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Chapter 37: Teaching Mikoto

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Leaving the teaching building, Renault arrived at the parking lot and mounted his motorcycle. As he was about to put on his helmet, he heard Bakugo Katsuki's voice behind him.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Turning around, Renault looked at Bakugo Katsuki running towards him with a puzzled expression and asked, "What's up?"

Taking a deep breath, Bakugo Katsuki looked at Renault seriously and said, "I will definitely beat you in the Sports Festival this time, so you better wait for me!"


Looking at Bakugo Katsuki, who was dead serious, Renault smiled and said, "I thought you've only been paying attention to Midoriya Izuku all this time."

When it came to Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki's expression became a bit impatient. "Hmph, that Deku guy actually managed to catch up with me without me realizing it, but there's no way he can beat me! My target for this Sports Festival is you and that Half-and-Half Bastard!"

Half-and-Half Bastard...ah, Todoroki Shoto hah.

Smiling, after some time of contact, Renault gradually understood Bakugo Katsuki's character and his determination and obsession with reaching the top.

"Well then, let's all work hard together. As I said to those guys, the people from other classes are not the ones we should focus on. Our opponents are always our own schoolmates in the same class, so we can progress faster that way. But Bakugo, you should occasionally try to accept and get along with others too. You won't be able to reach the same height as All Might if you keep rejecting everyone else. Alright, I have something to do now. See you tomorrow."

Putting on his helmet, Renault started his motorcycle and left the school gate under Bakugo Katsuki's gaze.

Looking at Renault's back as he left, Bakugou Katsuki sneered and said, "If you want me to accept, you need to show your strength first!"


Riding his motorcycle, Renault arrived directly at Tokyo Public Third Middle School, his alma mater.

However, upon arriving at the school gate, besides seeing Misaka Mikoto waiting there, he also saw a teacher standing next to her, who used to be his homeroom teacher.

"Yamada-sensei?" As a sensei at a public school, Yamada-sensei was quite experienced, but his Quirk was not particularly powerful, only enhancing his hearing so he could hear very subtle sounds. However, with this Quirk, no one in the class he taught dared to whisper during class. If they were caught, this usually gentle sensei would get angry. After all, what you thought was a whisper to yourself was actually quite loud to the person next to you.

Seeing that it was Renault who had come, Yamada sensei smiled and said, "It really is you, Renault. Now I can rest assured."

"Rest assured?" Renault asked.

Glancing at Misaka Mikoto standing next to the sensei with an embarrassed expression, Renault suddenly realized.

"Haha, so you were worried about her."

"Although this child has just transferred here, her popularity is quite high, and her academic performance is very good. Her Quirk also has great potential. We, several teachers, have been discussing it, and we think she might be another student like you who will do well at U.A. So we pay quite a bit of attention to her on a daily basis. When we heard this morning that she was brought by a boy, we were a bit concerned. After all, girls at this age are still quite innocent," Yamada-sensei explained.

"I understand." Renault came to Misaka Mikoto and patted her head with a smile, saying, "But Mikoto is not that easy to fool, am I right?"

"Hmph, a group of people who couldn't even handle my one move, I don't think much of them," Misaka Mikoto replied tsundere-ly, tilting her head up.

"Haha, since that's the case, I can rest assured," Yamada-sensei said as he looked at Renault.

"Since you're neighbors and quite familiar with each other, that's good. Renault, if you have free time, teach your junior, Misaka. She said she wants to take the U.A. entrance exam, right? Give her some tips and tricks."

"I understand."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you two. If it's you two, we fully support it. After all, Renault is a rare excellent male student."

As he spoke, Yamada-sensei's expression was a bit teasing.


Renault shook his head helplessly and quickly urged Misaka Mikoto to follow him, then said goodbye and left.

There was no conversation on the way, and the two arrived at the supermarket and began to buy ingredients for dinner.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I... I can eat anything..."

Renault smiled as he looked at the girl who was looking down with reddened ears.

"Alright, don't take what Sensei said to heart. We've had a good relationship for the past few years, so he speaks more casually in private. It's just a joke, so don't think too much."


Although she nodded, Misaka Mikoto's heart was still beating fast. At first, she didn't understand, but now the girl was starting to get it.

After returning home and having a carefully prepared dinner, Renault held a teacup and looked at Misaka Mikoto sitting across from him. "When will Aunt Misuzu arrives?"

"It seems like... still more than an hour, she's still on the Shinkansen," Misaka Mikoto estimated the time and said.

"In that case... we still have some time. Let's do it."

"Huh? Do... do what?" Misaka Mikoto's expression froze as she couldn't help but think crookedly, and her little face turned red again.

"Quirk training, right? Didn't Yamada-sensei say that earlier? To give you some tips and tricks? Just think of it as a little exercise after dinner. How about it?"

"O-Oh! Okay, no problem!" The young girl immediately nodded vigorously as she realized what Renault was asking of her.

"Then let's go, we'll head to the training ground." Renault led Misaka Mikoto to the entrance of his basement training ground and they walked inside.

Since he had brought someone with him, the original functionality of the area would not activate.

After the lights turned on, Renault said to Misaka Mikoto, who seemed eager to start: "Come on, let me see how well you've mastered your Quirk."

"Hum hum! Watch closely now, and be careful not to get caught off guard!" Misaka Mikoto smiled confidently, raised her right hand, and sent a blue-white electric current toward Renault. This was clearly a greeting.

However, as the electric current reached Renault, he had already activated his reflection ability and bounced it away. Since there was another student in his class, Kaminari Denki, who also had an Electric type Quirk, he was already quite familiar with it. However, compared to Kaminari Denki, Misaka Mikoto had the advantage of being able to attack from a greater distance.

"This move is too weak, it won't work on me at all."

"Vector Manipulation? That's a troublesome Quirk, but it makes it more challenging. Are you ready, Renault-senpai? I'm going to use all my electric power!"

Misaka Mikoto's body then exploded with powerful electric currents, and pure white electric power gathered at her fingertips, forming a lightning gun that instantly appeared in front of Renault.

"Not enough!"

With a light raise of his hand, Renault easily neutralized Misaka Mikoto's fierce attack and even transformed the lightning gun into an electric current, which then surrounded him on all sides.

"Keep going, use all your moves."


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