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Author's Interference Author's Interference original

Author's Interference

Author: Shadow_King00980

© WebNovel


My name is Ray. I 'was' a part-time novel writer. Yes, you got that right. I am dead.

Right now, I am in front of Death, who is sitting in front of me with a book in his hands. Yeah, that's my novel. The room is filled with skeletons and bones of different types of animals, among which are mostly humans.

It's a bit creepy but I can't just say that out loud, or else I can't imagine what will happen to me.

"I like your novel." said Death.

"Huh... " I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say.

"In truth, I have read many novels like this, and to be honest. I am bored."


"I am bored of the hero winning because of his plot armour. So, I want you to create a story where the villain wins through their sheer efforts."

"Wait a minute. How exactly am I going to do that? Are you going to trap me here?"

"Even though I am Death, I am not allowed to do that."

"Then are you going to reincarnate me?"


"But what if I don't want to be a writer anymore?"

"You don't have to."

"What do you mean?"

"You know the Multiverse is complicated. Not everyone is worthy enough to be a creator."


"Sometimes even Gods are not allowed to create alternate realities."

"What are you talking about?"

"And... Sometimes even a mortal like you can create a Universe."

I couldn't even understand what he was going on about. Does he think that I am an astrologist or something?


A circular portal opened up under my feet, sucking me inside it. I tried to resist, but all my efforts were futile as I felt myself phasing through multiple objects.

"I'll be watching you." were the last words that I heard before falling into an unconscious state.


Year 300064


Planet 5


I tried to open my eyes, hearing the laughter and chattering surrounding me.

"Congratulations Mrs Allen, you have given birth to a son."

What? Where am I?

"Mrs Allen? Mrs Allen! Are you alright, miss?!"

Why is everyone screaming? What is going on?

"I am sorry, Mr Allen, but she didn't make it."

Who are they talking about? Who didn't make it?

As I finally found the strength to open my eyes, a blurry figure started to come into my view. Slowly my blurry vision started to clear. At last, I was able to see in front of me.

It was a silver-haired man with crimson eyes, and light skin. He was handsome. However, the thing that shocked me the most was how gigantic this man was.

Is this hell?

"No, hell is a lot worse than this," all of a sudden a voice rang in my ears. I was sure that it didn't come from my surroundings. The voice sounded familiar.

"I'm Death, you idiot."

'Where is this place? Where did you send me?'

"To the world you created. Planet 5, does it ring a bell."

'To the planet where the Paragon is, located?! But whose body am I in?'

"Someone who should have been dead before the story began."

'You're joking, right?'


'Jesus Christ, why did I sign up for this?'

"To entertain me, of course. Oh, add to that you are a human."

In a world full of metahumans, magicians, aura users, vampires, werewolves, beastmen, mermen, arthopodians, and mutated beasts, I was born as a human. Just great.

"You could still be a magician or an aura user."

'Yeah, you're right. I do have that option as well. But how long are you planning to haunt me like this?'

"Until you die."

Well, I am trapped in my novel as a human, haunted by Death. This is just, so messed up, that I can't even put it in words.

"Second life."

'Stop reading my mind.'


'Hm. You will miss the surprises if you keep reading my mind.'

"Oh, will I?"

'Yes, you will.'

"Should have told me earlier then."

Guess manipulating Death is easier than I thought. But looking at the situation in front of me, it looks like my mother is most likely dead, and my father is mourning for her.

'Should I just close my eyes?'

"I don't know. I am just waiting for her to die. So that I can make a quick judgment of her."

'You do this all by yourself?'

"Well, I don't, my reapers bring those wandering souls to me, but since I am here I might as well do it myself."

'Should I be mourning for her as well?'

"Unless you are an emotionless freak, yes."

'Then... Can you please send her to heaven?'

"... Seriously?"

'I mean, I was an orphan, so...'

"I asked the wrong person for the wrong answer."



2 hours later


Two hours have passed, and many things have happened since then. My father got chased by some mugger, and although we got rid of him, he got shot. I don't know what's happening, but I think I know who he is.

Gray Allen, a detective who died in the prologue chapters of the novel, his wife died giving birth to his son, and he tasked his brother, who happens to be a special class hero, to take care of his son.

Well, it was a tragedy that the kid died due to an assassination that was meant for his uncle to get emotionally traumatized and weaken him. So I had to prepare myself for everything while I still have time.

'I messed up.'

"As the saying goes, you reap what you sow."


A black screen appeared in front of my retina, confusing me.

'Why is it black?'

"Ask yourself."

'No, I mean, it was supposed to be black if I was a metahuman.'




[Name: Ray Allen]

[Race: Human]


[Strength: G-]

[Agility: G-]

[Dexterity: G-]

[Stamina: G-]

[Intelligence: SSR]

[Charm: A]

[Mana: S]

[Energy: S+]


"Is this supposed to be normal?"

'Nope. This might be randomly generated, but I love it.'

I guess this new life might not be so bad after all. Well, I guess it all depends on what I do and how I rearrange the future but whatever decision I make won't matter either way, since I need to kill the protagonist, I might as well become the main antagonist.

Shadow_King00980 Shadow_King00980

The link to the discord server is in the synopsis. Join it to make changes in the story line and add my novel in your library if you like it. Thanks! (I will also post the character designs there.)

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