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95.83% My redemption system / Chapter 23: Seriously?

Chapter 23: Seriously?

"Is she serious?" Jane asked in a serious tone. She was still annoyed that her first time was being interrupted like this. But Ema was one of her best friends. So she was worried.

"The doctors said that they will not be sure until she opens her eyes. There is a chance that she might go into a coma." Amy said with a shaking voice.

"Alright I will be there. Just keep an eye on her." she said and hung up.

"What's wrong Jane?" Adam asked as he caressed her hair gently.

"Baby, my friend Ema got into an accident and she is in serious condition now. I have to go immediately. I'm sorry for doing this on our special day." she said with sad eyes.

"It's alright. We can do it later. I will make it even more special for you..." he said with a mystery in his tone.

"What are you going to do?" she asked unable to hold the excitement.

"Surprise. Now, let's go to the hospital and see your friend." he said.

"Baby, I will go alone. I don't want to introduce my friends in a hospital. I will flaunt such a lover to them another time." she said getting up and putting on her panty and bra.

"Alright. It's fine with me. Just convey my solace to them. If you guys need something just ask me I will try to help." he said getting up.

"Baby, I know you will help us. But I think we can manage. No worries. I'm waiting for my surprise by the way. Don't disappoint me." she said with a puppy's eyes.

"Jane, your friend is in the hospital. Come on show some concern. I'm a man of my word. I promise you will not be disappointed." he said as he kissed her lips.

"Alright then. I'm off. Will call you when I get any news." she said breaking the kiss.

Adam led her to the main gate of the mansion before seeing her disappear around the corner of the street.


Jane reached the hospital after about 45 minutes and called Amy.

"Amy, I'm at the hospital now, where are you guys?" Jane asked looking around.

"HAHAHAHA" was all that Jane could hear from the other side.

"Guys, are you mad? Why are you laughing when Ema is in ICU? Where the hell are you?" she asked in a raised tone.

All the people nearby gave her disturbed look. Jane said sorry through her gesture and went to a somewhat less crowded place.

"Jane, why would I be in ICU? I'm Hale and healthy preparing for the weekend." a voice said.

"Ema? You..Amy said that you were at..." she found it hard to comprehend the situation.

"HAPPY FOOLS DAY JANE " all the three of her friends said in a high pitched chorus.

"What the Fuck? You.....YOU BITCHES!!" she shouted unable to control herself.

All the people gave her a disgusted look. A security officer nearby came to her and said "Mam, this is a hospital. If you want to yell, just get out of here. We don't want any nuisance." he said gesturing her towards the exit.

Jane readily exited the hospital as she knew that it wouldn't be good if she stayed any longer.

"You dare you make a fool of you know what I was doing when you bitches called....." she shouted at her phone.

All three of her friends were taken back. They didn't expect such a strong reply. They knew Jane. She wasn't like this at all. She used to be calm and collected and never offend anyone. Now it was totally the opposite.

"Jane..Calm down girl...we just decided to prank you on fools day. You did that to me last year remember. What's the big deal?" Amy asked.

"The big deal...You don't know anything about it, Amy...I hate you.." she replied angrily. She thought about the sweet moment she was having earlier and became more irritable.

'We were almost there. We were to become one. These bitches.' she thought.

"Okay girl..Just calm down. Are you coming to the store? Manager said that he will give us bonuses if we work extra time this weekend as it is a busy two days...."

Jane calmed down a little as she knew it wasn't to get mad at her friends. They didn't know what she was doing anyways. She thought for a moment and said "Alright. I will come. Now that you spoiled everything." She let out a long sigh.

"Alright dear. Let's meet at the store then bye." Amy said and hung up


"What is it with big sis Jane? Why is she so angry with us?" Ema asked.

"I don't know..It is really strange. Something had happened to her." Amy said placing her hand on her chin.

"Yeah..she said something about spoiling everything. It seems she was in the middle of something." the other girl said whose name was Molly.

"Yeah. I heard it too. I think she was in the middle of something important." Ema chimed in.

"Okay girls let's ask her when she arrives. So are we ready for the weekend business?" she asked excitedly.

"YES" Ema and Molly said in unison.

"Then let's go." Amy said getting up from the coffee table in the cafeteria.

After about 30 minutes, Jane arrived at the grocery store. The time was around 9:30 am. She went straight to the locker room where she changed to her work clothes.

She was not in a good mood as she stormed out of the locker room before going to her work station where the employees were gathering around. When she saw her girls group she literally dashed towards them flaring up.

"You all...seriously? Don't you have any better time for your prank?" she asked.

"Jane. We thought you would be okay with it. In the past you even enjoyed it. Remember? Now what's your problem this time?" Amy asked trying to calm Jane down.

"That was in the past. I didn't have much to do. Today was an important day for me before you ruined it with your stupid prank." she said.

"We also wanted to know since our call earlier. What is it today? What's so important that you yelled at us like that?" Amy asked.

Jane hesitated for a moment before dropping the bomb. "Do you guys remember the guy I said I was having a crush on?" she asked quietly, almost whispering.

"Yeah. That high school guy right? What's the big deal about it? Wait.....Did you....accept....are you guys....." Amy widened her eyes as the realisation set in.

Jane didn't answer the question but only nodded shyly.

"WOW...That's great....YAY...Jane you are awesome" Amy squeaked and wrapped her hands around Jane for a tight hug.

"Congrats Big sis. Finally you found your soul mate." Ema said also understanding the scenario.

"Yes. Big sis. Congrats. So when are you planning to introduce him to us?" Molly asked.

"Alright Amy. We just started. Don't be too happy yet. As for introducing you guys, I should think about after you guys made me a fool in front of him." Jane said pouting her lips.

"Don't be so rude Jane. We didn't know that you guys were together when we called you. I'm deeply sorry for crashing your lovey dovey." Amy said in a sorry tone.

"We apologise big sis. We didn't know either." Ema and Molly chirped in.

"Alright. I will forgive you guys. I will introduce him to you guys tomorrow. Is that okay?" she asked accepting their apologies.

"That will be great. Thank you Jane. Can't wait to see the prince who melted the heart of the cold princess." Amy said as she nudged Jane's shoulder playfully.

"Oh...Stop it Amy. You are too dramatic. TV shows have really spoiled you. Hmpf." she pouted and turned to the other side only to hide her smile and blushed cheeks.

"Hey guys listen up. Enough with the chit chat. Are you ready for the busy weekend?" asked the store manager. He was in his early 50s.

"YES Sir." the employee chorused.

"Alright..So let's open for the business then." he said as he got down from the raised platform.

After about an hour into the buisness, Molly came running to Jane, who was at the bill counter scanning products.

"Big sis....Big sis....huft...huft.." she panted heavily.

"Molly, What is it?" Jane asked still continuing her work.

"There's a handsome boy in our shop. Sister Amy asked you to check him out." she said with enthusiasm.

"Molly, I'm working now. Don't you see it? By the way you know I ..." Jane said.

Molly chirped in mid sentence and said " Big sis, insists. She says to compare him with your bf. She asked you to leave the counter to substitute for a while. She insists."

Jane gave out a long sigh. She knew that My won't budge in these matters. In the past, she used to match her up with lots of men eventhough she declined all of them.

"Alright, let me finish this billing at least " she said continuing scanning the products.

"Yay..." Molly jumped. The customers gave her a curious look. Noticing the looks, she immediately hung her head down and ran to her station.

Jane shook her head at her actions. After finishing the billing and informing the new recruit to take over, she went to Amy's station.

"What is it Amy? You know I have a boyfriend now. Why do you keep doing this? " she asked when she was before Amy.

"Oh...Jane, you are here come on let me show you that young hunk. I asked you here because I want to ask his number. But I'm afraid. I want you to get his number for me. Please." Amy said with her puppy eyes.

"If I get his number for you then you should promise me you won't bother me in the future with those matching ups. Deal?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"I promise. I promise. Now that you found your partner, I will never match you up." she said grinning. " I will show you where he is. Follow me." Amy said leading Jane.

Jane followed her and they came to the food section of the store.

Amy suddenly pulled Jane behind a rack and pointed towards a figure.

"That's the man I'm talking about. Please get his number by any means please." she said tugging at Jane's arm.

"Alright. I will get his number. First I need a good story to ask his number. Let me think." she said.

"Got it. Just say we have a lucky draw in our store this weekend." Amy said jumping up.

"That sounds good. Alright wait for me." Jane said as she made her way towards the figure who's back was facing her.

"Excuse me sir. Can I have a moment? I want to talk about---" she stopped in mid sentence and her eyes widened.

"Jane?" the person asked.

"Adam?" she asked flustered. The person was none other than her new boyfriend Adam!

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