"Who are you with?" I froze. I felt my nails dig into my skin despite the fabric layer between them.
Dean gently continued to push us out, ignoring Felix altogether. It wasn't until we were in the car did he remove the cap from my head.
"Of all days damn it. He has the worst timing ever." Dean pulled his cap back on his head and began to pull out of Eastside.
I adjusted my hair and pulled out my phone. A few texts had come in. One from my mother asking when I would be home. The rest from Gordon. He sent over the invoice and pay details. He also asked if I was ok.
I wasn't surprised Gordon knew about what happened between Felix and I. But it warmed my heart that he asked about my well-being.
"Thanks. Honestly if it wasn't for your quick thinking I am not too sure what I would do." Dean side eyed me from the drivers seat. "Well I am more of a act now worry later kind of guy. So this might come back and bite me in the ass. No worries though, friends help friends."
As we drove out of Eastside city limits I thought about what Felix said. 'He was showing his fiancée where he grew up.' It meant he probably wanted to get her opinion as to whether they would start a family and have their children go to school there.
"Seems like Felix is already family planning." Seems we thought the same thing.
"I always forget that everyone is at that age where kids come into the picture." I snorted. "What do you mean you forget, Anna Joy had her baby shower not even a few months ago and Marie already has two children."
"I never went to those things. Besides if I went my mom would hound me about why I haven't settled down yet."
"Ahhhh." I started to feel nervous. This topic was starting to head into a dangerous direction, one I was uncomfortable thinking about.
"Do you want any?" My hands tightened on the hem of my top. Here we go. "Want any what?" I played dumb.
"Kids. Have you ever thought about having children? Or where you wanted to settle down with your family?"
I closed my eyes to collect myself. "Dean have you thought about kids?" I looked over at Dean whose eyes widened at my question. "Me? Uh to be frank not really."
"Neither have I."
I left it at that. The silence that ensued felt suffocating. It wasn't until a slight buzz from my phone that the silence broke.
"Is it your mom?" It was another text from her. She was letting me know that my dad was home. "Yeah my dad just arrived."
"Hmmm." Deans fingers drummed against the steering wheel. After a few minutes he spoke up again. "Sorry. I feel like I made you uncomfortable with that question."
I gave him a thin smile. "It's ok. Anyways it's not a big deal so don't worry about it. Are you doing anything special besides giving gifts for your mom?"
I wanted to change the subject.
"Normally we go out to eat and at the restaurant we exchange gifts. Do you have a different suggestion instead?"
"Normally for my mom we stay home and cook but that's between my Dad and I. He is the better cook so he tells me what to prep and he cooks it."
I smiled back at the memory. I wasn't a very good cook. I could follow a recipe but I always needed my dad to check if something was cooked all the way. Baking on the other hand was something that I was good at.
So I liked to whip up something for my parents on their birthdays. Usually either their favorite dessert or just a nice cake.
"Well I could cook something I guess, and then maybe my dad could go off and buy some flowers and make a card?"
By this point we had long arrived at my house but Dean and I sat in the car conversing still.
"It's up to you. For me birthdays are not necessarily about like what you do it's more so the thought and effort you put in it."
"What's the best birthday you can remember?"
Dean turned his body to face me. His arm leaving over the drivers seat.
"Mine? Hmmm I would have to say it was my 13th birthday. My parents took me to Iceland to see the Northern Lights. And after we stayed in this little cottage where you could see the stars."
I have always loved astronomy and the stars from when I was little. So that birthday to me was the most memorable. It was also the first year my birthday wasn't this huge party.
"What about you?" I turned to face Dean. "What is the best birthday you have had."
"For me my best birthday has to have been when I was 16. My dad got me this really nice Miata that I have been eyeing for a while. He helped me get the parts to fix it up and we even went to this famous paint shop to get it all restored."
"My mom also gave me a spot in the garage where I could work on my project cars. After working at Gunnar's garage I got more tools."
"Ahh I also got my first tattoo."
'HUH.' He got his first tattoo so young. I didn't even know if it was legal.
"Wanna see?" Before I could answer he pulled his hoodie up which exposed his stomach. Now I was in no means a prude or innocent. But he caught me by surprise.
I knew Dean has been athletic since we were kids. So I shouldn't be surprised that he was very fit. Maybe it was because Dean always wore loose fitting clothes and the few times I have seen him in more professional clothes the most of his body line I could see was his arms.
But seeing his muscles and abs felt different. I felt my face flush.
He turned to the side and on his side rib cage was his tattoo which looked like a Norigae tag. The flower pattern in the tag was pretty and unlike the tattoos on his arms, it was red.
Hope you liked this chapter! More to come!