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Chapter 14

Chapter 14


It was evening, Aunt May and I were sitting down to a peaceful dinner of conversation when the doorbell rang.

- I'll get it Aunt May. - I got up from the table and went to open the door, wondering who it might be, since we weren't expecting anyone.

When I opened the door, I was surprised to see two policemen standing there.

- Good evening, this is Officer Miller and Officer Williams. - They showed their badges. - Is this the residence of Mr Peter Benjamin Parker?

- Yeah, is that me? What's the matter, Officer? - I didn't show the slightest bit of panic on my face.

- We've received a report from two individuals that you assaulted and beat them. And you'll need to come with us to the police station to clarify the circumstances.

- Peter, what took you so long? Who's there? - Aunty May came round at that moment and when she saw the police she was really scared.

- What's going on? Why are you here?!? - She started to get nervous.

- Don't worry Aunty Mei, they want to take me to the police station because it turned out that I had been reported for beating. - I smiled calmly.

- You beat someone up!? - Aunt May was shocked.

- No, it was just self-defence. - I shook my head.

- Hmm, anyway, I'm coming with you. Wait a minute! - she blurted out and ran off to change.

- Hmm, it was Flash and Jacob who wrote the statement, am I right officer? - I turned to Miller.

- I can't say anything, we only have orders to bring you in because of the fight. Other than that, our information is limited.

- Well, I understand. - I nodded, and then the flat fell into silence.

A few minutes later, the disguised Aunt May came out, and then we went downstairs and got into the police car and drove to the station.

It was only when we got to the police station that I realised something was wrong. It turned out that Lieutenant Brown, who was in charge of the case, was absent, so I had to wait for my interrogation in a cell. And Aunt May was forbidden to attend, or to have any contact with me at all.

And my suspicions were heightened when I was put in a cell with men who looked like dangerous criminals. Where I should never have been put.




A middle-aged man was sitting in a chair reading the evening paper when his work phone rang. He had a frown on his face as his working day was over. And the fact that it was ringing at this hour meant that something serious had happened, which meant he was likely to be on his feet all night.

- Captain Stacey, speaking. - he answered in a tired voice, picking up the phone.

- Captain Stacy, this is Officer Miller. I'm sorry to bother you tonight, but there's something strange going on at the station. - One of the officers who had escorted Peter to the police station began his explanation.



- Yeah? What's the big deal that it took me personally? Isn't there a bloody Brown to sort it all out? - he replied in annoyance.

- You see, the thing is, we got a report from two students from Midtown High School named Flash Thompson and Jacob Brown that they'd been beaten up by a kid from their school named Peter Parker. We, on Lieutenant Brown's orders, visited the suspect and escorted him to the police station to find out the circumstances. But after that, Lieutenant Brown locked the boy up in a cell for the most dangerous criminals, and his aunt and guardian, who came with him, because the boy is only fifteen, forbade any contact with the boy.

- WHAT DID YOU SAY? WHERE DID HE PUT HIM? - Captain Stacey shouted and stood up abruptly and started to get ready for the road.

- What's that bastard doing?! Go and let the boy out of his cell before anything happens to him! I'll be right there! - Captain Stacey ran to change his clothes as he sat in just his dressing gown.

- Dad, is something wrong? I heard you screaming. - A girl came down to this one from the first floor.

- Honey, do you know a guy named Peter Parker? - John asked his daughter, Gwen, as he walked by.

- Yes, I do, he's in the same class as me. Why? Did something happen to him? - Gwen was surprised.

- I don't know yet, get ready you're coming with me to the station, tell me everything you know about him on the way!

A few minutes later.

- So what happened Dad? - Gwen asked again as they drove out of the house. John quickly recounted the whole situation to her, to which he got an incredibly indignant reaction from his daughter.

- What!? How dare they have the nerve! Dad, I'm sure this is all a set-up. Peter Parker is the best student in our school, and until yesterday, I've never seen him fight with anyone. But unlike him, Flash Thompson has always had a violent temper, and yesterday he attacked Peter, but lost.

- And today it was news that Peter was the new captain of our football team, replacing Flash. And it was clear that Flash and Jacob didn't like it. And besides, look at this! - Gwen pulled out her phone and turned on the video.

- What is it, honey? Just tell me, I can't take my eyes off the road.

- Hmm, it's a video that Liz Allen, Peter's classmate, took and posted online today. It clearly shows five guys from the football club, including Jacob and Flash attacking Peter.

- Peter beat up two of them and the remaining three ran away. So it's just self-defence! And besides, isn't Lieutenant Brown Jacob Brown's father?

- What the hell is he doing?! - John Stacey slammed the steering wheel, and then accelerated--




As soon as the cell door closed, three prisoners, three inmates in all, jumped up from the benches and started coming towards me.

- Well, well, well, who's the one they put in here? - smirked one of them.

- They must have heard that we wanted to fuck, so they sent this cute boy. - grinned the other one.

- Don't worry, you'll love it. - The third one started pulling his hand to my face.

- Oh, I don't want to get punished for this. - I shook my head tiredly, and then catching the third by the arm, hit him on the leg.

*The crunch of broken bones and torn flesh echoed throughout the chamber, followed by the shriek of an open fracture.

- Shut the fuck up! - I kicked him in the head, and the man lost consciousness and fell silent.

Seeing the state of his cellmate, the first two jumped away from me with fear on their faces.

- Don't attack! We were forced to do this, and if anything, we are ready to testify! - The first one immediately ranted, as soon as I gave him a stern look.

- Then I hope for your co-operation when they start to find out what happened here. - I grinned, to which both prisoners swallowed nervously and nodded like dummies.


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