Dear gods, all this was all too much, it was a speeding hunger that would destroy him, she was making him go mad and what almost brought him to his knees were her words…
'I want to be a better bride to you'
Those words brought unusual feelings to his body and made him far more fascinated by how she intended to do that, she seemed quite determined all of a sudden.
His eyes darted to the space beside her, the temptation came again to lay beside her, but he wasn't tired but he didn't care, after all, there was a heater so he shouldn't worry about overusing his aura again... besides he can hopefully create a balance for her sake.
The temptation was far stronger now with every thought that crossed his mind he could no longer resist laying beside her.
Unbeckoned to him as he lay by her side he finally found himself in the realms of sleep… what he has not intended.
Who do you think William was dreaming about? :-)
"The Reaper's Wicked Obsession" is out! Please check it out