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53.84% Elven Legacy / Chapter 174: Chapter 174: Loving Intimacy

Chapter 174: Chapter 174: Loving Intimacy

"Something very interesting? Hmm, what is it? Knowing how rarely you go to the Royal Library, it must've been something quite intriguing." Said Elif lightly while playing with Elaine's long silver hair, which was practically identical to his if it weren't for the purple streak.

"It was about us Elves, or more specifically, us Royal Elves; in actuality, our status as Royal Elves isn't as special as others make it out to be. Every other Elf in existence carries within them mixed blood; we Royal Elves are the only pure-blooded Elves left in the OverRealm." Stated Elaine calmly, her words causing Elif to pause momentarily before he continued brushing her hair.

"Yes, I've known about that for quite some time; I was decently shocked when I discovered the truth about us Royal Elves, and I finally understood why we are said to be endangered." Replied Elif, his words causing Elaine to momentarily display a crazy grin before she hid it, though not like it mattered since Elif couldn't see her face.

"Ah, well, I'm not that surprised you knew about it; you visit the Royal Library quite frequently, after all. However, that wasn't the only thing I found interesting, as following up about the knowledge about us Royal Elves, do you know how we keep our bloodline pure, considering every other Elf is of mixed blood?" Remarked Elaine lightly as she turned around and eyed Elif, practically straddling him, causing Elif to raise an eyebrow as he eyed the smiling Elaine.

"Yes, I also know that; in fact, I figured that out before I even discovered the truth about us Royal Elves; just a quick glance in the Ancestral record is enough for one to come to the correct conclusion. Also, it's not like it's a secret or anything; I'm sure if you were to ask Mother or Father, they would've told you about it." Said Elif with a nod while looking at Elaine, who pressed her body against Elif's chest as she leaned in closer, their faces mere centimeters apart.

"I suppose you're right, Brother, or maybe a more fitting term would be to say, Husband?" Replied Elaine softly while looking at Elif's purple eyes with her golden ones, her words prompting his heart to noticeably speed up while blood was being directed toward his nether regions, causing his member to twitch.

"Heh, you're not wrong, but you should save calling me that for the future; you're still rather young, after all, my beloved Wife." Stated Elif with a lovely smile and a slight blush while looking at Elaine as her heart rate increased, causing her to give in to her desire and kiss Elif.

Although we were flirting with each other, I hadn't expected she would actually go further than just talking as I watched Elaine lean in with her slightly puckered lips, and though the smart thing would be to avoid her, a part of myself didn't want to, causing me to fall into a dilemma, and that short dilemma resulted in our lips touching. Sensing the heavenly sensation of Elaine's soft, small lips pushing up against my own, I could feel my body heating up while my member, which had hardly been stimulated throughout my life, quickly grew; however, just before I continued to bask in the incredible sensation, I felt Elaine's hand touch my member, causing my eyes to snap open as I forcefully pushed her off me.

"What's wrong, Husband? Did you not like it?" Asked Elaine softly with a confused expression as she looked down at Elif's hardened member through the water, though before she could do anything, she was suddenly whisked into the air by Elif.

"Listen, Elaine, I enjoyed the kiss, but it's too early for us to partake in such intimate actions; we are still young, you even more so. Until we come of age, we will not get physically intimate, understand?" Said Elif rather solemnly with furrowed brows as he looked at the floating Elaine in the air, whose expression had returned to normal, though you could see traces of displeasure.

"Haa, why must we wait, Brother? If we love each other, it shouldn't matter whether it's now or one hundred years later; it'll all be the same. Unless you intend to do it with other women?" Questioned Elaine with a frown, her voice and expression turning slightly dark towards the end, though Elif merely shook his head.

"No, I have no desire to be with anyone else other than you; besides, we are waiting 'cause I said so. No offense, Elaine, but I'd prefer to wait until you were older." Stated Eif in a dignified manner before sighing as he gently placed an irritated Elaine down beside him.

"Hmph, fine; since you're so adamant about waiting until we're older, I'll abide by your desire and wait; however, once we come of age, there'll be nothing standing between us!" Said Elaine with a peeved expression as she folded her arms and looked at Elif, who lightly smiled in response.

"I appreciate it, Elaine; besides, it's not like it'll be a long wait, only eight years; for us cultivators, I'm sure it'll pass by in a blink of an eye." Remarked Elif lightly as he ruffled Elaine's hair, slightly improving her mood, but not by much.

"That's how old I am, Brother; it may not be long for most people, but that'll be a long time for me." Replied Elaine with a huff as she pouted and looked away, though, to her surprise, she felt a familiar sensation atop her lips, only to see Elif kissing her.

"There, hopefully, that should be enough to hold you over for the next eight years." Said Elif with a smirk as he ended the kiss with Elaine, significantly alleviating her mood.

"One won't be enough for the next eight years; I want a kiss a day."


"Fine then, a kiss a week."


"Ugh, how about a kiss a month? That's my final offer!"

"Haha, nope; how about this? I'll kiss you randomly throughout the next eight years?"

"Hmph, fine, but you better kiss me a lot."

"Hmm, I'll think about it." Said Elif with a slight smile as he and Elaine continued conversing, unknowingly spending the next three hours inside the bath.



After the little incident with Elaine in the bath, things returned to normal, and for the next couple of months, I enjoyed my time back home; though unfortunately, since I'm the crown prince as I get older, more and more responsibilities are given to me, all to prepare me for my ascension to the throne, which won't be for like the next several million years or so.

Currently, I'm sitting in my office; yep, I have an office and am speaking with several nobles sitting before my desk, well, not essential nobles, merely low-ranking nobles, as they explain the problems plaguing the city or town they reside over.

"Bandits? Really bandits? Are your town guards a joke, or what? How can they not even deal with a bunch of bandits? Also, how come I'm dealing with this?" Questioned Elif in annoyance as he looked at an older man who was slightly sweating while sitting before Elif's presence.

"Y-Yes, Prince Elif, for the last several years, bandits have constantly been stealing from caravans that leave and enter our city; we hadn't bothered with them mainly because, other than stealing a few caravans every now and then, they don't cause any other harm. However, recently, they've gotten bolder and started stealing more important caravans; they have even stolen one of my caravans, a noble's caravan." Said the older man, though Elif looked unbothered about the whole thing.

"Alright, that's good to know, but how come I'm dealing with such a trivial problem? Have you not requested aid from a neighboring town or a fellow noble?" Asked Elif as he kicked his feet upon his desk and leaned back in the chair, acting unbefitting of his status, though no one dared to speak out, well, except one.

"That is not how a Prince should sit, your Highness; please mind your image." Advised Illumia, who is quietly sitting down in the corner while drinking tea.

"So, are you going to speak or not?" Stated Elif, as he completely ignored Illumia while looking at the man.

"Y-Yes, I have indeed requested aid from fellow nobles and neighboring towns or cities; however, whenever I do so, the bandits go into hiding, and since I haven't discovered their base of operations, we've never been able to capture them. They're a tricky bunch." Replied the older man, to which Elif absentmindedly nodded, hardly paying attention.

"Any idea what their strength is? Cultivation base?"

"Since they never kill anyone, we've managed to figure out that their group possesses a cultivation base of mostly Divines and a few Divine Lords; although we've never spotted the leader, we have reason to believe he or she is at least a Peak Divine Lord, most likely a Divine King." Said the Older-man with a nod, causing Elif to grunt in annoyance.

"Just a mere Divine King and they still haven't been apprehended? Well, I suppose given the town you reside in is quite far away, It's not that surprising, but still, you need to hire better guards." Remarked Elif with a frown before shaking his head.

"I'll give you a squad of soldiers, each with a cultivation base of a Divine Lord; they should be able to take care of most of them while you deal with the leader." Added Elif, and although that wasn't what the Older-man had desired, he gladly accepted it, knowing his Divine Emperor cultivation base would allow him to easily suppress the leader.

Once I finished dealing with that man's problems, he gave me a slight bow before standing up and leaving the office, only for the next person to take his spot, causing me to sigh as I listened to their problems.


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