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3.33% Ninja in Konoha: Starting with the Time Fruit / Chapter 2: Chapter 2. First kiss.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2. First kiss.

Seishi! Seishi! What's wrong with you? Don't be discouraged!"

"My grandfather once said, as long as you have a strong ninja heart, you can definitely achieve success."

"I believe you will make great achievements."

Just as Chiba Seishi was thinking about the power of the time fruit, a crisp girl's voice came into his ears.

Turning his head, he saw a blond little girl with a red face looking at him.

Tsunade Senju, the princess of Konoha.

But Tsunade at this moment was far from the scale of the future.

"Flat as a pancake..."

Chiba Seishi glanced expressionlessly at Tsunade's chest and made such a comment.

Just now, because Tsunade was sitting behind Qing Shi, she didn't see his movements clearly.

She looked at Qing Shi's pale face and thought he was discouraged because of the failed test just now.

Shaking his head, Chiba Seishi said lightly, "I was just thinking about other things..."

If it was Tsunade from the future, she might have taken another look at him.

But the current Tsunade was just a little girl who hadn't even grown all her hair.

He wasn't interested in this group of mischievous kids in his class.

Looking at Chiba Seishi 's cold expression, Tsunade's eyes even showed a hint of admiration.

" Seishi is so handsome!..."

With his already handsome appearance and the calm and cold expression at the moment, Chiba Seishi immediately intoxicated Tsunade in front of him.

She always felt that Chiba Seishi looked nothing like the other boys in their class.

He was handsome and very mature.

Not like Jiraiya, who was always carefree and looked like a fool.

Thinking of this, she took another look at a certain white-haired weirdo.


Jiraiya, who was standing aside, was so angry that he was jumping around when he saw this scene.

"Damn it! How am I worse than this guy, Chiba Seishi!?"

"I'm better-looking than him and more talented!! Why do these girls always flock around him? One day, I'll make you girls know that not choosing me, Jiraiya-sama, is the biggest mistake of your lives!"

Orochimaru, who was standing beside him, listened to his words and looked at Jiraiya speechlessly.

Although he wasn't as popular as Chiba Seishi, Orochimaru also had many fans in the class at this time.

He was still a handsome little shota, before he became the villainous Orochimaru in the future.

"Teacher, I would like to apply for the test again."

Chiba Seishi raised his hand and said.

Now that he had completed the lottery, he was confident that he could pass the test this time.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to reveal a part of his strength.

After all, in this chaotic world, if his talent could be recognized by the upper levels of Konoha, he might be able to get a so-called protective umbrella.

But if he kept hiding his abilities, he might be sent directly to the front lines as cannon fodder when the II Great Shinobi war officially began.

People are scarce everywhere, and he firmly believed in this truth.

"Okay... then... come forward, and I'll test you again..."

The teacher looked at Chiba Seishi helplessly.

In his opinion, even if Chiba Seishi took the test again, it probably wouldn't change anything.

Because it was obvious that Seishi's problem was not a mistake, but that his talent was really poor.

"This loser is going up again. I don't understand why he is so persistent?"

"Hehe, cut him some slack, after all, he has practiced transformation jutsu countless times and has not succeeded once."

"If I were him and failed such a simple ninjutsu, I would have given up being a ninja long ago..."


As Chiba Seishi continued to test, the classmates who had already passed whispered about him.

Chiba Seishi remained unmoved and a cold smile slowly appeared on his face.

"You'll see who's the waste when the time comes!"

As he made hand signs, smoke appeared in the arena.

And at this moment, the teacher looked at the commotion in the arena with surprise.

"It looks like this kid succeeded?"

But then his face became serious because he felt the chakra fluctuations in the arena.

This was not the chakra amount of a school student or a lower-level ninja.

He felt that Chiba Seishi's chakra amount was not much lower than his own.

"How is this possible?!"

He had no idea what was going on in his mind.

Someone who was always at the bottom of the class suddenly had the exact same chakra level as him?

Could it be that he hadn't woken up yet?

Suppressing his inner shock, he decided to continue watching.

When Chiba Seishi 's transformation jutsu was revealed, his eyes widened immediately.

Because at this moment, what Chiba Seishi transformed into was the Second Hokage.

And in his eyes, Chiba Seishi 's transformation jutsu was perfect.

Both in appearance and aura, it was completely beyond what a ninja academy student who hadn't graduated could achieve.

This was already beyond his imagination.

He believed that even if he used the same transformation jutsu, he probably wouldn't do it better than what he saw in front of him.

" it fake?!?"

The students in the crowd swallowed nervously and said with suspicion.

They could no longer distinguish whether this was really the Second Hokage, or if Chiba Seishi 's transformation jutsu was just too perfect.

"... Chiba...Chiba Seishi has passed the test!"

In the end, the teacher's announcement brought them all back to reality.

The Second Hokage in front of them was actually Chiba Seishi transformed.

"Chiba Seishi ...have you been hiding your strength all along?"

The teacher asked him with doubt.

He nodded and shook his head, "It's not that I've been hiding my strength, it's that my bloodline limit awakened in the past few days, so that's why I have the strength I have now."

After hearing his words, the teacher was even more shocked.

A bloodline limit!

It should be noted that the potential for development and strength between a ninja with a bloodline limit and one without is not just a little bit different.

And this was something that he himself had become increasingly aware of as he grew older.

"Chiba Seishi , you're really amazing!"

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Chiba Seishi .

Before he could react, he felt a cool sensation on his face, like he had been kissed by a kitten.

When he turned his head, he realized that the black shadow was actually Tsunade.

"This... this was my first kiss..."

Before Chiba Seishi could say anything, Tsunade covered her blushing face and ran back to her seat.

Read_and_Chill Read_and_Chill

any help with the names would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure if its Chat GPT or the source material throwing things off.

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