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Holy Knight

Chapter 4 - Holy Knight

Written By Curiostyx

In front of Me stood a 7 feet tall monster of a Knight. I say Knight, but the Angel in front of me more closely resembled an Android decked out in fancy religious robes and fantasy armor.


A panel appeared in front of my non-existent mental face.

"So this is an Angel? More metallic than I imagined... Looks pretty badass though" I commented on my Avatar.

The Avatar had a pair of wings made of pristine silver on its back. A perfectly circular golden halo floated on top of its helmet, completely stationary. The face of the Avatar was obscured by a futuristic-looking helmet-No, the helmet was its face. Angels like the one in front of me did not simply wear armor, they were the armor.

This was the standard template for a Player-Character Angel, Distinctly different from NPC Angels, Now I had the power to manipulate its appearance as I pleased.

First of all, I altered the head so that It actually resembled... well, a head instead of a helmet. I gave the fellow who was soon to be me a handsome face, nice and young, which was a top priority for any non-narcissistic Gamer.

I then gave the lad some hair, white since I was feeling particularly edgy today. No red eyes though, since it would not make a lick of sense for a Holy Being to possess particularly malevolent eyes.

Speaking of eyes, I gave him dark golden ones to match his racial color scheme... Not a sentence I would survive uttering in that one bluebird app.

I mean, come on now 'Racial Color Scheme'? I would be 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 if my non-existent pussy cats survived the impact of all of those overweight birds ganging up on me.

Anyways, I improved its armor to look more suitable to its current appearance. Now it stood proudly, shorter than ever with shining black armor and purplish robes on top of that. Even though it had black armor now, I didn't change my previous settings keeping the eyes golden, the hair white, and the wings...

Ah yes, the wings, I forgot about those... Hmm, should I change them to black?

Nah, I don't intend to fall soon, so I guess I'll keep them the way they are... Though I did change the feathers to mimic the appearance and sharpness of knives, perhaps I could make use of them through a Skill or Class? Perhaps.

Next was my halo. I simply changed its overall structure, turning it sharper and 'Crown-like' as some might put it.

I then stepped back as I admired my new virtual representative.

"Huh, look's kinda like a Wattpad femboy hotman... Should I change it?" I questioned out loud.

"Yeah, I probably should... But let's do it when I reach top-level, call it character growth or something. That'll grind those anti-roleplayer's gears" I stated to nobody in particular.


Are You Sure You Want To Save This Character Design As Your Permanent Avatar?

Remember, You Can Only Have 1 PC In Yggdrasil, While You Can Still Change Certain Details, Core Details Such As Race, Gender, And Name Will Stay Permanent.


"Yes" The Moment I spoke those words, I was immediately transported into my Avatar's Point of View.

"Huh... This feels rather strange" I commented as I moved my new body, It felt a little different from the real world, but it was definitely very realistic.

Though I had wings, I still could not feel them, rather there seemed to be a sort of command to unfurl them. It did make sense that the developers still had not figured out how having wings felt.

Once I had gotten used to my new shape, The cutscene continued.

"Oh? A Heavenly Warrior has enlisted himself to me? I've heard your kind are kind and benevolent, these are rare traits to have in our current times... I hope you stay within that stereotype..." Odin said before standing up to meet me.

"Or perhaps you have already Fallen? Tell me, Childe... Do you remain Pure to your ideals?" He asked as met me face to face.

A screen flickered in front of me.


Choose Your Racial Class. Angels Have 4 Beginner Racial Classes, Which are:

-Angel: Pure Angels who have never strayed far from their teachings. They are as an Angel should be, at least according to the Heavenly Host.

-Fallen Angel: Angels who have abandoned the teachings and embraced the past of Sin and Depravity. They are even considered Demons by some, though this is not true as they still remain innately Angelic, however depraved. They are exiled by the Heavenly Host.

-Blood Angel: Angels who In their bloodlust, embraced the way of WAR! They bathe in the blood of their enemies and take skulls as personal trophies, they fight literally all the time non-stop! the Heavenly Host considers the rather barbaric but still accepts them as an essential part of Heaven as they are relatively decent Fiend Exterminators.

-Unwinged Angel: A rather rare type of Angel. Unwinged Angels are those who value mortals to such a degree that they would Unwing themselves so that they may live amongst them and protect them from any would-be threats. They are rather popular amongst the Mortals, but The Heavenly Host cares little for them as they are basically, in a sense, retired Angels.


As I had planned to not Fall into the dark side anytime soon, I discarded the Fallen Angel option. I also abandoned the Unwinged Class rather quickly. I mean, what was the point of being an Angel then?

The Blood Angels are quite 'badass' as some of the members of the lower echelon might put it... Though they absolutely fall in comparison to the majesty of True Angels.

Yes, I liked Vanilla. Fuck me sideways, Bitch.

"Haha! I should have never doubted you, Childe! I knew you would know the true path of light!" Odin laughed as he walked to a chest on the right side of the room and opened it.

While he was busy searching the chest for what he wanted, he spoke to me yet again.

"So what of your profession, Childe? We all have different aspirations, don't we? I heard Angels like you... and to a certain extent, Demons are rather decent Warriors, But it is your choice if you choose the path of Magic or any other paths" Odin said whilst continuing to search the chest of its contents.


There are countless Job Classes in The Nine Worlds, yet you are still a beginner so you may only choose 1 base Class that can be elevated to level 15.

Your first level will be automatically assigned to your Job Class, not your Racial Class.

There are a variety of Job-types in Yggdrasill, Warriors, Mages, Thieves, Commanders, and Other such professions.

Angels are not a race of Magic Casters, so adopting a Mage Class as your Starter Job Class is not advised.

Here is a list of all Available Job Classes filtered through relevancy to your Race:


-Holy Knight





I stopped the screen before it flooded my view and just chose Holy Knight.

I didn't even need to see the description, as I knew that it was likely something generic.

[Are You Sure You Want To Choose The Job Class 'Holy Knight'?]



I'm feeling frisky, maybe you can stone me, Daddy?

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