences of this unexpected turn of events continued to unfold.

"Well, I understand now," Old Lin began, his voice carrying a hint of introspection. "It seems I have made an oversight, a misjudgment, that has led to this misunderstanding. I must apologize for wasting everyone's time and causing such an embarrassing display of my family. It was never my intention to impose an unwanted engagement."

Old Lin's calm reply reverberated through the hall, its impact sinking into the hearts of those present. A wave of murmurs swept through the crowd, their curiosity piqued by Old Lin's unexpected admission. The atmosphere shifted, a mix of relief and curiosity hanging in the air.

"Thank you, Grandpa," Biao said, now standing beside him.

The praises for the Lin family reverberated throughout the hall, resounding with admiration and respect.

"As expected of the Lin family!"

"Their humility and honesty shine through even in their mistakes."

"Their power and influence are matched only by their unwavering humility."

"Long live Old Man Lin and the Lin family!"

"Young Master Lin's transformation is truly remarkable."

"Today, he displayed an awe-inspiring presence."

The resounding cheers and applause reverberated through the air, echoing the genuine appreciation and respect for the Lin family's unwavering principles and extraordinary character.

In a hushed tone, Old Lin leaned closer to Biao and whispered, his words laced with a profound wisdom, "But you know, my dear boy, sometimes it is through our mistakes that we discover the most valuable lessons. And today, I have gained something far greater than a mere engagement. I have witnessed your growth, your strength of character. That, to me, is a treasure beyond measure."

Biao's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and gratitude washing over him, but a twinge of guilt lingered within him. Deep down, he knew that he was not the original Lin Biao, but a reincarnated soul occupying his place.

While he was lost in his thoughts, a sudden interruption caught his attention.

[Plot disrupted once again.]

[Rewards issued.]

[Please check the three rewards and beginner's package and claim them, Host.]

This time, instead of dismissing the messages immediately, Biao studied them carefully. They appeared as holographic projections visible only to him. He was familiar with these system notifications, but he also knew that accepting the rewards might come at a price, possibly binding him as a slave to the system. To make a more informed decision, he postponed his response, determined to explore the system's workings in privacy, after the occasion.

As the evening progressed, conversations continued and the party gradually wound down. It grew late, and the guests bid their farewells, leaving behind a closer bond between the Yan and Lin families. Ye Chen, though pleased that the engagement was canceled, felt a sense of confusion, as if he had missed an important event earlier. Soon, only the Lin family and their staff remained.

"All the guards may resume their original duties, and I am handing over the security management to Xue," Biao commanded, to which Xue replied, "Yes, Young Master."

"Father, Mother, Grandfather, I apologize for all the trouble today," Biao expressed sincerely.

His family members reassured him, saying, "No worries, it happens," and so on.

"Well, it turned out to be a good event after all, didn't it, dear?" Mother chimed in.

"Yes, our Biao has already begun working on himself, though we must thank Wen for that. Now that he has learned to control his feelings, he can only continue to improve," Father responded.

Old Lin smiled and remarked, "Well, let's go back and rest. Now that the engagement is off, we will return to the capital in two days. It seems my absence there has caused the main branch to slack off. Are you fine with that, Biao?"

"Yeah, sure. I was also thinking about the same thing," Biao replied.

"That's good to hear. I will also commence your training to become the heir. Brace yourself, as your cousins are formidable opponents," Old Lin warned.

"Yes, Grandfather. I have been working on myself for the past three years, and I will definitely emerge victorious," Biao declared confidently.

"Now, now, don't worry too much. It's only a symbolic position, after all. The important decisions will be made by voting. And no matter who wins, all the others will support them. That's how it has always been," Old Lin explained.

"Yeah, I understand. I am on good terms with my cousins. It's just that you were the head, and now it's Father. I want to continue the tradition," Biao expressed his determination.

"Yeah, yeah, go for it," Old Lin encouraged.

With that, after a few more brief exchanges, Lin Biao finally returned to his room. He was alone now, and the time had come to investigate this mysterious system.

"System, open up," Biao commanded.

[The Host is online. Welcome to the No Template Villain System.]

[Host, please claim the rewards and beginner's package.]

Biao hesitated for a moment, his curiosity piqued. Before claiming the rewards, he wanted to understand more about the system and its purpose.

"What exactly are you?" Biao asked, addressing the system directly.

[Host, the system is exactly what you think it is. It is a unique interface that grants you access to various abilities, rewards, and guidance in your journey as a villain. However, allow me to clarify some aspects. The system rewards you for displaying villainous behavior and pushing the boundaries of societal norms. However, it is important to note that not claiming the rewards or adhering to villainous actions will not result in punishment. It simply means that you will receive fewer rewards and benefits.]

Biao's curiosity piqued, and he had more questions for the system. "Why was I chosen? Is there a purpose behind this system? And what exactly do you mean by villainous behavior?"

[System: The reason you have been granted this system is because of your ability to disrupt the established order and create chaos within the world. As for villainous behavior, it refers to actions that challenge societal norms, create chaos, and pursue personal ambitions without being constrained by conventional morality.]

'It doesn't seem inherently evil to me. In fact, it aligns perfectly with my beliefs. I have been involved in plenty of morally questionable deeds, but only when I believed they were necessary and my conscience remained untroubled. '

[That is precisely the essence of this system. It recognizes and embraces the complexity of individual morality. It allows you to pursue actions that you deem necessary, regardless of societal judgment. Hence the name "No Template," it does not restrict you to conform to a predecided and expected villainous archetype. Your unwavering determination to follow your own path aligns perfectly with the essence of a true villain.]

'So you can read my mind too'

[System: Yes, host, but only if you are specifically thinking about me or directing your thoughts towards me. You don't need to speak aloud every time you access me. I can perceive and respond to your thoughts as long as you are consciously engaging with the system.]

Biao absorbed the information, a mixture of intrigue and caution in his expression. The system continued to provide further insight.

[This system is not created by any specific individual. It emerged into existence along with the multiverse itself. It is an entity intertwined with the fabric of reality. Once attached to a host, it cannot detach itself. However, it is bound by certain conditions. If the host were to perish, the system would also cease to exist. That is why it carefully evaluated the conditions before attaching itself to you. The time it had to find a suitable host was running out, and it had to make a quick decision.]

Taking a deep breath, Biao made his decision.

"System, I understand. I am ready to claim the rewards. Show me what you have in store for me," he declared, a glimmer of determination shining in his eyes.

Thoughts like the system lying to him and enslaving him crossed his mind. However, considering that an entity as powerful as the system wouldn't require such petty tactics, he dismissed those concerns. He also pondered the possibility that the system might be bound by certain restrictions, perhaps only able to enslave someone if they willingly agreed. Nonetheless, enticed by the potential benefits, he took the easy gamble. Though he felt a tinge of doubt, he ultimately decided to seize this opportunity.

Oh, help in fighting the protagonist? You underestimate him too much, or rather, he overestimates the protagonist too much. Dragon King or not, Lin Biao is one of the main members of the most powerful family in China. This dragon can only be a worm in front of him. He doesn't even need to use the system to defeat Ye Chen; he can defeat him on his own.

[System: Issuing the beginner package.]

[System: Granting 10 years of hand-to-hand combat experience.]

[System: Detected that the host already possesses this skill. Enhancing the reward: Issuing 50 years of advanced combat mastery, including weapons.]

[System: Providing 10 years of internal energy cultivation (breathing technique).]

[System: Recognizing the host's previous practice. Adjusting the reward accordingly. Issuing 25 years of true qi cultivation.]

[System: Granting the Nine Turn True Yang cultivation technique.]

[System: Awarding 10X A-grade lottery cards and 1X S-grade lottery card.]

[System: Reward one: Choose between 20 years of driving experience or 20 years of piano playing.]

[System: Reward two: Choose between 80 years of medical expertise or 80 years of culinary mastery.]

[System: Reward three: Choose between 80 years of poison mastery or 80 years of vocal artistry.]

'Isn't this too good?' Biao wondered, his eyes widening in disbelief.


Bliss_Writer Bliss_Writer

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