In the heart of an industrial district in the Inner Area of the City of Sin, an abandoned warehouse loomed, a relic of forgotten commerce. Inside its cavernous expanse, silence reigned with an almost tangible weight, suffocating any hint of sound. The air hung heavy, thick with dust motes caught in muted shafts of light that struggled to penetrate the high windows, casting elongated shadows across the desolate floor.
Numerous figures stood scattered amidst the vastness, their stillness eerie amidst the warehouse's emptiness. Most, bore an expression etched with shock, their faces frozen in disbelief, eyes wide and unblinking as if trapped in an unending moment of horror.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
Chapter 319: 318: Gambare Gambare
In the heart of an industrial district in the Inner Area of the City of Sin, an abandoned warehouse loomed, a relic of forgotten commerce. Inside its cavernous expanse, silence reigned with an almost tangible weight, suffocating any hint of sound. The air hung heavy, thick with dust motes caught in muted shafts of light that struggled to penetrate the high windows, casting elongated shadows across the desolate floor.
Numerous figures stood scattered amidst the vastness, their stillness eerie amidst the warehouse's emptiness. Most, bore an expression etched with shock, their faces frozen in disbelief, eyes wide and unblinking as if trapped in an unending moment of horror.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
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