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87.5% My redemption system / Chapter 21: Knowing each other

Chapter 21: Knowing each other

As they were walking, they didn't utter a word for some time. But both seemed to enjoy the moment and their companies as evident from the beaming smile on their faces.

"Hehe" Jane chuckled breaking the silence.

"Why are you laughing? Did you see something funny?" Adam said looking around to find the source of her laughter.

"Can you believe this is actually happening?" she asked.

"Why? Do you think this is still a dream?" he asked.

" Yeah. Anyone in their sane mind will not believe this. You came as a customer just two days back. You asked me for my name. We spent a morning at your place. Now we are lovers holding hands. Do you think this is something that happens in real life?" she asked as they walked together.

Adam stopped and turned towards her. " Yes. I believe that this can happen if both the man and woman fell for each other at first sight ." he said raising their connected hands to kiss it gently.

"Who fell for you at first sight? I didn't. It's you who invited me for breakfast." she said pretending to be proud. But she also blushed when he kissed her.

"Is that so? Then who blushed at the sight of me at the bill counter? Then who jumped up in excitement when I invited them for breakfast?" Adam said moving close to Jane.

Jane blushed hard. She knew what Adam said was right. She couldn't deny it.

"Don't bully me idiot. I didn't do anything like that. You are lying." she pretended to be offended and hit his chest gently.

"Hahaha. Look at you. Even now you are blushing like a school girl seeing her first crush." he said lifting her head up to make her look straight into his eyes.

Then he planted a soft kiss on her plump lips which she readily accepted by closing her eyes.

"Jane, remember this. We had fallen for each other at first sight, it's something special. not all couples felt something like what we felt when they saw their partner. I believe our bond is an exceptional one. So don't ever doubt our love." he said breaking the kiss.

Jane opened her eyes to look at him and nodded with a gentle smile.

[Passion +5 ; Charm +5]

After about 30 minutes, they finally reached the mansion. After entering the mansion, they decided to first take a shower as their bodies were covered in sweat.

After they finished their showers, Adam made coffee for both of them before. He then took the two coffee mugs to the couch where Jane was sitting.

" Thank you." she said receiving the mug.

Adam sat beside her holding his mug and taking a sip.

"So, ask your questions now. I promise I will answer all of them honestly." he said making himself comfortable on the couch.

Jane also made herself comfortable before asking " First, tell me about your ex-girlfriend."

"Bad topic to start with. But anyways, I will answer it. So it's something like this...." he started narrating his story with Julie from the moment he met her to the moment when he caught her fucking Tyler.

"Oh...I'm sorry Adam. It must have been very hard right? But not all women will be like that bitch. I will never be like that. I know the life of penniless." she said with hatred in her eyes towards Julie who had hurt her lover this bad.

" It's alright Jane. I don't care about her anymore. I also know that you wouldn't be like her either." he said holding her hands and kissing it.

Jane was happy that he had faith in her. " I will never be like her. I promise. So let's talk about your parents. Will they accept me into your family?" she asked expectantly.

Adam's face lost its light immediately. He became sad. " My family consists of my mother, father and my big sis. We really loved each other and lived in harmony. We were happy that people were envying us. At least that was the case one year ago." he said with a sad smile as he reminisced about the past.

Jane noticed the tone and held his hands firmly and expressed her concern through her eyes.

" My life turned into hell a year ago. I caught my father cheating on my mother with his secretary while my mother was nowhere to be found. Then, when we found her she was...dead. Thrown behind a rock along the highway like trash. She was....raped....burnt to...death." he said in a shaking voice. Tears rolled down from his eyes.

Jane's eyes widened when he heard the fate of his mother. She quickly wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. Adam started crying hard burying his face in her chest.

"It's alright. It's alright. I'm here for you Adam. I will always be." she said caressing his hair and patting his back gently.

After a few moments of crying, Adam sobered up before continuing his story " Six months after her death, my father married his secretary. I stopped addressing him as my father after my mother's death and I hated him even more when he remarried. When I thought that all my problems were over, my sister broke her leg in an accident. Doctors said that she will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life."

Jane looked at him with concern and love. She never thought that a rich family like the Reedz would be in such a state. She realised how painful Adam's life was. She started to feel his agony as her own.

" Don't worry. I will always be there for you to share your pain. I promise that I will carry your agony on my shoulders. Because that's what lovers do right?" she asked with a smile trying to cheer him up.

"I love you Jane. I really do. I don't care whether they let you into my family, but as long as you support me, I promise I will never let you down." he said in a husky voice.

"I love you Adam. I really do." she said with a wide smile and tears threatening to slip from her eyes.

As if they had some telepathy, they came close at the same time before sealing their lips with each other.

Jane kissed him deeply as if to express her love. She felt something soft tried to enter her mouth. she knew it was Adam's tongue. She immediately opened her mouth a little to accept it.

Adam was surprised a bit. But he entered her mouth with his tongue and moved it skilfully. He left no place empty.

[passion +5 ; lover ability +5]

Jane then moved from her spot before sitting on his lap straddling him without breaking the kiss.

She held his face with both her hands and tried to dominate by pushing herself onto him. Adam let Jane dominate as he liked the feeling. Their tongues intertwined and made the kiss hotter and more passionate.

"Huft...Huft...Huft..." Jane gasped for air as she broke the kiss.

"Well that was intense." he said with a chuckle. He seemed already out of his sobber. "You were not bad either. Did you too have experience in this area?" Adam asked jokingly.

"Wha...No...why would you think that?" she said flustered.

"Hahaha... Jane you are so adorable. Did anyone ever say that to you? I just joked around." he said laughing.

"You..bully. Hmpf." she turned to the other side.

"Alright. I was just kidding. I brought up that just to hear your story. Tell me about your family. Are they good or just like mine?" he asked.

Jane turned her head to look at Adam. Her beautiful deep green eyes were now filled with sadness. He instantly knew the reason.

"So, your family is as messed up as mine. I guess." he said trying to lighten the mood.

She nodded her head. "I live with my mother in an average house. I have a twin sister who is working in a 5 star hotel as a waitress. My name...original name is Jane levin." she said before pausing for a moment.

"Levin....It rings some bell in my head. Where have I.... No...No way....Are you?" he asked in a state of utter shock.

Jane nodded her head before continuing "But illegitimate. He left my mother after knowing that she got pregnant with us. He never came back ever again. I haven't even seen his picture as my mother won't allow me to. I hate him to my bones."

The reason why Adam was shocked was he knew that Levin was an upper class family in the neighbouring city which is called Portia. He had seen them when he was a kid. He saw them in family gatherings that the Reedz family usually conducts. His grandma would force him to memorize all the upper class family names as it was important to make connections.

"Did they love each other?" he asked.

"My mom says they loved each other and he used to be caring." Jane replied as she placed her head over his chest.

"If he had truly loved her, he shouldn't have left your mother in the first place. As I see, he just used your mother. No offence love." he said.

"None taken. Even I think the same. But my mom insists that he loved her more than anything. I eventually gave up on it." she said.

"Probably she like to console herself that way. I feel bad for your mother." he said.

"Yeah. So this is all I have to say about my family. About my relationships, there is none. After knowing what my mother went through, I started to hate men for some time. So I didn't see anyone seriously." she said.

"Then what made you think otherwise in my case?" he asked curiously.

Jane lifted her head up from his chest before answering "Just as you said, I had a different feeling when I saw you. Initially I thought because of your looks. But as I got to know you, it became clear that I wanted to spend time together with you for the rest of my lifetime."

"When I'm with you I feel happy and safe at the same time. I see the sincerity in your words and actions Adam. My heart says you are the man for me." she said before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

This time they invaded each other's mouths with their lounges. They seemed to have a fierce battle. Jane gripped his hair as she pushed her head down to deepen the kiss. Adam did not budge this time as his fingers ran to grip her long black hair.

Jane's left hand left his head as it made its way down his neck and then to his trunk before landing on his bulge in his pants. She started rubbing his cock!

Adam opened his eyes wide. He never expected her to be this bold given how meek she was during their interactions.

"Are you...sure about this?" he asked after breaking the kiss.

"You don't know how long I waited for this. The right man for me. I'm yours as you are mine. Let's be one." she said with a passionate voice and lust in her eyes.

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