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2.04% The Honkai Guide / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Let's live in this broken world

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Let's live in this broken world

"Ding~ The main task is being released..."

Just as Han Feng was admiring his body, the system that had been silent for a long time made another sound.

"Mission 1: Survive.

Completion: in progress.

Mission Reward: Your life is the best reward.

Mission 2: Survive in Changkong City until rescued. The rescue time is undecided.

Completion: in progress.

Task rewards: random attribute badge × 1, random weapon × 1, B-level virtual armor × 1. "

"Ding ~ the daily task is being released..."

"Daily task 1: kill five soldiers.

Completion: 0/5

Task reward: Honkai crystal × 60, open the lottery pool.

Daily task 2 2: Collect Houkai energy crystals x 5, dead man's claws x 5, broken soul fragments x 5.

Task reward: low-level learning chip x 1, soul crystal x 5. "

"The survival mission is being released..."

"First kill: kill a dead soldier

Completion: to be completed...

Task rewards: Basic fighting skill book x 1, basic knife skill book x 1. "

"The task has been issued..."

As the system sound ended, a window popped up in front of Han Feng, in which the tasks just released were arranged in an orderly manner.

While Han Feng was browsing the tasks, the door covered by the cabinet made a knocking sound.


The loud voice made Han Feng's heart tighten and he stopped browsing. After swallowing, Han Feng turned his gaze to the door.


The sound of another impact made Han Feng's heart thump, and he kept stepping back.


Shizhou Village was being taken from the backpack by Han Feng, but that posture was really hard to describe.


Another impact knocked down the cabinet that was covering the door, and the door was already broken.


Without any suspense, the wooden door was completely shattered.

Looking at the things coming in from outside the door, Han Feng took a deep breath, told himself to calm down, stabilized his trembling hands, and pointed the blade at the door

Looking at the dead soldier Han Feng who walked in unsteadily, he thought to himself: "Could this be caused by my cry just now?"


Without answering Han Feng's question, the dead soldier walked in with an unknown voice. Without a weapon, he just walked in like this, but it also brought enough pressure to Han Feng.

The pressure of death!

The dead man's eyes glowed red, staring at Han Feng like a hungry wolf.

Like a ferocious beast pouncing on its prey, the dead man bowed slightly and rushed forward with a sudden movement.

Han Feng's pupils shrank, and he instinctively jumped to the side.

The pain from the base of the thigh made Han Feng fall to the ground, covering the wound on the base of the thigh with his hand, and blood flowed from the gap between his fingers.

Not letting go of the fallen Han Feng, the dead man adjusted his posture and rushed forward again.

Han Feng quickly rolled on the ground, avoiding again dangerously.

"I can't go on like this anymore! Otherwise, I will really die!" Han Feng supported himself with a knife, and staggered back with his injured leg until he leaned against the wall.

Supporting his body against the wall, Han Feng held the knife in both hands and looked at the dead man who charged again.

Perhaps it was the stimulation of the blood, the dead man's eyes became even redder, and his voice was obviously a little excited.

Maybe it was the stimulation of the wound, maybe it was the pressure of death, Han Feng stared at the dead man closely with a ferocious expression, watching the dead man's movements.

Seeing Han Feng approaching fiercely, he thrust the knife forward.



At the critical moment, Han Feng lowered his body. Rubbing his body into his arms, Shi Zhoucun was stabbing fiercely into the chest of the dead man, and the sharp claws of the dead man followed Han Feng's cheek and inserted into the wall behind him.

Lavender blood flowed down the blade, "Heh...heh..." The dead man made a sound like a broken bellows, and fell on Han Feng's body.

Han Feng held the saber against the dead man, and lifted him up easily after transforming his body.

With a flick of both hands, the dead man was thrown out, and the lavender blood dripped down the blade to the ground.

"Ding~ The first kill of the mission is completed, the completion rate is 100%, please receive the reward."

Regardless of the notification sound from the system, Han Feng looked at the dead man closely, until the red light in the dead man's eyes gradually went out, and there was no more movement, then Han Feng sat down slowly against the wall.

"Ha ha…"

Han Feng panted heavily, and let go of Shizhou village with trembling hands.


Han Feng looked at the wound on the base of his leg and swears: "His grandma's, almost lost his brother!"

At this time, the wound had stopped bleeding, but the pain was still there. Han Feng felt the energy attached to the wound.

"Is this the Houkai energy? I didn't expect it to have the effect of stopping bleeding. Try to see if it can be controlled!"

Han Feng discovered that the Houkai energy in his body could flow away with his own will. According to his thoughts at this time, the Houkai energy in Han Feng's body began to swim away, slowly adhering to his hands to form a lavender film.

Han Feng looked at the film attached to his hand in amazement, and he could feel the energy contained in it.

"Is this the Honkai Energy..."

Waved away the Honkai Neng from his hand, the roar from outside made Han Feng's slack string tense again.

"I have to get out of here quickly. Although there is not much movement here, it may attract new dead soldiers. In my current state, another one will really die!"

Han Feng supported himself with a knife, but just as he stood up, he fell down because of the pain from the wound on his leg.

"Damn it!" Han Feng slammed the floor hard.

"That's right! Bandages!"

Han Feng quickly took out the bandage from his backpack

"Medical bandages: a must-have for injuries. Bandages have hemostatic, disinfection, and pain-relieving effects, and can effectively speed up the recovery of wounds. It can be said to be a must-have item for travel and injuries."

The corner of Han Feng's mouth twitched as he watched the introduction.

"Don't worry about it!" Han Feng tore off the torn trouser leg, endured the pain and unwrapped the bandage to the base of his leg.

After Han Feng wrapped the bandage and fastened it tightly, Han Feng clearly felt the pain decrease.

"Hey! It works."

Han Feng looked up at the sky outside, heard the roar from a distance and said, "Hurry up!"

Han Feng, who was no longer troubled by the pain, propped himself up with a knife and staggered towards the door. When passing by the dead man's body...

"Ding~ detected, Houkai energy crystal × 1, dead man's claw × 1, broken soul fragment × 1. Whether to absorb..."

Han Feng was taken aback by the system's notification tone, and said in response.


Passing over the dead man's body, Han Feng walked downstairs step by step with a knife in his hand.

The sun was setting, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the city, bringing indescribable desolation.

Han Feng walked carefully in the shadows with a knife, avoiding the dead soldiers coming and going.

"Sure enough, the news just now came out."

Many dead soldiers were walking towards this small building. Seeing the dead soldiers walking towards the small building where he stayed just now, Han Feng was very glad that he made the decision to leave.

Withdrawing his gaze, Han Feng staggered as he walked. Pass the dead in the shadows.

As he walked, Han Feng stopped, "No! I don't know this city at all. If I go on like this, I will either get lost or be discovered by a dead man. It would be great if I had a map."

Han Feng raised his head to find the way to leave, and just raised his head and typed a few words, Han Feng's eyes came into view.

"Mihua Department Store... Heh, it's so easy to come by!"

Not in a hurry to go in, Han Feng began to look around.

"I have to find a place to live. It will be dark soon. It's too dangerous to be outside at this time!"

Not long after walking along the road, Han Feng's eyes locked on one place.

What caught my eye was a six-storey hotel, and the signboard lights were crackling and flashing.

"Home Inns, hey, this is a familiar name"

Han Feng leaned on the knife and carefully moved towards the Rujia Hotel, carefully avoiding the dead men wandering around.

When we came to the interior of the hotel, it should have been elegantly arranged, but now it was in chaos.

There were broken glass all over the floor, an upside-down sofa, and blood stains everywhere. Surprisingly, there were no corpses.

Carefully watching the surroundings, Han Feng slowly walked into the stairs.

Enduring the pain, Han Feng came to the sixth floor, "Heh~" and let out a long breath.

"It's finally here, just be on the safe side, you can climb up to the dead in a small building on the second floor, and you may die at night if you live in a low place."

Coming to a nearby room, Han Feng pushed it with his hands, but did not push it away.

"Sure enough!"

Han Feng turned Shizhou Village in his hand and looked at Shizhou Village. The sharp blade easily inserted it into the door bolt.


The door bolt snapped off, and the door was opened to enter. The dark room exuded an ominous atmosphere.

Han Feng dragged his legs and walked in carefully.

No one...or any dead.

Only then did Han Feng loosen his tense body and approach the bed, Han Feng fell straight down.

"Pfft..." The soft bed caught Han Feng.

The soft feeling made Han Feng drowsy, but Han Feng still forced himself up to open the door, closed the door, turned around and moved the cabinet beside the door to block the door, and brought a glass cup on the cabinet. half of the bottom of the glass.

After finishing all this, Han Feng turned back to the bed and fell straight down.

Turning his head to look at the darkened sky outside the window, and listening to the roar coming from nowhere, Han Feng's eyes became firm.

"I want to live! I want to live in this damn world!"

Aara_v Aara_v

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