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14.81% BNHA: Pain and Love / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Quirky Quirk

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Quirky Quirk

In a secluded area of the public park, hidden between the lush trees, is a shirtless Izuku doing high-intensity workout routines he remembers utilizing before.

Beside him are Lin and 2 other cats, conversing god knows what while staring at Izuku curiously. He couldn't really understand cat language but he felt like Lin was introducing him to them.

As Izuku changed his form and wanted to do some pushups, Lin directed the other two to jump on his back. She soon followed, adding a few kilos of weight onto Izuku's back.

He could only smile wryly as he saw Lin making the already difficult exercise even more so. Though he could push them off, he didn't since this only helps in building his muscle.

Izuku had been doing high-intensity work out for a few hours now, with breaks in between. He found that no matter how fatigued his body is, he would instantly recover to peak form if he took a 30-minute-ish break.

This baffled him quite a bit since with this, he could train continuously for hours after hours with little to no consequences or setbacks. A big 'problem' when people try to build their body is that they need to take rest days in between sessions to ensure their body isn't slowly torn to bits.

Well, he doesn't have that problem anymore.

After finishing what he felt like is enough reps for the day, Izuku took his break and decided to stop there for the day. The sky had changed color after all.

He sat beneath a big tree, using its trunk as support with Lin on his lap. The other two cats have run away to who knows where.

He took out his phone and replied to Inko's messages about his whereabouts. He made sure to call her to make her worry less. Maybe going out for hours right after fainting the previous day isn't such a good idea, Izuku thought.

It was 4:45. By now, most families have gone home, leaving him practically alone in the park. With him being hidden among the trees, Izuku decided it was time.

Time to test out his quirk.

From the tests with Dr. Tsubasa, he discovered that in this world, there exists a somewhat similar quirk to his own. A hero by the name of [Space Hero: Thirteen]. She could create black holes that attract and evaporates anything it consumes into dust.

His quirk, as described by his mother, creates a black hole-like ball of darkness that attracts everything around it, but, instead of consuming, it uses them to create a bigger ball of matter that can then explode.

He couldn't replicate it on demand, as no matter how hard he tried, no ball of darkness came out of his body.

Dr. Tsubasa inferred that either Izuku's body isn't strong enough to utilize the quirk consciously, or that it's a type of quirk that can only be activated under certain or extreme condition.

Since quirks haven't fully been explored yet, he dismissed it as one of the hard-to-answer questions quirks bring up. There were a lot of them, and this definitely isn't a priority.

Though, Izuku had a theory of himself in his mind.

After 10 minutes of trying and not producing any ball of darkness again, Izuku stopped. He decided it was time to try something else. 'Well, here goes nothing,'

Izuku stood up, he looked at the tree in front of him. It had several small branches branching out of its trunk and Izuku aimed at one of the smaller ones.

With intense focus and anticipation, Izuku stretched his right hand out, palm wide open as he uttered softly;

"Shinra Tensei"

As Izuku uttered those two words, an invisible force in front of him suddenly appeared, knocking everything in his path away. Or at least it tried to.

The expected outcome of the branch he targeted being pushed away did not happen. Instead, only the scattered leaves in front of him got blown away while everything else that stood within 5 meters in front of him received varying degrees of force.

To say that Izuku was disappointed is an understatement. His body could not hold the stress of the move as he got on all fours, his breathing even more ragged than when he was exercising before.

'What the fuck…it took me this much just to do all that?!' Izuku complained in his heart. Manipulating the physics of the world costs much more stamina than Izuku ever expected.

His outlandish recovery speed quickly got to work and not a minute after, Izuku was able to stand up straight with a somewhat clear mind. He looked back and noticed Lin staring at him with what he thought is a dumbfounded expression.

*MEOW!* She quickly complained. He somewhat understood that she would love to be warned before he does this again, seeing that she would probably be pushed away had she stood in front of him.

It didn't matter though, since Izuku didn't intend to do this again today. His body might be able to handle the sudden fatigue again, but his mind, not so much.

It was as if he was bungee jumping. He jumped down, felt all the wind pressure on his face, and landed perfectly without even a scratch. There's no way his mind could handle that back-to-back. Not yet at least.

Using the nearby tree as support once more, Izuku sat back down and collected his findings.

"So it is Pain. I knew it was planetary devastation (Chibaku Tensei) when Mom described it, but this further proves I was right,"

While Izuku in his past life isn't someone who had a lot of time to waste on anime, he had his fair share. Out of all the ones he watched, Pain's arc is definitely one that stood out.

He couldn't really remember all of Pain's powers, but he at least knew of the main Pain's signature moves; Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, and Bansho Ten'in.

He unconsciously let out a Chibaku Tensei once before, a small one, probably due to his weak body. And now that he proves that he could do a very weak Shinra Tensei, he was sure he could do Bansho Ten'in as well.

Izuku couldn't comprehend the logistics of being able to do these moves without a Rinnegan or mastery of chakra but he also couldn't understand how god is a giant blob of Jell-O, so who cares really.

What he does understand, is that the world shall now know pain…

"While I am in an anime and still young, I don't think I'll let myself run that loose…" Izuku said, not wanting to get caught up and suddenly turn into a circus. Even if this world accepts such cringy heroes with one-liners, he definitely wouldn't want to become one.


(A/N: I debated on whether to use Almighty Push or Shinra Tensei but since he is in Japan, I decided to go with this. :v)

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