"Revenge dress, please tell me that you are kidding Gina." With everything happening around me I was in no mood for jokes.
The dress was very pretty I admit but it was the pretty you see in other people wearing it, not yourself.
"Celeste please just give this a try, I know it is not your usual style but trust me I think this will suit you so well. I have been thinking of experimenting your style for a while and why not start this new era with your clothes."
She gave me a pleading look. In the end I decided to try it on. For the amount of years I have been working with Gina, she never once let me down. When I was 15 I asked if I could start working with a stylist for the formal events I would attend with my family.
Before my mom would dress me but I was a late bloomer. Everyone my age was already or just starting to dress more maturely and cross that bridge of childhood to adulthood. I felt left behind. The clothes my mom bought for me were very nice but never fit me off the rack.
So having a stylist who could dress me appropriately while also tailoring the clothes to fit my body better was the best way to go. Gina at the time was a recent college graduate from a fashion school where she learned the tricks of the trade. She stood out to me from other stylists as she looked very cool yet down to earth.
Her hair at the time was a short pixie cut but now its much longer and is in a wolf cut style. Her style was was I wanted to emulate which was cool and trendy but also comfortable. She also felt less intimidating, which was important as I wanted a genuine connection.
She was already making waves for her work but I managed to contract her to help me. Since then all of my clothes have been a mix of her personal designs as well as other pieces she has sourced to help create my look.
She gets all the clothes and while I usually style myself if I am home or just working she will step in and come personally when its in regards to other important events.
I trusted her as she grew with me and helped form my style. 'Maybe she sees something I have yet to see.' So I was willing to try. I was stunned when I zipped the dress up. It fit like a glove and I felt the same way I felt when she first styled me many years ago. It felt like a door that was once locked to me opened up.
"Wow." That was all I could spit out. I genuinely did not think this would turn out as nice as it did. "Right! I was so happy when I came up with the design, as for your measurements I used the same ones we normally use but the material stretched better so its more fitted."
Gina pulled me over to the chair where she would fix my hair and makeup and accessorize. My makeup was much lighter than normal and my hair was styled in soft waves. "Have you ever considered cutting your hair again into bangs? Cause if you are down, I am thinking some bangs would be such a cute look for you."
"Bangs? Uhhh I don't think so I had them high school and I felt dumb having them." That was a time I wished to repress. Every girl at the time was getting bangs and I wanted to try them but it kept getting in my eyes so I pinned them away all the time. I also felt it made my face really round.
"Well back then your hair was shorter and cut close to your neck, but your hair right now is by your shoulders and it would be much more wispy and delicate. This is what I mean." She pulled out her phone to show me what she was referencing. "It is your call though."
Maybe it was because I was delirious from my workload for the past couple of weeks or maybe because I wanted to break away from the past but I agreed.
After finishing the final touches with my outfit I looked in the mirror. The bangs looked so much better than I remembered myself looking like. "I will come by every two weeks to trim them to start but these are nice because it gives your hair movement and body.
"Thank you Gina once again you have outdone yourself." I hugged her gently so as to not ruin her hard work. As an only child Gina was the closest to an older sister I had. She however pulled into a tighter hug, "Go show off to that loser that you are doing better than he could ever expect."
My driver set off towards the banquet hall where the gala was being held. Since the drive was going to be a long one, I brought my tablet to review my notes about the upcoming art exhibition as well as review the partnerships my family had with other families to see who I needed to at least greet and know by name.
In the middle of my study session I got a phone call. "Hey Dean, I am already on my way over is everything ok?" My eyes never lifted from my tablet. I continued to ready the files as Dean fumbled on the line. "Ahh glad to hear that princess, everything is fine thankfully. I saved you a seat with my family so when you arrive text me so I can bring you in." That sentence caused me to stop what I was foing to make sure I heard him properly.
"Wait what?" Before I could even rebuttal he jumped in. "The front entrance right now is packed so I am gonna have you pull in on the side entrance so you can leave your car comfortably and your guy will have a place to park." That was nice of him to offer. "Oh ok well thank you very much." He laughed heartily on the other end of the line and told me to drive safe before hanging up.
After that slight interruption I proceeded to go back to my studies. After some time, it was only when my driver cleared his throat did I notice that we arrived. I was totally immersed in my research that the time slipped by a lot faster than I was anticipating. I quickly texted Dean who then directed me to the side entrance where we parked.
Dean was waiting at the side door and when we fully stopped he rushed over to open the door.
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