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25% Soulforge: Unveiling the Divine Legacy / Chapter 2: Rebirth

Chapter 2: Rebirth

3 years later, Kunlun Village.

Situated between two mountains, Kunlun Village was a medium-sized settlement. In the center of the village, a large house stood where three anxious people were sitting inside.

"The Immortal will be here soon. Have you made all the necessary preparations?" asked a well-dressed, muscular man sitting inside the big house in Kunlun Village, flanked by two other people who seemed to be on edge.

"Yes, Village Chief Li Zhao," a middle-aged man replied respectfully. A young man in his twenties stood to the right of the room, silently listening to their conversation.

"Father, I am ready. I promise not to disappoint you," said the young man, bowing respectfully. He stood on the right side of the room, while the burly man, village chief Wang Zhao, and the middle-aged man discussed preparations for the arrival of the Immortal.

There was a small hut at the edge of the village, a young man named Fang Min was lying on his bed, in deep thought.

Fang Min was a young mortal with a lean and agile build. He had a pair of sharp and observant eyes that gleamed with determination. His short black hair was tousled from working, and his face bore a few cuts and bruises. Despite the signs of wear and tear, there was an unwavering resolve in his expression, a testament to his unwavering determination to overcome challenges. He was dressed in simple, cheap clothes. His entire demeanor exuded an air of tenacity and determination, a reflection of his unwavering spirit.

Fang Min lay in his small hut at the edge of the village, lost in deep contemplation. "Can I become an immortal too?' he wondered. 'Mother, Father, though you left this world early, I won't let you down. I'll work hard to achieve greatness." Despite the early loss of his parents, Fang Min was determined to make the most of his life and strive towards his goals.

"Today is a special day! The village chief said that every person between the ages of 20 and 30 will be inspected. The lucky few will have the talent to cultivate. So, nobody is working today!" As an orphan, Fang Min worked hard every day to make a living, but today was different. Right at this moment, someone shouted from outside, interrupting Fang Min's thoughts.

"Lord Immortal is coming in a few hours. Everyone, come to the middle section immediately!"

Fang Min immediately got up from his bed and rushed towards the middle section of the village upon hearing the announcement. He could see that the other villagers were also hurrying towards the same direction, their faces full of excitement and anticipation.

After a few hours, a massive dragon appeared on the horizon and landed near the village. Soon after, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe flew down from the dragon and approached the villagers.

The villagers stood at the square, waiting for the arrival of the Immortal. As a giant dragon appeared in the horizon, everyone knew that the Immortal was approaching. The dragon landed near the village and a middle-aged man dressed in a black robe gracefully flew from the dragon towards the villagers.

"We greet Lord Immortal!" The villagers bowed respectfully as the Immortal arrived."

"I am Du Ziang from the Immemorial Dragon Sect. Mortals, bring everyone between the ages of 20 and 30. I will check if you have the destiny to become an Immortal." The cultivator spoke with a lazy expression, as the villagers gathered everyone who qualified in lines. Among the young people, there were those who were excited, scared, and nervous, but all of them shared the same hope.

"If I can enter the Immemorial Dragon Sect, my whole family's status will increase and I will get out of this small village, I will be a real Immortal!" A youngster said with an excited smile.

"If I have the talent to cultivate, I can destroy mountains with my palm!" Some wanted to become strong.

The cultivator produced a blue jade, clearly using it to identify talented individuals to join his sect. The first person in line, a young man in his early twenties, stepped forward with a bright smile. The cultivator placed the jade over his chest, but nothing happened. The cultivator waited for a moment before furrowing his brow in disappointment.

"No talent!" The young man was disappointed and quickly left. The second person came.

"No talent, leave!" This continued for several hours before a young man in a blue robe came forward.

The next person in line stepped forward and introduced himself, "Li Chen greets Lord Immortal! This old sword was found by my father, but we are too low to understand this sword's true origins. I hope Lord Immortal can accept this gift!" Li Chen presented an old, rusty sword to the Cultivator.

Li Chen stepped forward and greeted the cultivator respectfully. He presented an old rusty sword that had been passed down by his father, hoping that the cultivator could accept it as a gift. After examining the sword, the cultivator noticed a faint trace of spiritual energy within it and inquired about Li Chen's father. With a smile, the cultivator placed the sword in his storage bag

"My father is the village chief, Li Zhao." The young man in blue respectfully said.

"Oh, so it's the Li family, no need to be so polite. Your bloodline has already someone in my Immemorial Dragon Sect. You are from an Immortal bloodline so you have a much higher chance to become an Immortal. Let's see." The Cultivator placed the jade on the young man's chest. After a few breaths, the jade shined brightly.

"Hahaha, good! very good!" The Cultivator revealed a happy smile and pointed at Wang Chen. He started to fly towards the dragon that was waiting near the village. After sending away Wang Chen, the next person came forward. This person was 21 years old. He gave off an extremely righteous aura.

"If I have the talent to become an Immortal, I will punish all the demonic Immortals in this world. I will personally cleanse the Blue Ming Continent! Father, Mother, I won't disappoint you!" The young man had very high ambitions. He wanted to become a hero.

"Fang Min greets Lord Immortal!" He respectfully bowed. The cultivator placed the jade on Fang Min's chest with a lazy expression. The Spiritual Energy inside the jade cycled Fang Min's body, soul, and meridians. After finding nothing it was about to return to the jade when a Merlot soul deep inside Fang Min suddenly opened its eyes. It gave off extremely weak Spiritual Energy and made the jade shine a little bit.

"Hmm? You barely qualify to enter my Immemorial Dragon Sect. Go!" The cultivator was a bit surprised. He didn't expect someone other than the Li family to have talent to cultivate. He didn't personally place him on the dragon but ignored him. Fang Min revealed an extremely happy expression and barely climbed to the dragon. The dragon revealed an annoying expression and growled slightly, it was obvious that it didn't want mere mortals to climb on it. Li Chen was already sitting on the Dragon's back. When he saw Fang Min, he frowned.

"To think that an orphan like you has even a little bit of talent to cultivate, you probably will never even get out of the Qi Condensation Stage!" Wang Chen was the son of the village chief and even had an Immortal in his family. So he was extremely arrogant. After seeing he had the talent to cultivate and even being personally placed on the Dragon's back, his arrogance increased severalfold.

"Senior, please don't be like this. We will be fellow sect members from now on." Fang Min didn't frown at all and revealed a happy expression. But deep inside Fang Min, a dark red soul was watching all of this. He was Lin Xiaowen!

"This place... after being seriously injured and at the border of death, I fused with this child. This should be where the child was living. I instinctively released a weak wave of spiritual energy upon awakening, and the cultivator thought that this child had the talent to cultivate. What a mess." Lin Xiaowen frowned.

"My Body collapsed and even one of my lives from the precious Three Life Spell is used up. I was forced to explode half my soul to escape further. My cultivation regressed all the way back and I don't have the power to access my storage space. I am in an extremely vulnerable state right now. It is the best choice to get in a sect until I heal. Otherwise, I could die even to common mortals and beasts. Since I have hundreds of years of experience, it should not be too hard to regain my peak. Perhaps in 500 years, I can reach my previous cultivation." Lin Xiaowen barely survived a life-and-death trap. But living was the most important thing. As long as he lived, he could start all over."

After some time, Du Ziang returned to the dragon. He looked back at the villagers who were still standing there, disappointed that they were not selected. The cultivator could sense their determination and potential and decided to say something to them.

"You people may not have the talent to cultivate, but that does not mean you are without hope. Remember, cultivating is not the only path to greatness. There are many ways to make a difference in this world," Du Ziang said in a calm voice.

The villager youngsters looked up at him, listening intently. Du Ziang continued, "If you work hard and stay true to yourselves, you can achieve great things. Your destiny is not limited to what you were born with, but what you make of it."

The villagers felt a spark of inspiration within them. They thanked Du Ziang and watched as he mounted the dragon and flew off into the sky. They knew that they had a long journey ahead of them, but they were determined to make the most of their lives and find their own path to greatness.

"It will take several days to reach the Immemorial Dragon Sect. While flying, memorize all of this!" Du Ziang threw books at Fang Min and Li Chen.

Fang Min picked up the book with great curiosity. The cover was made of dark leather with gold letters that read "Rules and Information about the Immemorial Dragon Sect." He flipped through the pages. The book contained information about the Sect's history, cultivation techniques, and the requirements to join.

"There are 5 Divisions, They are ranked according to the cultivation levels of disciples. Starting from the lowest, Purple, Blue, Green, Orange, and Red. Red is the highest disciple ranking. Every disciple will start from Purple. Every division has its own area. Blue-ranked disciples can access areas like the sects training area, library, and alchemy area. After the rank red comes elders. All disciples must bow when they see an elder. There are 3 rules."

"Don't kill fellow sect members!"

"Don't steal from fellow sect members! "

"Respect your elders and higher-ups!"

"In times of war, there will be a merit board. With merit points can sect members exchange treasures and spells. Every time a disciple advances to another division. They will be given spells and treasures. There are 5 cultivation realms that disciples need to know. They are Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, and Origin Reversal. After a disciple goes through origin reversal, he will be an elder.

"Purple-ranked disciples are at the Qi Condensation stage."

"Blue-ranked disciples are at the Foundation Establishment stage."

"Green-ranked disciples are at the Core Formation stage."

"Orange-ranked disciples are at the Nascent Soul stage."

"Red-ranked disciples are at the Origin Reversal stage."

"Qi Condensation realm represents Gathering Qi from the environment. This realm gathers Qi and stores it in your aperture. One can use divine sense in this stage. With a divine sense can someone scan their surroundings and high-level cultivators can communicate with a divine sense. There are special Qi Gathering rooms in the sect for purple-ranked disciples. One hour of usage costs 3 Spiritual Stones. There are 15 levels in the Qi Condensation realm. After the fifteenth realm comes the Foundation Establishment realm."

"The foundation Establishment realm builds a solid foundation for origin reversal. There are 4 stages. Early, Middle, Late, Peak. At the peak stage must the disciple form a core, this is the Core Formation Stage. After forming a core, the disciple will be in the Core Formation Realm.

"The Core Formation realm has also four stages. Early, Middle, Late, Peak. After developing the core to the peak, the disciple must break the core and form a Nascent Soul! If one fails while forming a Nascent Soul, one can die! That's why disciples can ask for help from a Nascent Soul Senior while breaking through."

"After forming a Nascent Soul, the disciple will be on the Nascent Soul realm. Again, this realm has four stages. This stage turns your mortal soul into a Nascent Soul completely. Without a Nascent Soul, the disciple can not go through Origin Reversal! An ordinary mortal soul cannot withstand the power from the origin reversal."

"The Qi Condensation realm prepares Qi for the Foundation Establishment realm. The latter prepares the body to withstand Origin reversal. Core formation prepares a Nascent Soul seed for the Nascent Soul Realm. The Nascent Soul Realm prepares the Soul for the Origin Reversal Stage. After both the body and soul have gone through all four stages, one can go through the Origin Reversal!"

"After reaching the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. The disciple can go through Origin Reversal. This meant that the disciple will let go all of his earthly connections and ascend to the second step of cultivation. This was extremely dangerous. The success rate is 30%. This can be increased with various pills or protection from elders. After reaching the second step of cultivation, the disciple will be advanced to an elder. In the first step, talent was extremely important. But in the second step, one needs Patience, cunningness, and intelligence. Even at my Immemorial Dragon Sect, there are not many people at the second step."

After this, there was more information about the sect, the prices of pills, herbs, treasures, and more. After reading all of them, Fang Min let out a long sigh.

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