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62.29% Make Love, Not Warcraft: Game of Thrones / Chapter 38: Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Chapter 38

As the tournament went on Chai Duq or better known as the 69th Yellow Emperor was still seething with anger over his journey to Kings Landing. He was set upon multiple times by Bu Gai's men, the current Azure Emperor that ruled the Golden Empire and was the reason for the Yellow Emperors exile.

Chai Duq was exiled to Asshai due to practicing twisted dark magic. According to many stories the Yellow Emperor was over 1,000 years old thanks to his dark arts he practiced which was untrue. Yes all the Yellow Emperors did practice darker than usual magics, but such was the way of Warlocks. They summoned and enslaved demons, captured souls to use as materials for rituals. Magic was like any weapon, no magic was naturally evil just like a weapon, it was who wielded the magic or weapon is what was evil.

Justicar Julia Celeste had been a big assistance to him in successfully making it to Kings Landing, and although they did not witness the pillar of light she felt a residual familiar two auras upon entering Westeros but she couldn't place who it belonged too.

They both heard the whispers in the taverns, Chai Duq just chuckled as he ate and listened. He too felt something was different from his previous visits, like there was more natural magic in the air than before. Both of them kept a close eye on the Stark family, Julia having heard much had finally had a clue in her search.

She had slowly gained insight on one aura after being in contact longer, the Knights of the Silver Hand, she knew a fellow paladin was around and a powerful one at that.

Very few in her memories had such a pure light, Archbishop Alonsus Faoi and Supreme Commander Uther Lightbringer were amongst the top. There were a few others she could think of but those two stood out the most, especially Uther.

Julia was a commander and champion of the Order of the Silver Hand during the War against the Lich King Arthas Menethil. She was stationed in Valiance Keep in the Sands of Nasam in the Borean Tundra of Northrend. There she had successfully fought and repelled Crypt Crawlers and other undead nerubians.

Since then she has faithfully served the Knights of the Silver Hand and even attended its rebirth and ascension of its new Highlord during the third invasion of the Burning Legion.

The Burning Legion was the enemy to all life and has been for as long as history was recorded. Created by Sargeras with the sole purpose of destroying all world-souls in order to prevent the birth of a dark titan. He felt a lifeless universe was better than one dominated by the Void or dark titan. They have annihilated countless species and planets across the Great Dark Beyond. The Legion transcends all universes and has invaded Azeroth three times, only being beaten back at great costs. Their invasions scarred the world and brought about beings like the Lich King, in fact Azeroth was the only known world to successfully fight the Legion off. The only planet the Legion had failed to conquer not once but thrice, all other planets they set their sights on were conquered and annihilated.

Sargeras recruited the eredar of Argus which increased his army's war potential, which spawned many major foes for the heroes of Azeroth. Kil'jeaden, one of the eredar, created the [Helm of Destruction] thus creating the Lich King. Unleashing it upon Azeroth in advance of another invasion to weaken the heroes.

Being brought out of her reminiscing of the past by the cheering of the crowd, Julia took note of the Stark family and felt the cleric class of Catelyn and Sansa. She knew there was more to the Stark's than people knew. She had heard the descriptions people gave of Cyrus Stark and she couldn't help but picture Arthas Menethil and this gave her pause. She knew Arthas, his story of how he was one of Uther's best apprentices and had taken the mantle of Lich King after the defeat of the previous. He had the best of intentions, to control the Scourge to protect the living. However like most times in life the worst outcomes usually come from the best of intentions. Arthas was twisted by the helm and eventually led the Scourge once more against the living, but he was much more powerful than Ner'zhul. It took many sacrifices to finally defeat Arthas, and if it truly was Arthas as she pictured she felt she would need to stop him.

The Stark having two clerics just reinforced her thoughts, so she patiently waited for Cyrus to see for herself.

As the tourney came into the finals, Sandor Clegane had triumphed due to Loras seeding the win due to gratitude for him saving him from his brother after he had used underhanded means to defeat his brother Gregor.

The Archery was won by a Dornish commoner known as Anguy the Archer, or simply Archer due to his skill with the bow.

After the Archery contest came the melee, which would bring in the biggest crowds. Swordplay unlike Jousting could be done by anyone, jousting was for knights and squires. So many commoners watched the melee fights to see the different techniques used that they could mimic.

That evening Sansa had decided to sneak out against her parents wishes, she was missing her time in the north and using her new abilities. She didn't enjoy being couped up during the Joust, even though they warned it was due to the Faith of the Seven she didn't care. She felt powerful enough to defend herself and she wouldn't be going alone, she had her sisters the Sand Snakes going with her and having a rogue, monk and shaman with her would be safe.

As they made their way thru the market, many knew they weren't to be messed with due to past experience. However with Kings Landing crowded even more than normal due to the tournament, there were those in the crowd who were from powers that felt they could handle that trouble. Mostly the shadow members of the Faith Militant that the High Septon was trying to reestablish in secret to combat the Old Gods of the north.

They stalked the girls looking for the best chance to abduct Sansa. They wanted to catch her and put her on trial and force her to do the walk of shame to humiliate her and the Starks while all the houses were here.

Justicar Julia Celeste on following Chai Duq back to their inn noticed the group of stalkers, upon seeing who they were targeting had rubbed her the wrong way.

She only saw the group of girls and even though she knew Sansa was a Stark, she herself was a woman and had seen what kind of things happened to young beautiful women at the hands of those kinds of men. So slipping thru the crowd she silently had began to follow the group of men to deal with them if needed, her code was to protect the weak so even if it wasn't a noble she would still do the same.

Little did the she know the group of women were purposely out looking for trouble, they hadn't been able to level their classes in several days and were itching to fight.

When they purposely approached a stall owned by the Faith selling religious trinkets, they had noticed the group following them. So they made their way to the docks where there were many secluded areas where the group would have confidence.

"Are you girls ready to have some fun" Sansa excitedly whispered to her group.

Just then Arya appeared startling all the girls, "I knew it, you were up to something sister. I'm hurt you wouldn't invite me." Arya said with a sly smirk on her face. She had witnessed them sneak out and had used stealth to follow them.

"I've told you to not do that, one of these days you'll scare me to death." Sansa admonished her sister as she settled her nerves. They had thought an unknown enemy appeared catching them off guard due to knowing they were being targetted already.

Finding a nice area that would give their would be attackers confidence, they walked to where a group of children were playing in a unused warehouse on the port. They interacted with the children to look at ease to there assailants, which worked like a charm. A whistle was heard and all the children cleared the area swiftly leaving the five girls alone.

"Well boys look at what we have here, five pretty flowers just asking to be plucked. What good luck we have. Two wolves and three bastard snakes, we can have a little fun before we bring them in." Said a man as he and nine others stepped out of the shadows. Each of them had vicious grins plastered on their faces.

Even though the girls were prepared for them, the looks they saw the men give them caused a shudder to crawl down their spines. It was disgusting, Arya was 10 years old and she was receiving most of the lust crazed madness they saw in their faces.

Even Obara and her sisters cringed a bit at the looks the men gave, they were very accustomed to lustful gazes and in fact enjoyed them to a degree. But the looks from these men were a different kind of lust, it was a more violent and cruelty driven lust. They could feel what these men had in mind, which made their acting a lot easier. All they had to do was imagine what would happen if they weren't capable, making them all squeeze their hidden weapons all the more tighter as the men moved closer. They talked openly amongst themselves on who would have what first, claiming holes and order they got them to try to terrify the girls even more.

What they didn't know was behind them, someone else was hearing them intimidating the girls. Julia heard every word of what they planned and had heard enough, paladins were known for their righteous fury. In the face of enemies who embody what paladins despise, not many were able to contain themselves and rushed to the front lines. Knights of the Silver Hand was on the front lines of every Burning Legion invasion as well as the Lich King and his scourge. Their fury driving them to fight evil, and when Julia stepped out engulfed in a white glow from her mana going wild with fury the ten men froze in horror at the sight.

The girl's, although noticing the woman in full silver plated armor with her face covered, used the men's shock against them and attacked while they weren't looking. Half of the men were killed instantly and before the remainder could retaliate after realizing that they were fooled were dispatched, the leader who spoke about what he was going to do to Arya suffered a cruel combination of [Shadow Word] attacks from Sansa.

But they didn't let their guard down, they still had an unknown in front. A powerful one at that, even after her aura disappeared immediately after the men were dispatched they remembered how it felt.

"Why do you have the same aura as my older brother." Arya asked with her head tilted to the side in thought while she studied the woman.

Sansa too felt it, a closeness to the light just like their brothers but just not as powerful.

"I am Justicar Julia Celeste, I am a holy paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand." Julia introduced herself still shocked by what she witnessed. It was the first time she recognized classes in this world so different from her own. She felt a few like the Yellow Emperor but he wasn't awakened like these girls were. She had wondered why she had felt the holy power in the Stark mother and daughter so much more than others she's met.

They weren't clerics but actual priests, awakened priests at that.

"I mean you no harm, I apologize if I scared you a moment ago. I heard what they wanted to do and was about to stop them. I hadn't realized you wolves were good at playing sheep. But I do have some questions about this brother of yours if you don't mind." Julia continued, intrigued by their comment wanting to confirm her suspicions.

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