A week passed…
A whole week and it was the same routine. Elvenia would wake me up and I would bathe, get dressed, and eat surprisingly enough and the fact still amazes me that I was given food three times a day! That was the first time because I have only known to eat once a day, I never knew people eat three times a day. That's too much, maybe because it was different here. I started to suspect they only made food for me because I ate alone. Were they expecting me to finish all the food on the table each time? Well I could not, I just ate what my stomach could contain and each time when I came back there was a new table of food waiting for me to consume.
I think soon I will only eat with my eyes because my stomach remains full. But who could resist good food? I just had it in mind that one day the food would vanish and the true meaning of my coming here would be revealed so I ate as best as I could awaiting the day I would no longer be given food.
I have only seen Elvenia attending to me, was she the only one taking care of me? Because I haven't seen any maid aside from her so it struck me as odd. If so I was grateful and I really wanted to tell her that but each time I remember not to speak.
And her features weren't exactly welcoming or comforting, it was cold and stoic and after just a week I have already gotten used to it, she doesn't engage in any talk with me whatsoever except having to go where I should be. And I didn't mind, I wasn't looking for a friend here, I still kept my guard up and thought of opportunities to find my answers.
I tried marking our way whenever we walked to the dining and the bathe and I seemed to somewhat remember it each time we walked through it but it was a hard feat because this place was an endless maze, I was starting to convince myself that I can't walk alone or else I would be lost in the four walls of this place.
Only during dinner did I get to see William... and it was the same thing all again, he would just sit with me during dinner and help himself to a book, I became curious if it was the same book he reads each time because he always sat in that position, but no.. each time it was a different color of book and it got me interested about what he reads that takes most of his attention and time.
This is how it went on, days turn into a week and I found myself a routine about guessing the color of books he would read next, I failed of course, guessing from dark blue or dark orange covers since I noticed it was mostly dark colored back of books he took interest in, thick and somewhat big, but in his hands, it looked like a normal book but I was certain if I was given it, it would be twice the size of my hand.
Always in that position and never waving from it, like he said he truly is a man of knowledge, and whatever books take his utmost attention. Even after eating and waiting for Elvenia, I would just watch him, placing my cold feet on the chair and resting my jaws on my kneecaps, keeping my eyes on him. He would move from that position whenever he flipped the page and go back to it.
How does he seriously see through that blank white mask? Why does he wear a mask, to begin with? Does he have a disease or a fatal wound or scar on his face? I have concluded in my head that he would either have a disease or a scar, well a disease would mean no one would come in contact with him... I remember the time plague fell upon the orphanage and many of my age died, but funny when the house was in an uproar and a number of children were getting sick and dying I showed no symptoms of the disease, and I was blamed for it because I didn't get sick.
Many times I was scared they would burn me at a steak like a witch, that was my greatest fear but it never came.
I was isolated only, probably because our caretaker needed the numbers to keep collecting funds from society, that was the only reason I remained untouched... but that didn't move the feeling away, I was labeled as an omen and life was the cruelest to me.
I yawned suddenly, recollecting my past was not only making me severed from the world but sleepy too. Elvenia was taking time today I wondered why. I knew it was like hours ago she should be here but she hasn't come yet.
It must be really late because I was already sleepy. I tried as best I could to keep my eyes on William but my vision was already foggy, flipping from open and close, my eyes were growing heavy every second until I could not fight it anymore, just as the sweet embrace of sleep clouded my senses William faces me, but it was too late I was already a prisoner to sleep.
It felt incredible, I felt comfy but that was odd because I knew the position I dozed in wasn't something I could exactly call comfortable, my neck should be hurting, and my legs too for keeping it in such a position for long, but I felt nothing of the sort, I felt safe and covered like I had a shield covering my body and the roughness I laid against was prominent to me.
Out of curiosity, I opened my sleepy eyes, it was faded and I could barely see anything but I was certain I saw William's face, he was facing ahead, and my body felt like it was moving too as he did.
Was he carrying me?
"The Reaper's Wicked Obsession" is out! Please check it out